Ergebnis für URL:
   [1]Principia Cybernetica Web

                                    PCP-news digest

   The following is a digest of the content of the [2]Principia Cybernetica
   Newsletter, distributed every two months through the PCP-news mailing list.

News - Nov/Dec 2000


   Ben Goertzel, an old acquaintaince of ours, has written an easy-to-read review of
   PCP for the big German newspaper "Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung". His article,
   entitled "The Principia Cybernetica Project: Placing the Web at the Center of
   Man's Quest for Knowledge", can be found at: [externallink.GIF]
   [3] For the same
   newspaper, Ben has also written profiles of PCP editors V. Turchin and F.
   Heylighen: see [externallink.GIF] [4]

   Francis Heylighen has written an in-depth review of PCP for the journal
   "Foundations of Science". It summarizes the motivation behind the project, its
   basic philosophical assumptions, and the practical methods and experiences behind
   the project's organization. This "Foundations and Methodology for an Evolutionary
   World View" is available at

   Another new paper by Heylighen, provides a quick review and introduction of web
   learning and spreading activation, the methods we developed to create a "global
   brain", coupled with a review of psycholinguistic research on associations
   between words: "Mining Associative Meanings from the Web: from word
   disambiguation to the global brain". It is available at:


   The number of hits on the main PCP server,, hovers
   around 28 000 per day, which is a significant improvement since about a year ago.
   Yet, the number of hits on our Los Alamos mirror server, [externallink.GIF]
   [7] is still only a fraction of that, showing that most people
   reach PCP-web via links pointing to the original server in Europe.

   It is good that the links point all to the same, main address, because this makes
   our site more prominent for search engines, but we want to remind our readers
   that in many cases (especially for users in Latin America), they may get faster
   access through the mirror server in the US. To switch between servers, it
   suffices to click on the "Server: EU" or "US" option in the menu bar of the main
   PCP web pages.

   It is interesting to compare the present hit rate with earlier ones, to study
   historical development. In 1994, one year after the creation of PCP-web, we got a
   mere 400 hits a day. In the beginning of 1998, we had nearly 8000/day. This means
   that the number of hits roughly doubles every year. That is a faster rate than
   the growth of the web, and it is interesting to look further into that trend and
   try to understand it.

   Since the services we offer haven't grown that much during the period (and have
   actually declined relative to the overkill of special effects on other,
   commercial sites), it must be that our material has become more attractive to the
   average surfer. From the increasing number of reactions we receive about PCP web,
   we get the impression that what we are doing is more and more generally accepted
   as an excellent, needed service, rather than an interesting and somewhat
   eccentric idea.

   This may be due in part to the growing acceptance of "evolutionary" and
   "Darwinian" approaches in various domains, and the continuing growth of complex
   systems related ideas. In that general domain, we are still the only ones that
   offer an integrated, philosophical outlook, but because of the better acceptance
   of evolutionary-systemic thinking, our philosophy seems less outrageous to the
   majority of people now. It appears our time has come!

   Just to stress the point, it is worth quoting one or two of the reactions we got
   recently. A reader from Indonesia, who would like to translate some of our
   documents to Indonesian, notes:

     "For months I've learned and inspired by your sites. It seem I was turn to a
     second live.æI've found what I need in my live, at last. [...] We need a new
     way of thinking, a new paradigm, but what is it? This is my question, before I
     found your site. Constructivism, autopoiesis theory, cybernetics, give answers
     to most of my questions. In the light of what you present in your web, I see
     how we can talk and discuss peacefully, how education can make an important
     contribution, etc. I can see everything in a very different way. A wat thay
     promote spontaneity, cooperation, tolerance, love, justice, equality and many
     others. [...]"

   Another reader simply exclaims:

     "No problems, just wanted to say THANK YOU! I am a student in Systems Science,
     and this web site is incredible!"


   The journal ( [externallink.GIF] [8], which is
   associated with PCP, is going through some reorganization, as the present
   managing editor (Hans-Cees Speel) is about to retire. To replace him, two new
   editors have joined the board, Michael Best, a computer scientist from the MIT
   Media Lab, and Martin de Jong, a policy analyst from Delft University of
   Technology. It was proposed that during an interim period of six months, Michael
   and Martin would assist Hans-Cees in managing the paper reviews, in order to take
   over completely later on.

   Two other members of the editorial board, Liane Gabora and Susan Blackmore, have
   asked to retire as they are too busy with other activities, but they will
   normally remain as members of the advisory board. Several people have been
   nominated to join the editorial board, and a general reorganization of the
   board's activities are planned, but these proposals must still be discussed in
   depth before they can be implemented.


   The Global Brain mailing list (9]/GBRAIN-L.html)">[9]/GBRAIN-L.html) is
   becoming more active lately. Out of this activity, at least one concrete plan has
   emerged: to organize a conference on the Global Brain. At present, an organizing
   committee is being constituted. It will include PCP editors Francis Heylighen and
   Cliff Joslyn, and Global Brain Group members Ben Goertzel (overall chair) and
   Gottfried Mayer-Kress. The likely venue will be San Francisco, near Silicon
   Valley, and the proposed date would be the end of 2001. A Call for Papers and
   preliminary program are being prepared. They will be distributed via this and
   other mailing lists.

News - Jan/Feb 2001


   Joslyn, Cliff (2001): "The Semiotics of Control and Modeling Relations in Complex
   Systems", Prepared for a special issue of Biosystems, a festschrift for Howard


   Howard Pattee's concept of semantic or semiotic closure has been foundational for
   a school of theoretical biology derived from systems theory and cybernetics. This
   paper proposes a conceptual analysis of some of the ideas and principles from
   systems theory which underlie semiotic closure, and which are fundamental to the
   philosophy of Principia Cybernetica. In particular, atomic control systems and
   models are described as the canonical forms of semiotic systems in relation to
   their environments. While they share measurement relations, they differ
   topologically in that control systems are circularly and models linearly related
   related to their environments.

   Heylighen F. & Joslyn C. (2001): "Cybernetics and Second Order Cybernetics", in:
   R.A. Meyers (ed.), Encyclopedia of Physical Science & Technology (3rd ed.),
   (Academic Press, New York). [in press]

   [externallink.GIF] [11]

   Although it is obviously very difficult to summarize all the main ideas of
   cybernetics in a single paper without remaining very superficial, we believe we
   have managed to do a quite decent job of it, especially since several colleagues
   told us they would recommend it to their students. The paper provides an
   introduction to and overview of the main concepts (e.g. variety, feedback,
   closure, control, constructivism, ...) and principles (e.g. law of requisite
   variety, requisite hierarchy, self-organization, ...) of cybernetics. Where
   possible, the ideas have been made explicit using simple formulas and diagrams.


   The Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), a long standing organization
   publishing such prestigious volumes as the Science Citation Index and Current
   Contents, has selected PCP web for inclusion in its new Current Web Contents:

     "You are publishing important, high-quality material on the Web. For this
     reason, ISI has selected your site 12]/DEFAULT.html">[12]/DEFAULT.html
     for inclusion in Current Web Contents ( [externallink.GIF]
     [13], a new section
     of Current Contents Connect TM.

     CC Connect ( [externallink.GIF]
     [14] offers Web
     access to Current Contents, the ISI premier current awareness database that
     provides information in the fields of science, social science, technology, and
     the arts & humanities. For more than 40 years, ISI has delivered this
     multidisciplinary table-of-contents database to researchers, scientists and
     information professionals around the world. Since its inception, this
     journal-based resource has reflected the strict guidelines for selection
     developed by the ISI Editorial Development Staff. The result is the most
     prestigious database available internationally.

     High standards of selection -- and data quality -- have made ISI a leader in
     the information industry. ISI has now applied similarly high selection
     standards ( [externallink.GIF]
     [15], specialized to the medium,
     in the creation of Current Web Contents, an ever-growing collection of
     high-quality, scholarly Web sites. ISI editors have visited your site,
     reviewed it, developed a standardized descriptive record, written an abstract
     and created a link from CC Connect to your site".


   Two of the most important thinkers in the cybernetics and systems field have
   passed away during the last month: Herbert A. Simon (on Feb. 9) and Claude E.
   Shannon (on Feb. 24).

   Nobel laureate Herbert Simon was a truly universal mind, with contributions
   ranging from economics, psychology, management, evolutionary theory, and
   philosophy to artificial intelligence, a domain he helped to found. His focus was
   on the problem solving techniques that adaptive systems (people, organizations,
   computers, ...) use to cope with complexity. His book "The Sciences of the
   Artificial" provides a good introduction to his ideas. It includes his classic
   essay on "The Architecture of Complexity", where he proposed an evolutionary
   explanation for hierarchical organization, thus formulating one of the basic
   principles that came to underly our PCP philosophy.

   Claude Shannon is the creator of the mathematical theory of information (or
   communication), and one of the founding members of the cybernetics group at MIT
   in the 1940's. A classic paper of his, "A mathematical theory of communication"
   (1948) had just been added the month before to our Principia Cybernetica Library.
   It is available at: 16]/books/Shannon-TheoryComm.pdf">[16]/books/Shannon-TheoryComm.pdf

   More info: [externallink.GIF]
   [17] (Shannon

   [externallink.GIF] [18] (Simon


   The plans to organize a conference on the Global Brain are starting to get a more
   concrete shape. An organizing committee has been formed, together with some
   mailing lists for the members. At present, the plan is to hold a small-scale
   preparatory workshop this summer (probably hosted by the PCP office at the Free
   University of Brussel), and a large conference next year (probably at San Jose
   State University) in Silicon Valley. Several prominent people are being invited
   to participate, including Bill Gates and computer pioneer Douglas Engelbart. A
   conference website and MUD are also being prepared.

News - Mar/April 2001

   There is little news in this issue of the Principia Cybernetica Newsletter, as we
   all have been very busy, preparing a workshop and the PhD defense of PCP
   assistant editor Johan Bollen among other things.


   The Global Brain workshop in Brussels (July 3-5) is shaping up nicely, with some
   20 scheduled talks by members of the Global Brain Group, invited speakers, and
   contributors whose abstract was selected by the organizing committee. There are
   still a few places available for last minute contributions, provided they are
   submitted shortly and are precisely on target. It may also be possible to attend
   without presenting a talk, provided you have a special interest in the matter.
   For all details about the program, available abstracts of talks and submissions,
   see .19]/Conf/GB-0.html">[19]/Conf/GB-0.html


   The new Volume 5, Issue 1 - 2001, is available, with the following content:


   Mutation, Selection, And Vertical Transmission Of Theistic Memes In Religious
   Canons by John Gottsch (211Kb)

   Is Suicide Contagious? A Case Study in Applied Memetics by Paul Marsden (47Kb)

   Towards a Cognitive Memetics: Socio-Cognitive Mechanisms for Memes Selection and
   Spreading by Cristiano Castelfranchi (74Kb)


   The Human Agency Of Meme Machines - An extended review of The Meme Machine by
   Gary Boyd (26Kb)

   Available at: [externallink.GIF]

News - May/Aug 2001

   As we were all very busy with the activities sketched below, the last issue of
   the Newsletter (to appear beginning of July) was skipped. Therefore the present
   issue will cover the full past 4 months.


   The Global Brain workshop (21]/Conf/GB-0.html)">[21]/Conf/GB-0.html) in
   Brussels (July 3-5), the first ever international meeting, on this topic was
   quite succesful. Some 20 talks were given by members of the Global Brain Group,
   invited speakers, and contributors whose abstract was selected by the organizing
   committee. Each of the three days was concluded by an extensive discussion

   Moreover, we had some remote participants, interacting virtually from the US.
   Luis Rocha, a PCP associate, followed the first two days via videos of the
   presentations that had been made available on a private website, and then
   presented his talk via webcast, commenting on some of the ideas presented
   previously. Kirstie Bellman and Chris Landauer gave a short demonstration of the
   interactive possibilities of MUDs (text-based virtual environments). Some photos
   and videotaped comments from participants are available at [externallink.GIF]

   The topics and approaches discussed were wide-ranging, from the emotional values
   that should govern the Global Brain (GB), to the use of collective intelligence
   for forecasting of stock prices, and the possibilities of direct brain-machine
   interfaces. (The page 23]/Conf/GB-0-abs.html">[23]/Conf/GB-0-abs.html lists the
   abstracts of all talks that were presented, and full papers or slide
   presentations for most of them.) This experience shows that there is still quite
   some work to do to focus GB-related thinking, and integrate the various
   approaches. On the other hand, the workshop succeeded in creating a real
   enthusiasm for further discussion and collaboration, showing that there really is
   a GB community emerging.

   As a result of the workshop, a new mailing list was created for participants to
   discuss issues, together with an experimental web-based discussion system
   (developed by PCP assistant editor Alex Riegler). Our plans are to further
   develop an extensive GB-website, with all papers and other results presented at
   the workshop, together with some interactive demonstration systems for discussion
   and self-organization of ideas.

   The complete workshop was registered on video by volunteers: Margeret Heath,
   Sascha Ignjatovic and Gottfried Mayer (who also presented a paper). These video
   recordings are now being edited, and will be made public on the web and on
   CD-ROM. Margeret Heath is also preparing a transcript of all discussions, on the
   basis of which she will be developing a knowledge map of the main concepts and
   issues. Other volunteers were responsible for the computing infrastructure:
   Corinne Ciechanow and Didier Durlinger, and for the practical issues of food:
   Michael Pleumeekers.

   Although a few things still didn't work out quite as planned (the drinks for the
   reception that didn't arrive, and a lecture room and restaurant that were adapted
   to the reigning heat wave), it can be safely said that without all this volunteer
   effort, the workshop would have been a much less pleasant experience: so, a big
   thank you to all of them.


   After a number of delays and extensive discussions of various technical points,
   the PhD thesis of assistant editor Johan Bollen was finally submitted to the
   examination committee of the Faculty of Psychology of the Free University of
   Brussels in June. The title of the thesis is "A cognitive model of adaptive web
   design and navigation". It proposes and tests a theory of how people navigate the
   web, together with a number of algorithms, inspired by neural mechanisms, that
   would allow the web to adapt to its users, thus helping them to find the
   information they are looking for in a more intelligent and intuitive way. The
   full text is available at [externallink.GIF]

   The private defense took place on July 6, the first day after the workshop. The
   PhD committee, which included PCP editors Francis Heylighen and Cliff Joslyn, was
   unanimous in its appreciation for Johan's achievements, and impressed by his
   mastery of the subject. The official, public defense (which is basically a
   formality) is planned for Oct. 23. There is no doubt that Johan will receive his
   doctor's degree, thus making him the first person to develop a PhD study from the
   beginning till the end within the Principia Cybernetica framework.

   Although independent from PCP, it is worth noting that Liane Gabora, a researcher
   at the Center Leo Apostel which houses the Brussels office of PCP, also
   successfully defended her PhD thesis, on June 27. Reflecting the very wide range
   of the work, the jury, including Francis Heylighen, included specialists in
   disciplines as diverse as psychology, philosophy, archeology, biology, quantum
   mechanics, and AI. The thesis is entitled "Cognitive Mechanisms Underlying the
   Origin and Evolution of Culture", and it explores a generalized evolutionary
   theory that may explain the evolution of culture and especially the emergence of
   the capacity of the human mind to freely develop new ideas through association.
   For more info on this work, see [externallink.GIF]


   For the first time students have been able to follow a course wholly devoted to
   the basic concepts of PCP. The 30 hour course, entitled "Evolution and
   Complexity", was given by Francis Heylighen to philosophy undergraduates at the
   Free University of Brussels in Spring. The course ended in May with an oral
   examination on which all students succeeded. From next year on, the course will
   be opened up to students from other disciplines who are interested in the

   The course started with a historical introduction to the domains of evolutionary
   theory, self-organization, systems theory, cybernetics and complex adaptive
   systems. It then laid the foundations for an evolutionary-cybernetic world-view,
   by introducing the interrelated concepts of distinction, connection, state space,
   variety, constraint, entropy and information, pointing out their relations with
   the more intuitively defined concepts of order, disorder and complexity, and
   illustrating their meaning with plenty of concrete examples.

   To tackle the problem of evolution, variation and selection were introduced.
   Their consequences were formulated as a set of basic principles, including the
   second law of thermodynamics, asymmetric transitions and the stepping stone
   principle. The concept of fitness was defined as the most basic selection
   criterion. This background made it possible to tackle the evolution of
   complexity, first discussing supersystem transitions leading to more structural
   complexity, then metasystem transitions producing higher functional complexity.
   The course concluded by applying this evolutionary-cybernetic framework to some
   eternal philosophical questions (see

   Since this was the first time ever that this material was presented to
   undergraduate students and organized into a self-contained whole, the course can
   be seen as an experiment to test in how far these complex and abstract ideas can
   be summarized and communicated to a lay public. The experiment has mostly
   succeeded, as shown by the interest and enthusiasm of the students, and the fact
   that they succeeded rather well in the examination. Yet, the observation that the
   students had difficulties keeping an overview of the whole and that they did not
   grasp some of the more abstract, technical points (one problem being that
   philosophy students lack a good mathematical background, which made it difficult
   for them to grasp even the most basic formula of entropy) suggests some
   improvements for the future.

   One planned improvement is to rework the rather improvised notes that the
   students received at the beginning of each lecture into a coherent, textbook-like
   whole, available at the beginning of the course. This would clearly separate the
   more technical examples or applications (that require basic mathematics) from the
   more general conceptual elaborations, so that students who lack the mathematical
   background can skip these parts. The subsections would also be written as much as
   possible in a self-contained way, so that they can be easily converted to "nodes"
   for PCP web.

   These lecture notes can then form the basis for a real textbook on evolutionary
   cybernetics, which may provide the first true successor to Ashby's 1956
   "Introduction to Cybernetics" (downloadable for free at
   27]ASHBBOOK.html)".>[27]ASHBBOOK.html). The ambition to write such a
   textbook was in part fueled by the success encountered by our article on
   "Cybernetics and Second-Order Cybernetics"
   (28]/Papers/Cybernetics-EPST.pdf),">[28]/Papers/Cybernetics-EPST.pdf), which several
   colleagues, both cybernetics experts and non-specialists, have welcomed as the
   best review they have read.


   Yet another important contributor to cybernetics passed away in the last few
   months. Francisco Varela, co-originator of the theory of autopoiesis, died on May
   28 from cancer. Varela was a deep and original thinker, who starting from a
   background in neurophysiology, made contributions to the study of autonomous
   systems, self-reference, cognition, artificial life, man-machine interaction,
   consciousness and the working of the brain. For more details on his life and
   work, check the following obituaries:

   [externallink.GIF] [30]

News - Sep/Oct 2001


   In October, part of the Principia Cybernetica Editorial Board (Johan Bollen,
   Cliff Joslyn and Francis Heylighen) met. The occasion for getting together was
   Johan's public PhD defense at the Free University of Brussels on Oct. 22 (see
   previous Newsletter), which was very succesful as expected. During the next few
   days, we had a little (too little!) time to discuss PCP matters, such as the
   concepts underlying Evolutionary Cybernetics. Afterwards, the three of us went to
   Barcelona, to participate as invited speakers in a one-day workshop on "The
   Intelligent Web": [externallink.GIF]

   Because of the events of September 11, the workshop organizers had quite some
   problems to get the speakers from the USA to travel to Barcelona. Tim
   Berners-Lee, the creator of the world-wide web, unfortunately had to cancel his
   participation, while his "semantic web" collaborator, Jim Hendler, had to resort
   to a virtual presentation, via a high-quality, interactive video link. It
   initially seemed that Cliff and Johan too would not be able to travel from Los
   Alamos, but the problem was fortunately resolved shortly before the planned
   journey. In the end, the workshop went smoothly, and turned out to be a very
   interesting and pleasant (if tiring) experience.


   Articles about our "Global Brain" work have been published in two authoritative
   European newspapers, the German "Die Zeit" ( [externallink.GIF]
   [32] and the French "Le
   Monde" ( [externallink.GIF]

   Mikhail Burtsev has written a report on Evolutionary Cybernetics that was mostly
   inspired by PCP. It is available at [externallink.GIF]

   Claus Pias is working on a new edition of the famous "Macy Conferences", which
   founded the field of cybernetics. Volume 2 will contain the complete text of the
   five last conferences previously edited by Heinz von Foerster (1949-1953). Volume
   1 will contain a selection of documents related to the first five (unpublished)
   conferences, and several essays about the influence of cybernetics on various
   domains. The essays will be published first in German, but possibly also in
   English translation.

   We have established contact with Robert Wright, the author of "Non-Zero. The
   Logic of Human Destiny" (Pantheon Books, 2000) ( [externallink.GIF]
   [35] This is a very well-written, non-technical book
   that develops a similar philosophy as PCP of evolutionary progress towards
   greater complexity, intelligence and eventually global integration of humankind.
   Wright retells human history (and a little bit of biological history),
   emphasizing the evolution of higher-order forms of cooperation and synergy
   allowed by non-zero sum games.

News - Nov/Dec 2001


   After his succesful PhD defense in Brussels, PCP assistant editor Johan Bollen
   has accepted a faculty position at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia.
   He has recently moved from Los Alamos National Laboratory to ODU, where he will
   teach computer science and continue his research on human-machine interaction as
   applied to an intelligent web.

   Michael Pleumeekers, an undergraduate student who helped us to organize the
   Global Brain Workshop in Brussels last summer, has started to work on a Master's
   thesis in philosophy under the guidance of PCP editor Francis Heylighen. The
   subject is evolutionary and constructivist epistemology,

   Nick Deschacht, a graduate student in economics who made an excellent Master's
   thesis on the long-term evolutionary mechanisms underlying the information
   economy, will start to work on a PhD on the same subject, with Francis Heylighen
   as supervisor. He is presently writing a proposal to receive funding for this

   Assistant editor Alex Riegler is similarly writing a research proposal to get a
   renewal of his 3 year PostDoc position. The subject is "Knowledge Acquisition and
   Representation in Closed-Loop Scientific Discovery Systems".


   Some members of the "Association Franaise de Systmique Cognitive et Technique" (
   [externallink.GIF] [36]http:// , the French society for
   cognitive and technical systems science) are planning to translate our
   cybernetics and systems glossary into French, and to use that as a basis to
   develop an interactive semantic web on the subject.

   David Hales, a social system simulator, and Paul Marsden, a psychologist working
   on contagion, have joint the "Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of
   Information Transmission" ( [externallink.GIF]
   [37] as managing editors, to replace Michael

   Nanomagazine has published an interview on the web with PCP editor Francis
   Heylighen, about the Global Brain and the future of the Internet:
   [externallink.GIF] [38]

   Pierre Levy has joined the Global Brain Group. Pierre is a French philosopher
   working in Canada on collective intelligence, the internet, globalization and
   network representations of knowledge, from a perspective inspired by cybernetics
   and complex systems. He has written several books and papers on the matter (in
   French, but one of which, "Collective Intelligence" has been translated to
   English and can be found in Amazon). He maintains an excellent collection of
   links on this subject at: [externallink.GIF]

   Alex Riegler has created a flexible database of publications for the Center "Leo
   Apostel", the Brussels office of PCP. This means that you can now easily search
   and download all publications (some 100) of Francis Heylighen and Alex Riegler,
   some of which were co-authored by other PCP editors, Bollen, Turchin and Joslyn:
   [externallink.GIF] [40]

News - Jan/Feb 2002


   Not a lot of news this time, as we have all been quite busy with various
   activities outside PCP proper. Johan Bollen has started to work in his new
   position at Old Dominon University, where he has two PhD students who will help
   him to analyse the log of our PCP web server, so as to apply and test some of our
   new algorithms for learning links and spreading activation.

   Francis Heylighen has finished writing his lecture notes for his course on
   "Complexity and Evolution", which provides a simple and coherent introduction to
   the concepts and principles underlying the PCP approach. The lecture notes are
   available for free on the web, albeit only in Dutch (as the course is given in
   Dutch). The text counts some 140 pages, with table of contents, index,
   bibliography, execercises and illustrations. It has already received several very
   positive reactions. It will form the basis for a forthcoming textbook (in
   English) on evolutionary cybernetics. The course itself has started in February,
   with 11 students who generally seem very interested and motivated, and whose
   questions and comments will help us further clarify the subject. For more info on
   the course (in Dutch): 41]/CLEA/CompEvCursus.html">[41]/CLEA/CompEvCursus.html

   Nick Deschacht has submitted a research project on the evolutionary dynamics of
   the information economy, under the supervision of Francis Heylighen. His
   excellent Master's thesis on that subject (in Dutch) is going to receive a price
   from the university, and he has started to prepare a paper (in English) on the
   same subject.


   A first analysis of a one week log of the PCP website has allowed us to extract
   the keywords that most commonly lead people to reach PCP pages from outside
   search engines. This means that people who enter on of the following keywords
   into a general search engine, such as Google or AltaVista, are referred to PCP

   Note that these keywords are typically rather specific, technical terms. More
   general terms, such as "complexity", "evolution" or "self-organization"
   apparently seldom lead people into PCP pages, even though we provide a lot of
   information on those subjects. The reason is probably that there exist a lot of
   other websites with information on those general subjects, and therefore the
   probability to end up in PCP web is relatively small. For the more specific
   terms, on the other hand, we are probably one of the few websites that provides
   good info, and therefore users end up in our pages. The moral of the story is
   that it pays to provide a lot of specific information even if you want to propose
   a very general philosophical theory.

   #searches search word

     * 126 occam's razor
     * 114 epistemology
     * 112 homeostasis
     * 79 peter principle
     * 71 meaning of life
     * 66 cybernetics
     * 65 prisoners' dilemma
     * 59 systems theory
     * 52 non-verbal communication
     * 47 web dictionary
     * 45 metaphysics
     * 41 hawthorne effect
     * 33 memes
     * 29 economy of scale
     * 27 conformity
     * 21 hamming distance
     * 20 game theory
     * 20 laws thermodynamics
     * 18 life
     * 17 memetics
     * 17 semiotics
     * 16 sensitivity analysis
     * 15 delphi method
     * 15 evolution theory
     * 15 general systems theory
     * 14 information overload
     * 13 law diminishing returns
     * 13 opportunity cost
     * 13 philosophical questions
     * 13 punctuated equilibrium
     * 12 cartesian product
     * 12 nietsche
     * 12 pareto optimality
     * 12 solipsism
     * 11 anomie
     * 11 externalities
     * 11 principia cybernetica


   A new issue (6:1) of the Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information
   Transmission (which is associated with PCP) has appeared, offering the following


   Syntactic Structure in Birdsong: Memetic Evolution of Songs or Grammars? by
   William Majoros (135Kb)

   Darwinian Processes and Memes in Architecture: A Memetic Theory of Modernism by
   Nikos Salingaros and Terry Mikiten (80Kb)

   The Spread of Irrational Behaviours by Contagion: An Agent Micro-Simulation by
   Derek Gatherer (111Kb)


   A Review of: Selection Theory and Social Construction: the evolutionary
   naturalistic epistemology of Donald T. Campbell - Cecilia Heyes and David Hull
   (eds.) by Bruce Edmonds (15Kb)

   Available at: [externallink.GIF] [42]

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   F. [45]Heylighen,

   Mar 15, 2002 (modified)
   Jun 1, 1998 (created)

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