Ergebnis für URL:
   [1]Principia Cybernetica Web

                               PCP-news digest 1998-2000

   The following is a digest of the content of the Principia Cybernetica Newsletter,
   distributed every two months through the PCP-news mailing list.

News - Sep/Oct 1998


   After the board meeting in August, the last two months have basically been used
   to start implementing the many activities planned during that meeting.

   We are still working on an extensive overhaul of the layout of PCP-web. This has
   been facilitated by the creation of a layout template approach, where the
   placeholders for items such as "author", "date", "title", are automatically
   replaced by the appropriate fields in the database that holds all PCP documents.
   Thus, we only need to edit the single template file in order to change the layout
   of the hundreds of PCP pages all at once. As announced previously, the database
   fields have also been separated more clearly in the HTML documents, using
   fieldtext tags. A new "synopsys" field has been created to hold a 1 sentence
   summary of the document (see 2]/chaos.html">[2]/chaos.html for an

   Several proposed layouts have been circulating, including some proposed by
   subscribers to this mailing list. Most usefully, Katie Lucas suggested to include
   a complete hierarchical pathname on each web page, e.g.

   Home : Metasystem Transition Theory : Epistemology : Evolutionary Epistemology

   This should alleviate the feeling of "lost in hyperspace" which many people
   experience when browsing through such a large and complex site as PCP Web. If you
   see immediately how the present page fits into the overall hierarchy, you will
   find other pages more easily. It is our intention to integrate this hierarchical
   path, which lists the documents that are"above" the present document in the
   hierarchy, with the present list of "child nodes", the documents that are "below"
   the present document. With a better graphical layout, we hope to convey this
   hierarchical up-down structure more intuitively than by the present list of
   "parent" and "child" nodes.

   Since many people have asked us whether they can download the PCP-web as a whole,
   we now have provided a zip-compressed version of all the main documents. It can
   be downloaded as a single file, and then be uncompressed to produce a local
   version of PCP web on your hard disk. The file is available at

   Getting this single file is much to be preferred to the presently ever more
   frequent procedure of using a robot to download the whole site page by page. This
   procedure results in a heavy load on the server, slowing down its response to
   other users. This is particularly true when the robot activates all kinds of cgi
   scripts, that are used e.g. for annotations or search, but that don't produce any
   new information. So, please, stop using robots to suck in the whole site! (or at
   least program them to be polite, that is, collect files slowly and ignore files
   that end in ".cgi" or ".acgi").

   We have also produced an experimental HTML file which contains the main documents
   as a single *printable* document, rather than a collection of hundreds of
   cross-linked pages. This is meant for users who would like to have a printout of
   all the basic material, so that they can read at leisure. This "book-like"
   version of PCP-web is available at 4]/PCP-book.html">[4]/PCP-book.html


   The first steps have been taken to create a mirror of PCP web on the Los Alamos

   Ashby's book "Introduction to Cybernetics" has been completely scanned in. We
   just need to finish some formatting details (tables, formulas, etc.) and then
   will make the book available as a single PDF file on the web. We plan to stick as
   closely as possible to the original layout of the book.

   As announced in the previous newsletter, Liane Gabora, a memetics researcher, has
   joined the PCP team at the Center "Leo Apostel" in Brussels. Her newly created
   home page can be consulted at [externallink.GIF]

   Inversely, PCP researcher Johan Bollen, whose new home page is at
   [externallink.GIF] [6], is preparing to move from
   Brussels to join the PCP group in Los Alamos.

   A summary of the panel discussion which concluded the Memetics Symposium,
   co-organized by PCP, is now available at [externallink.GIF]

Principia Cybernetica News - Nov/Dec 1998


   The last two months have been relatively quiet because of the holidays, and a lot
   of administrative work, such as preparing proposals for funding. Of these
   proposals, it is worth mentioning a project on "Collective Knowledge Development:
   elaboration of a theoretical model with applications on the World-Wide Web",
   which will be submitted to the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research, and
   a proposal to DARPA provisionally entitled "Conversations with inferential mental
   models", a collaboration between the Washington-based firm, Cognitive
   Technologies, and some PCP people in Brussels and Los Alamos, with partners in
   Berkeley and the University of Tennessee. The first proposal wishes to
   investigate collective intelligence in an evolutionary framework. The second one
   responds to a call for proposals that asks for innovative visions of the future
   of information technology. Our proposal applies cognitive science techniques
   (semantic and connectionist networks) to support an intelligent interaction
   between individuals, groups and the world-wide web, so as to build shared mental


   Alex Riegler, PCP assistant editor, has started up a new mailing list on radical
   constructivism. If you would like to discuss the ideas of Pask, Maturana, Varela,
   von Foerster, Kelly and others, you can subscribe to it by using the form at

   The other assistant editor, Johan Bollen, will be moving in February from
   Brussels to join the PCP group in Los Alamos.

   The newest issue 2:2 of the Journal of Memetics: Evolutionary Models of
   Information Transmission, the most extensive one yet, has been published at
   [externallink.GIF] [8]

   Robert Rosen, a systems theorist and theoretical biologist, whose ideas on
   complexity, anticipatory systems, the definition of life and the modelling
   relation have inspired many debates on PRNCYB-L, unfortunately has died on Dec.

   After a rather quiet period, as its list of subscribers grows, the global brain
   mailing list is becoming more and more active. Its archive of messages can be
   consulted at [externallink.GIF]

Principia Cybernetica News - Jan/Feb 1999


   The present newsletter has finally been officialized! It now has its proper web
   page at 10]PCP-NEWS.html".>[10]PCP-NEWS.html. It also has received an ISSN
   number: 1374-2876.

   Johan Bollen has moved from Brussels to Los Alamos. His new coordinates are:
   E-mail: jbollen[at], URL: [externallink.GIF]

   The grant money that was being used to pay Johan while he worked in Brussels will
   now be used to support Alex Riegler, another PCP assistant editor, and Didier
   Durlinger, who supports the computer network at CLEA.

   CLEA has now become the main center where the interdisciplinary journal
   "Foundations of Science" ( [externallink.GIF]
   [12], published by Kluwer Academic, is prepared.
   Editor-in-chief is CLEA's director Dirk Aerts, assistant editors are CLEA members
   Liane Gabora and Jan Broeckaert. Although not officially associated with PCP,
   this journals covers many of the same fundamental issues, and it is certainly
   worth your consideration for publishing papers or special issues on PCP related
   themes. PCP assistant editor Alex Riegler has already started to prepare a
   special issue on constructivism.

   Another, new, journal worth mentioning is "Entropy: An International and
   Interdisciplinary Journal of Entropy and Information Studies". PCP editor Francis
   Heylighen has joined its editorial board.

   The two research proposals mentioned in the previous newsletter: "Collective
   Knowledge Development: elaboration of a theoretical model with applications on
   the World-Wide Web" and "Distributed Knowledge Structuring Systems" have been
   submitted, respectively to the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research and
   DARPA. The latter proposal is also being adapted to be submitted to the NSF. If
   these proposals are accepted, they will create two or three new positions for
   researchers at CLEA.

   The mirror of PCP-Web at LANL is nearing completion, as is the web edition of
   Ashby's "Introduction to Cybernetics" (it always takes much more time than
   expected ;-). Some other cybernetics and systems books are being considered for
   electronic publication on PCP-Web. Thus, we hope to create a real Principia
   Cybernetica "library" on the web!

Principia Cybernetica News - March/April 1999


   The last period has been quite busy for the PCP staff, with several papers to be
   written and participation in several conferences, including the Humanity 3000
   Seminar in Seattle and the workshop on "Closure: emergent organizations and their
   dynamics" in Ghent [externallink.GIF]
   [13] In both places, PCP's ideas,
   respectively on the "global brain" as a model for the future of evolution and on
   the need to provide clear definitions of basic concepts on the web, were
   positively received.

   The possibility will be explored whether the Foundation for the Future
   [externallink.GIF] [14], which organized the
   Humanity 3000 Seminar, would be willing to organize and sponsor a workshop with
   invited specialists on the "global brain" idea. The Foundation shares PCP's
   interest in the past and future evolution of the universe and humanity, but lacks
   our conceptual framework inspired by cybernetics. (they compensate the lack of
   theoretical underpinning by near boundless financial resources, though: the
   Foundations plans to continue sponsoring conferences, research and other
   activities for the next 1000 years!).

   The PCP-Web server has been replaced by a machine that is about 4 times faster.
   The improved speed should be especially noticeable during periods of high
   activity and for text searches. Of course, this does not solve the bottleneck of
   the network connection. This connection can be quite slow during the busy hours,
   especially for connections to North and South America. To resolve this problem,
   we have been setting up a mirror server at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in
   New Mexico. Unfortunately, the recent creation of a firewall (to protect internal
   information from outside abuse) around the lab has delayed the implementation.

   The PCP editorial board is planning their yearly board meeting in Brussels in the
   beginning of July. The main purpose is to reorganize the structure of PCP-web,
   identify gaps, make a list of nodes to be written, and invite authors to write
   these texts.

   One of the research proposals we submitted about intelligent webs was rejected by
   DARPA. Although he proposal was given top marks in technical and scientific merit
   and in the capabilities of the proposing team, it was considered not to be
   sufficiently closely connected to existing DARPA programs. A similar proposal is
   now being submitted to the National Science Foundation's program on "Knowledge
   and Distributed Intelligence". A preliminary evaluation of the proposal outline
   was quite positive.

Principia Cybernetica News - May/June 1999


   Alexander Riegler, editorial assistant of PCP, has received a three year grant
   from the Belgian Fund for Scientific Research, to continue his PostDoc research
   at the Brussels center of PCP.

   Leor Grundlinger , an Israeli computer scientist, has visited the Brussels group,
   and decided to stay there in order to make a PhD thesis, under the supervision of
   Francis Heylighen. Although the precise theme of his research still must be
   specified, Leor would like to study the analogies between transactions between
   people in society and the communication between neurons in the brain. He is
   particularly interested in economics, market mechanisms, collective behavior and

   Johan Bollen, PCP editorial assistant on sabbatical in Los Alamos, has used the
   server log of PCP web to determine a matrix of association strengths between
   nodes by counting the numbers of users that have travelled from one node to
   another. This is equivalent to a non-interactive simulation of our learning web
   approach. This matrix can then be used for spreading activation to retrieve the
   nodes most strongly associated with a particular query.

   The project we submitted on "Collective Knowledge Development" has not been
   retained for funding by the Belgian Fund for Scientific Research (because of lack
   of money, basically), but still remains in the running for funding by the

   In spite of many delays along the road, the new layout for PCP web and the mirror
   server at Los Alamos are nearing completion.

   The PCP editors, F. Heylighen, C. Joslyn and V. Turchin, will have their yearly
   meeting in Brussels on July 9-16, to discuss the general management of the
   project, and the specific organization and content of PCP web.

   A new analysis of the server log has allowed us to create an updated "hit parade"
   of the most popular documents on PCP-web:
   15]HITPARAD.html">[15]HITPARAD.html The results are not always what you
   would expect, with some relatively minor pages that are deeply buried in the PCP
   hierarchy getting an unexpectedly large number of hits. This is probably due to
   links leading from popular servers directly into these pages (e.g. the PCP node
   on "Infinity" is directly mentioned in the Yahoo subject index), and to the fact
   that pages about popular keywords (e.g. "non-verbal communication" in our Web
   dictionary) are returned frequently by search engines.

   Generally speaking, PCP web is quite well represented in the external links on
   other websites, as can be seen from the high "authority" or "PageRank" that PCP
   pages get in the new Google search engine ( [externallink.GIF]
   [16] Searching for typical PCP subjects (such as
   cybernetics, memetics, global brain, or self-organization) on Google will produce
   many more PCP pages in the top ranks than the same search on another search
   engine. This means that PCP pages are considered to be authoritative by many
   other websites (see 17]WEBCONAN.html">[17]WEBCONAN.html for more details
   on determining the "authority" of web pages).


   The most important result of the last period was the opening of PCP's electronic
   library ( with free books for downloading.
   The library was announced by the electronic publication of two new texts, Ashby's
   classic textbook "Introduction to Cybernetics" and Heylighen's analysis of the
   cognitive foundations of physics, "Representation and Change".

   This announcement was greeted with several enthusiastic reactions, and a flurry
   of downloads from our server. The announcement will be further distributed on
   different mailing lists and newsgroups. We hope that PCP has in this way
   contributed to the wider publication of cybernetics ideas, and made it easier for
   interested people to study this domain on their own. This is important especially
   given the few institutions where cybernetics and systems courses can be taken at

Subject: Principia Cybernetica Web has undergone a face-lift!

   The long announced new layout for Principia Cybernetica Web has finally been
   implemented, together with a number of other innovations that should make our web
   more easy to use.

   First, during their last meeting the PCP board of editors have agreed about a
   reorganization in the hierarchical structure of the web, in order to make it more
   transparent and coherent. This will be especially noticeable on the top level
   (the home page:, where two new high level categories
   have been created, "Navigation" and "Reference Material", which group important
   material that was otherwise scattered in many different places. This also implied
   the creation of several new nodes (pages), some of which must still be completed.

   Then, the visual appeance of the web was redesigned, using a table layout. It
   includes a graphical header, with a new version of the logo and an incorporated
   menu bar that gives access to the most useful functions (search, what's new,
   etc.). There is also a new vertical side bar, which includes the author and date
   fields, the parents (and more generally ancestors) and children of the present
   page. The graphical metaphor uses arrows for moving up (parent, grand-parent,
   great-grand parent), down (children), left (previous page) and right (next page).
   We hope this will be more intuitively clear to the users than the old parent and
   child fields at the top, respectively bottom of the page.

   The annotations have been moved to the bottom of the side bar under the header
   "Discussion", in order to emphasize that these pages are not refereed PCP nodes,
   but a forum for various arguments and counterarguments from our readers. The
   "annotate" function has been moved to its logical place below the list of
   "Discussion" links, and is now called "Add Comment..".. The layout of the
   annotations themselves must still be redone, again to emphasize the difference
   between their discussion character and the more "authoritative" character of the
   standard nodes.

   The server software has been upgraded, which should lead to a two times faster
   response and greater overall stability. Together with the replacement of the
   hardware by a 4 times faster computer a few months ago, this should result in
   much greater server capacity and shorter waiting times for users. However, the
   main bottleneck is always the Internet connection, rather than the server
   response, and therefore we have created a second server in a different location.

   The menu bar includes a possibility to choose the server, either the original
   server in Belgium (Europe: EU), or the new mirror server in New Mexico (US). The
   mirror server is at present still experimental: it is not yet being updated
   automatically, and some of the links are not yet working properly. But it is
   expected that this mirror at Los Alamos National Laboratory will provide much
   faster and more reliable access at least for users in the Americas.

   You can of course bookmark this mirror for quick access, but we would ask you to
   still use the old address for making links from your
   own pages to PCP web, since this address is well-established on thousands of
   other websites and search engines, and we would like to avoid confusion because
   of people referring to Principia Cybernetica via two different addresses. We also
   cannot as yet guarantee that the mirror will remain available as such.

   The rewritten "Help" page, reachable via the menu bar, explains the basic new and
   old functions.

   Finally, some finetuning and updating has been done in several pages and
   functions, such as the Table of Contents (reachable via the "Outline" option in
   the menu) and the old Alphabetical Index

   We would ask you to try out these various new functions, and tell us how you like
   the new layout. We would be grateful for any comment, suggestion or criticism you
   care to make. This may help us to further improve Principia Cybernetica Web, so
   that it can maintain its status as most authoritative site in the broad domain of
   cybernetics and systems, and attract a growing number of users to explore its
   growing number of pages.

Principia Cybernetica News - July/August 1999


   The yearly meeting of the Principia Cybernetica Editorial Board (this time
   without editorial assistant Johan Bollen) took place during the first week of
   July in Brussels. The main activity was a reorganization of the hierarchical
   structure of PCP web, and a final fine-tuning and approval of the new web layout.
   This new structure and layout have been presented in detail in the previous
   message distributed through this mailing list. We still welcome any comment or
   criticism about the new appearance of PCP web, so that we can continue to improve
   the website.

   We also agreed that Principia Cybernetica would participate in the 2000 World
   Congress on the Systems Sciences ( [externallink.GIF]
   [19] organized by the ISSS in Toronto,
   by organizing a session on "Distributed Knowledge Systems and Social Evolution".
   The session will be chaired by Cliff Joslyn, but further practical details still
   need to be discussed

   We finally agreed to use the data gathered on the usage of PCP web to test out
   some of the web learning algorithms that Johan Bollen is implementing in Los
   Alamos. Because PCP web is well structured, it is easy to compare various
   measures of how the web is organized (e.g. number of incoming and outgoing links
   per page, length of text, depth in the hierarchy, duration since last update)
   with the factual use of the web (e.g. how many times a particular page is
   consulted, how long that page is read on average, which other pages are reached
   from that page). This will allow us to test various algorithms to improve the web
   structure, e.g. by adding a list of "relevant links" to each page which is
   automatically generated on the basis of how users navigate through that page.



   A number of members of editorial board of the Journal of Memetics, associated
   with PCP, have met in Brussels on August 24. They decided to prepare a number of
   special issues of the journal, headed by various guest editors, on topics such as
   Agent -based models, Evolutionary models of the internet, cultural anthropology /
   archeology, diffusion / epidemiology / contagion studies, and management.
   Moreover, it was decided to edit the first real academic book on memetics, with
   contributions from the most active authors and editors of the journal, and some
   outside authorities, such as Daniel Dennett and Richard Dawkins.

Principia Cybernetica News - Sept/Oct 1999


   After all the effort that went into redesigning Principia Cybernetica Web during
   summer, the last two months have been very quiet. Another reason for the lack of
   activity is that we have started preparing some new research proposals on
   self-organizing websites, to be submitted probably to the European Union (program
   on Future and Emerging Technologies for the Information Society), and to the
   Belgian Fund for Scientific Research. These proposal are intended to further
   develop, implement and test various algorithms which we have developed for
   websites to learn new linking patterns from the way they are used, to produce
   personalized recommendations based on a user's interest profile, and to cluster
   similar web pages.

   We hope to have a demonstration version of these adaptive recommendations
   available on PCP web in the near future. The basic idea is that the navigation
   bar would not only list the parent and child nodes of a particular page, but also
   offer a list of "suggested links" that the system has discovered by analysing the
   way users have browsed the system. These suggested links represent pages that
   have been used intensively by users that also used the present page, and that are
   therefore assumed to be relevant to the present page.

   In addition to these general recommendations attached to a particular page, the
   system would also provide personal recommendations, based on the pages which a
   user has consulted previously. Depending on which pages you visited earlier, and
   how long you spent reading those pages, the system would calculate which other
   pages you are likely to find interesting, and offer you these as a list of
   suggestions. Johan Bollen in Los Alamos is already developing a program to
   generate such recommendations, as part of the final work on his PhD thesis.

Principia Cybernetica News - Nov/Dec 1999


   PCP editor Cliff Joslyn has been asked to lead the Knowledge Management Research
   Project, a cooperative research and development agreement between Los Alamos
   National Laboratory and the Xerox Corporation. This may help further the general
   aims of Principia Cybernetica in the domain of distributed knowledge systems.
   More info: [externallink.GIF] [20]

   PCP editor Francis Heylighen, his graduate student Leor Grundlinger, and PCP
   contributor Bruce Edmonds have started writing a proposal for the Future and
   Emerging Technologies programme of the European Union. The idea is to demonstrate
   the capacities of the algorithms we have developed for selforganizing websites,
   which adapt their links and recommmendations to their users. We are still looking
   for possible further European partners to participate in this proposal. More info
   at: [externallink.GIF] [21]

   A similar, but more limited, proposal has already been written and will be
   submitted to the Belgian Fund for Scientific Research-Flanders. The project will
   be led by Francis Heylighen and Alex Riegler, together with two local colleagues
   in Brussels.


   Principia Cybernetica's mirror site in Los Alamos, [externallink.GIF]
   [22], now seems to be working fine, after all bugs have been
   ironed out by the diligent work of Cliff Joslyn and Francis Heylighen. In
   principle, it should provide exactly the same information as the original site at, with maximum 24 hours delay (updates are made once a
   day). The Los Alamos site should be much faster for users in the Americas
   (especially people in Latin America often seem to have trouble getting through to
   the original site in Belgium), and may also be faster for certain others.

   Now that hardware and software have been upgraded, both sites should be quite
   fast, but this of course depends on the connections between you and the site. If
   your access seems slow, try out the other site by clicking either "US" or "EU" in
   the menu bar above every PCP page. If you use Principia Cybernetica Web
   regularly, it is worth bookmarking both sites, so that if one of them is
   unreachable, for whatever reason, you can still consult the other one.

   WARNING: although we encourage you to use and bookmark the Los Alamos mirror, we
   would ask you when you make links to PCP pages on your own web pages to always
   link to the original site: This will minimize
   confusion, and will maintain PCP's high scores in various search engines. Since
   search engines determine the importance of a page by the number of links that
   point to it, dispersing links between different web addresses, even if they carry
   the same content, will make it less likely that other people will find the page.
   So please, always use the cleamc11 address for PCP in your links (you can add a
   second link with the lanl address, if you wish)!


   It is worth mentioning some recent initiatives by non-PCP people that may
   interest the PCP public.

   The New England Complex Systems Institute has created a mailing list on complex
   systems. Since its creation a little over two months ago, it has been very
   active, discussing many of the same topics that have been discussed on our PRNCYB
   mailing list (and often by the same people), although the emphasis is less on
   philosophy and somewhat more on the "hard" scientific modelling. More info about
   the list, including its archives and how to subscribe can be found at
   [externallink.GIF] [23]

   Gottfried Mayer-Kress, an old acquaintance of our little PCP community and a
   member of the Global Brain Group, has started up a most useful service: the
   Complexity Digest. This is a weekly "newsletter-like" publication which
   summarizes interesting articles about issues related to complex systems, that
   have appeared in various scientific journals and magazines, such as Nature,
   Scientific American, Non-linearity etc., providing a link to the full article if
   available. The complexity digest is available on the web: [externallink.GIF]
   [24] or via email. Let us all hope that Gottfried will find
   sufficient time and support to continue this excellent initiative.

   The "Revue Internationale de Systemique", the French systems science journal, has
   changed name, publisher, and focus to become the "European Journal of Economic
   and Social Systems". It aims to apply various concepts related to systems,
   complexity, self-organization, evolution, autopoiesis, etc. to the understanding
   of our present society and economy. More info at [externallink.GIF]
   [25] /docinfos/EJESS/


   There has been an unusually large number of annotations made to Principia
   Cybernetica Web made by various users during the past period. Perhaps the reason
   is that after all the improvements on the layout, organization and server we made
   during summer, which seemed to have created some bugs in the annotation
   mechanism, the annotations are now working fine.

   Moreover, thanks to the new layout (where annotations are now grouped in the side
   bar under the header "discussion") and some additional explanation of what
   annotations really are (see 26]MAKANNOT.html),">[26]MAKANNOT.html), the use
   of annotations seems to have become more transparent to new users. The result is
   a flurry of often quite interesting and well-developed comments in various places
   of our web.

News - Jan/Feb 2000


   In the last few months, several new candidates have applied to make a PhD with
   PCP (mostly at the PCP office in Brussels, at the Center Leo Apostel, although
   the Los Alamos office may also be involved). Tina Chatzara, a media theorist from
   Greece, has already started doing research on the principles that underly the
   design of effective complex information systems. We are still discussing
   practical arrangements with a number of other candidates from the USA and Eastern

   Although the sudden popularity of PCP as a center for doing graduate studies
   pleases us, we must note that our resources are limited, both in time for
   supervising work, and in funding (no scholarships are available at the moment).
   Therefore, candidates must understand that they will have to arrange most
   practical support themselves, although we will of course help them with general

   Because of general demand, we have also created a web page listing study programs
   in cybernetics, systems and complexity around the world
   ([27] Since this list is far from
   complete, we would ask you to send us the URLs of any additional programs you may
   be aware of.

   Allison DiazForte, a librarian from Australia, through volunteer effort, has
   helped us to produce a PDF version of Valentin Turchin's 1977 book "The
   Phenomenon of Science", a general introduction to the PCP philosophy. This makes
   it easy to print out the book as a whole, instead of having to read it chapter by
   chapter on the web. The PDF file is available at [externallink.GIF]

   The PCP editorial board has decided to introduce the new term of "evolutionary
   cybernetics", as a general description of PCP's scientific approach. Evolutionary
   cybernetics is a synthesis of the theories of self-organization and evolution, on
   the one hand, and cybernetics and systems theory, on the other hand. Its aim is
   to understand how organization and goal-directedness can emerge and evolve, in
   nature, mind, society and technology. MSTT, the theory of MetaSystem Transitions,
   is an essential part of evolutionary cybernetics. We have started to work on a
   paper that will describe the concepts and principles of evolutionary cybernetics
   in more detail. A page on it will soon be available on PCP web.

   Because of a number of practical constraints, we are still not sure whether PCP
   will be able to organize a discussion session at the World Congress on Systems
   Science in Toronto ( [externallink.GIF]
   [29], in July. If we organize such a
   session, its aim will be to introduce evolutionary cybernetics to a broad
   audience of systems researchers.

   A new draft paper by Francis Heylighen, "The Global Superorganism: an
   evolutionary-cybernetic model of the emerging network society", is now available
   at [30] . This is an extensive
   review paper about the notion of a global organism/global brain, including a
   number of present and future developments in society and economy. All comments or
   criticisms are welcome!


   PRNCYB-L, the discussion list of the Principia Cybernetica Project
   (, has not been active for several months.
   This mailing list was running on the computer system of SUNY Binghamton, where
   our list administrator, Cliff Joslyn, worked several years ago when PCP was
   started. When Cliff moved from Binghamton, first to NASA, then to Los Alamos, it
   seemed that he would be able to continue managing the list at its original
   location, so as to avoid disruption of our mailing system and list of

   However, because of Cliff's increasingly distant relationship with the Binghamton
   system, the list had intermittent interruptions and new subscribers were added
   with often long delays. We have now found out that the SUNY Binghamton computer
   system has completely stopped supporting LISTSERV mailing lists, and that
   PRNCYB-L has therefore been shut down definitively, without us even receiving a
   warning. We will try to set up a new PRNCYB-L mailing list as soon as possible on
   a different computer system (probably the one of Los Alamos National Laboratory).

   If you would like to subscribe to the new PRNCYB-L, please send in your
   subscription form ([31] ) to the list
   administrator, Cliff Joslyn . If you were subscribed to PRNCYB-L before, but did
   not get any message recently announcing the temporary shutdown of the list, then
   it may be that the subscription address we had for you was out of date. In that
   case, please send your new address to Cliff.

News -Mar/Apr 2000


   Because of the heavy burden on the most active PCP-people, there has been
   relatively little activity in the last few months. The editors have continued to
   discuss their new approach of "evolutionary cybernetics", and how to define it,
   and are planning to write a collectively authored paper about it. They are also
   considering to organize their yearly board meeting in Fall, in New Jersey. Editor
   Cliff Joslyn will be the only one to represent PCP at the World Congress on
   Systems Science in Toronto ( [externallink.GIF]
   [32], in July.

   Assistant Editor Johan Bollen is busy writing his PhD thesis on "Application of
   Associative Network Models to Web Linking and Retrieval", and hopes to defend it
   at the end of summer. Michael Brooks, a journalist from the "New Scientist"
   weekly, has been interviewing several PCP people, and plans to write a big
   feature article on our ideas for a global brain/intelligent web. In the meantime,
   Johan has started to implement some of our algorithms to recommend web pages and
   create new links according to the duration of user's visits. We hope to test
   these out on Principia Cybernetica Web in the near future. If the results fulfill
   our expectations, we plan to submit a paper about this approach to an important
   jounal such as Science or Nature. This, together with an eventual "New Scientist"
   feature, may produce a lot of publicity for our global brain ideas.

News - May/August 2000

   As we have all been very busy during the summer months with conferences, travel
   and other activities, we did not find the time to prepare a Newsletter in July.
   The present Newsletter should therefore be seen as an extra long, "double issue",
   covering both the May-June and July-August periods.

   In July, Francis Heylighen and Jan Bernheim have presented their research on
   progress ([33] and the measurement of
   happiness at the International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS)
   Conference in Girona, Spain. The reactions were quite positive, and our general
   feeling was that the QOL community has reached a level were simple empirical
   measurements of things like life satisfaction and positive/negative feelings can
   be used to build robust scientific models of the values and forces that drive
   individual action and social development. The only things lacking is an
   evolutionary-cybernetic mechanism to understand these developments, and that is
   where our PCP approach comes in.

   A rather spectacular example of the power of such models is the prediction by
   Michael Hagerty, who was present at the conference, that Gore would win the US
   presidential elections with 52% of the votes. This prediction is based on a
   statistical analysis of the correlation between increases in QOL in a region and
   voting for the incumbent party, see [externallink.GIF]
   [34] We're curious to see how
   close to the mark this prediction will be. Together with our Dutch colleague,
   Ruut Veenhoven, Hagerty has also shown that average happiness has increased over
   the last two decades: [externallink.GIF]

   Francis Heylighen then participated in the Humanity 3000 Symposium of the
   Foundation for the Future ( [externallink.GIF]
   [36], but was somewhat
   disappointed since the discussions basically reiterated the ones at the Humanity
   3000 workshop last year, except that the group was larger, so that there was less
   time for participants to express their ideas. On the other hand, he used the
   occasion to get acquainted with some leading thinkers working on themes close to
   PCP, such as the memeticist Susan Blackmore, Gregory Stock, author of "Metaman",
   and Christian de Duve, Nobel Prize winner and author of "Vital Dust", on the
   origin and evolution of life.


   For years the mailing list PRNCYB-L[ at ]BINGVMB.CC.BINGHAMTON.EDU was the
   discussion list for the Principia Cybernetica Project. Unfortunately, the mailing
   list server operating at Binghamton University (where list administrator Cliff
   Joslyn originally started the list) was shut down last year without warning. It
   took us a while, but in May we finally restarted the list, this time at Los
   Alamos National Laboratory, the American office of PCP where Cliff now works.

   To make things more intuitive, and to clarify the relation with the PCP-news list
   through which this newsletter is distributed, we renamed the list from PRNCYB-L
   to PCP-discuss. The address is pcp-discuss[ at ], but note that this is a
   closed list that you can only receive by submitting a request to the list
   adminstrator. We encourage anyone interested to explore and join our discussions
   on all aspects of evolutionary cybernetics. Please see
   [37] for details on how to join.

   The list was restarted in May with the same people that had subscribed to the
   original PRNCYB-L. Since then some ten new members have joined. The mailing list
   has as yet not been as active as PRNCYB during its heyday, but that is not
   surprising given the summer period, and a general phenomenon of "email tiredness"
   that many people submerged in mail presently experience. As before, this
   newsletter will include a list of topics discussed in the list during the past


   Both Francis Heylighen and Cliff Joslyn were recently invited as guest lecturers
   at the Summer Cyberforum series on Virtual Worlds and the Global Brain, organized
   by Michael Heim of the ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena, California. The
   meeting took place in a 3D virtual reality environment, accessible over the net.
   This was a hard experience to describe, requiring a client-side VR browser in
   which we assumed avatar appearances that allowed us to fly and move in the
   virtual space, but what was otherwise basically a chatroom in which the different
   participants present could talk about the subject of the Global Brain. You can
   participate in these virtual meetings yourself by installing the free 3D browser,
   see [externallink.GIF] [38] The transcript of our
   sessions can be found at [externallink.GIF]

   A feature article on our work with the "Global Brain" has appeared in New
   Scientist magazine, 24 June 2000, p. 22. It is based on extensive interviews with
   PCP board members Heylighen, Bollen, and Joslyn, and our colleagues in the global
   brain mailing list, Norman Johnson and Ben Goertzel. Although this paper has
   created a lot of publicity for our work, the journalist, Michael Brooks, has made
   it rather sensationalist, in addition to including a few factual errors. It
   emphasizes the scary, "Big Brother"-like possibilities, while minimizing the
   in-built protections against such abuse. For a somewhat more balanced view, read
   the accompanying New Scientist editorial.

   The article is available at: [externallink.GIF]
   [40] and the editorial
   at: [externallink.GIF]

   As we anticipated in the previous newsletter, the publication of this article
   seems to have suddenly aroused a flurry of interest in our work, resulting in
   lots of email reactions and in further interviews with journalists in Belgium,
   Holland, Chile and Canada. Having to answer the same questions again and again
   (and then see the same misunderstandings crop up once more) has stimulated us to
   finally prepare a "Global Brain FAQ". The as yet unfinished text is available at:
   [42] Comments about questions and answers
   are appreciated.

   Francis Heylighen has written a long paper reviewing the concept of the "Global
   Superorganism", an extension of the Global Brain concept to model the evolution
   of society as a whole, and especially to understand its future development. The
   paper will be submitted to the Journal of Social and Evolutionary Systems.
   Comments are invited to the draft text, available at


   On May 8, 2000, Alexander 'Sasha' Chislenko, a long-time contributor to the
   Principia Cybernetica Project, unexpectedly died. A memorial page for Sasha has
   been set-up on the web at [externallink.GIF] [43] ,
   where the people who have known him can post personal remembrances.

   Joel de Rosnay, an associate of the Principia Cybernetica Project, has authored
   several wide-ranging and well-written books touching on the concepts of systems
   theory, evolution of complexity and the Global Brain. His most recent book, "The
   Symbiotic Man: A New Understanding of the Organization of Life and a Vision of
   the Future", has now been updated and translated into English. We would recommend
   it to anybody interested in understanding complex systems and the future
   evolution of society.

   More info on the Amazon page: [externallink.GIF]

   John E. Stewart, an Australian theorist, has written a book, "Evolution's Arrow:
   The direction of evolution and the future of humanity" (Chapman Press, Australia,
   2000), in which he develops a view of evolution very close to the one of PCP. Its
   main argument is that evolution progresses in the direction of cooperative
   organisations of greater scale and evolvability, up to global society. It is
   available at [externallink.GIF] [45]

   We are now discussing with John about the differences between his approach and
   our theory of metasystem transitions, in the hope of coming to a better
   understanding of both. The chief novelty of John's approach is his suggestion
   that MST's may take place because of an agent taking control over a group for
   purely selfish purposes, but then being turned by selective presssures into an
   efficient "manager" that promotes synergy and cooperation between the members of
   the group. This mechanism can be applied from the level of DNA taking control
   over an autocatalytic cycle, up to human society with its kings and emperors. A
   review by F. Heylighen of John's book together with some related books on
   evolutionary transitions will appear in the journal "Complexity". The paper is
   available at: [46]

   On both sides of the Atlantic Ocean we have had extensive discussions with Bryan
   Thompson, a researcher from Cognitive Technologies Inc. Bryan had previously been
   the driving force behind two research proposals (to DARPA and NSF) about
   collaborative cognition in which we participated. His way of thinking is very
   close to ours, and it is likely we will collaborate more intensively in the
   future. Bryan is exploring the creation of an interest group within the WWW
   consortium, to discuss standards for a "cognitive web", and suggested to get some
   kind of legal protection for our "global brain" label (although several others
   have been using this label, for various activities and technologies, Bryan
   suggested that we should register a "global brain initiative").


   Johan Bollen has now finished a draft of his PhD thesis on "Application of
   Associative Network Models to Web Linking and Retrieval". Because of various
   other duties, the PhD defense has had to be postponed and will normally take
   place in a few months. The thesis includes a detailed analysis of the associative
   structure of Principia Cybernetica Web, derived from the log of user requests to
   our server. This is illustrated by a number of impressive graphs showing the
   semantic connections between the most important nodes of our web, and a number of
   experimental tests evaluating how easy it is to retrieve particular nodes given
   particular requests or starting points.

   You can try out Johan's "enhanced" search engine for PCP web at
   [externallink.GIF] [47]
   It is based on "spreading activation": the engine first retrieves the PCP pages
   that have the keywords you entered in its title, and then uses a matrix of
   associations to retrieve additional pages that are associatively related to the
   ones found first. The association matrix is still based on our old learning rules
   applied to the web log, and is therefore likely to be less efficient than a
   planned one based on our new algorithms that take into account duration of user

   At present, Johan is measuring the quality of the recommendations (precision and
   recall) by comparing the recommendations of the system with expert estimates of
   the relevance of the recommendations for a number of typical queries. (The
   experts, of course, are us, members and associates of the PCP board.) This will
   allow him to fine-tune the parameters of the system.


   Getting a decent link-type semantics and an ontology for PCP has been an
   important goal for a while. Like most everything we proposed over ten years ago,
   the community is moving quickly in our direction. In particular, the need for
   ontology markup and exchange standards, coupled with loosely hierarchical
   representations of semantic relations, is understood now more than ever. Cliff
   Joslyn's Distributed Knowledge Systems and Modelling Team ( [externallink.GIF]
   [48] in Los Alamos is starting to pursue
   this kind of activity. The goal is to develop a generic knowledge environment
   which will allow communities to self-elicit and represent their ontological
   knowledge structures.

   Some of this has been prompted by some very recent advances in computational
   linguistics. In particular, we're tracking the work begun by Steven Pinker, and
   much more fully developed now within the linguistics community, towards the
   identification of a small, canonical, generative set of semantic relations
   related to each other in a loosely hierarchical multiple inheritance type
   lattice. While these are proposed to represent the semantics of natural language
   texts, we've hypothesized that they should also inform a sufficient set of link
   types for ontological networks.

   Among the other things we're examining are Sowa's conceptual graphs and Visual
   Basic extensions to use Visio as a GUI platform. The other essential ingredient
   is a sufficient, presumably XML-based, ontology exchange markup language for full
   read-write compatibility. We're tracking the standards community moving in this
   direction (e.g. The WWW Consortium, DOM, XSchema, RDF, etc.).

   Cliff was recently invited to SRI International in Menlo Park, CA, to address a
   loose consortium of Silicon Valley researchers and developers trying to develop a
   Dynamic Knowledge Repository (DKR) within an Open Hypertext Standard (OHS). This
   group is led by Doug Engelbart of SRI fame, and whose early work (invention of
   the mouse and other essential elements of the present computer interface) we know
   as being so important for us and everyone, and who is now with the Bootstrap
   Institute [externallink.GIF] [49] along with SRI. Cliff
   found Engelbart to be a charming and insightful man, who is very appreciative of
   everything PCP is trying to do.

   Cliff's talk spanned a number of issues, including PCP (technology and form and
   content,), Lab activities, and the ideas described above. You can look at the
   overheads at [externallink.GIF]

   [51]CopyrightŠ 2001 Principia Cybernetica - [52]Referencing this page

   F. [53]Heylighen,

   Apr 3, 2001 (modified)
   Jun 1, 1998 (created)

                       [55]Introduction to Principia Cybernetica
                   [56]History of the Principia Cybernetica Project
                                  [57]PCP-news digest

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Errormessages are in German, sorry ;-)