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   [1]Principia Cybernetica Web

                                 The Global Brain FAQ

   The following list of "Frequently Asked Questions" is largely inspired by the
   discussions on the global brain mailing list, although not all participants may
   agree with all the answers I have written down. Although I have tried to as
   accurately as possible render the ideas of other global brain researchers, this
   FAQ is obviously biased by my own understanding of the issue. I wish to thank V.
   Turchin, C. Joslyn and J. Glenn for the material they contributed, and I invite
   others to make further corrections or additions. More info at the website of the
   [externallink.GIF] [2]Global Brain Institute.

     * [3]Introduction
          + [4]What is the global brain?
          + [5]What is the global superorganism?
          + [6]Under what other names is the GB known?
          + [7]Who first came up with the global brain idea?
          + [8]Is the global brain a higher level of evolution?
          + [9]Which technologies are being developed for the GB?
          + [10]Where can I find more information about the GB?
          + [11]How can I participate in GB discussions?
          + [12]What is the Global Brain Group?
     * [13]Related ideas
          + [14]What is collective/symbiotic intelligence?
          + [15]What is a distributed knowledge system?
          + [16]How is this related to Artificial Intelligence?
          + [17]How does the GB relate to Gaia?
          + [18]What is conscious-technology?
          + [19]Does the GB have a spiritual dimension?
          + [20]What is the Singularity?
     * [21]GB technologies
          + [22]Can there be a GB without computer technology?
          + [23]What is the role of the Internet?
          + [24]What is the role of the World-Wide Web?
          + [25]How can the web be made more intelligent?
          + [26]What is web learning?
          + [27]What roles can software agents play?
          + [28]How does this relate to collaborative filtering?
          + [29]How can the human-GB interface be improved?
          + [30]How quickly can these technologies become reality?
     * [31]What benefits can we expect from the GB?
          + [32]Why do we need a GB to tackle information overload?
          + [33]What advantages does a GB have over search engines?
          + [34]How does the GB relate to the new economy?
          + [35]Can the GB help overcome conflicts?
          + [36]Can the GB help us solve global problems?
          + [37]Will the GB make people more happy?
     * [38]Should we be afraid of the GB?
          + [39]Doesn't the GB reduce humanity to an insect colony or to the Borg?
          + [40]Doesn't web learning impose a "tyranny of the majority"?
          + [41]What about privacy? Wouldn't the GB become a high-tech version of
            "Big Brother"?
          + [42]Won't the GB restrict our freedom?
          + [43]Can the GB force me to do anything I don't want?
          + [44]Cannot GB technology be abused?
          + [45]Could the GB escape from our control?
          + [46]Isn't there a danger that the artificial intelligence systems we are
            creating now will eventually overpower and replace humanity?
     * [47]GB and social evolution
          + [48]Can the development of a GB be avoided?
          + [49]Will everybody want to become part of the GB?
          + [50]Couldn't the GB split into rival GBs?
          + [51]Won't the poor be excluded?
     * [52]GB and the future of humanity
          + [53]Can anybody predict how the GB will develop?
          + [54]Will the GB have its own goals and values?
          + [55]Will the GB have feelings?
          + [56]Will the GB become conscious?
          + [57]Will we able to understand the GB's thinking?
          + [58]Would the GB allow uploading the human mind in a computer, thus
            making it immortal?


What is the global brain?

   The "[59]global brain" is the name given to the emerging intelligent network
   formed by all people on this planet, together with the computers and
   communication links that connect them together. Like a real brain, this network
   is an immensely complex, self-organizing system, that processes information,
   makes decisions, solves problems, learns new connections and discovers new ideas.
   It plays the role of a collective nervous system for the whole of humanity. No
   person, organization or computer is in control of this system: its "thought"
   processes are distributed over all its components.

What is the global superorganism?

   The metaphor of the information network as global brain can be extended to the
   whole of society as a [60]global organism. If the information processes in the
   network constitute the "mind" of this system, all people together with their
   artefacts (tools, buildings, cars, etc.) form its "body". Since individual people
   are organisms themselves, this encompassing system is an organism consisting of
   organisms, that is, a super-organism. The superorganism not only has a nervous
   system for processing information, but a metabolism for processing matter and
   energy: resources such as ores, water, oil are converted via various industrial
   processes into specialized goods and services, transported to the place where
   they are needed, used, and finally recycled or excreted as waste. Miller's
   "living systems theory" provides a detailed [61]correspondence between the
   different subsystems of a society and those of an organism.

Under what other names is the GB known?

   Different people have proposed many different names for this concept of an
   cognitive system at the planetary level: planetary brain, world brain, global
   mind, noosphere, social brain, and super-brain are some of the roughly equivalent
   synonyms. For the global superorganism, there are some less obvious equivalent
   terms, such as Metaman (proposed by G. Stock), cybion (J. de Rosnay), the
   super-being (V. Turchin), and social organism.

Who first came up with the global brain idea?

   As the variety of names indicates, many people have independently developed the
   idea of society as an organism with its own nervous system, each adding their own
   insights to our understanding of the global brain. Simplistic analogies between a
   social system and the body, such as "the king is the head", "the farmers are the
   feet", date back at least to the Ancient Greeks and the Middle Ages. This analogy
   provided inspiration to the 19th century founders of sociology, being developed
   perhaps most extensively by Herbert Spencer (see his " [externallink.GIF]
   [62]Society is an Organism"). The evolutionary theologist Teilhard de Chardin was
   probably the first to focus on the mental organization of this social organism,
   which he called the "noosphere". Around the same time, the science fiction writer
   H. G. Wells proposed the concept of a "world brain" as a unified system of
   knowledge, accessible to all. The term "global brain" seems to have been first
   used in 1983 by P. Russell. The first people to have made the connection between
   this concept and the emerging Internet may well be G. Mayer-Kress and J. de
   Rosnay. F. Heylighen, J. Bollen and B. Goertzel appear to be the first
   researchers to have proposed concrete methods that might turn the Internet into
   an intelligent, brain-like network.

Is the global brain a higher level of evolution?

   Although the analogy between organism and society can be applied even to
   primitive societies, it becomes clearly more applicable as technology develops.
   As transport and communication become more efficient, different parts of global
   society become more interdependent. At the same time, the variety of ideas,
   specializations, and subcultures increases. This simultaneous integration and
   differentiation creates an increasingly coherent system, functioning at a much
   higher level of complexity. The emergence of such a higher order system may be
   called a "[63]metasystem transition" (a concept introduced by V. [64]Turchin).
   Examples of metaystem transitions include the origin of life and the development
   of [65]multicellular organisms out of single celled ones. The appearance of a
   global brain, functioning at a much higher level of intelligence than its human
   components, seems a prime example of such a metasystem transition.

Which technologies are being developed for the GB?

   To make the global information network function really at a higher level of
   intelligence, instead of merely storing and transmitting data, new technologies
   are needed. These technologies are inspired by our understanding of how the human
   brain works: how it learns associations, thinks, makes decisions, etc. At the
   same time, these technologies must take into account that the information on the
   net is not centrally controlled, but distributed over millions of people and
   documents, with billions of cross-connections. Thus, cognitive processes at the
   level of the GB must allow all this chaotic, heterogeneous information to
   interact so that collective patterns can appear. Some of the more traditional
   technologies include the various methods of keyword-based information retrieval.
   Others may use techniques derived from artificial intelligence, such as software
   agents, neural networks or data mining. Still others, such as [66]collaborative
   filtering or groupware, enhance collective problem solving.

Where can I find more information about the GB?

   Several books, papers and websites discuss the global brain idea and its many
   ramifications. Most of these can be accessed via the "[67]references on the
   Global Brain" page. To quickly get into the heart of the matter, read this FAQ
   and the web pages linked to it, and then perhaps some overview papers, such as
   "[68]The World-Wide Web as a Super-Brain" (short), "[69]The Global
   Super-organism", or " [externallink.GIF] [70]WorldWideBrain" (both long). For a
   more gentle, non-technical introduction with more background information you can
   read books addressed to a wide audience, such as Russell's " [externallink.GIF]
   [71]The Global Brain Awakens" (emphasis on philosophy and consciousness), Stock's
   " [externallink.GIF] [72]Metaman" (social and economic evolution), or de Rosnay's
   " [externallink.GIF] [73]The Symbiotic Man" (new sciences and technologies). If
   you have specific questions that are not answered in this FAQ, you may try
   searching the [74]archives of the global brain mailing list.

How can I participate in GB discussions?

   If you would like to explore this topic further, you can apply to [75]join the
   global brain mailing list, which is devoted to discussion via email of all
   social, technological or philosophical issues related to the GB. As we try to
   maintain a high signal-to-noise ratio, the list is closed, and can only be posted
   to by people that have been manually subscribed by the listmanager. To apply for
   subscription, you must submit a form including a clear statement of your interest
   in GB matters, so that others may get to know you. If your submission is
   accepted, you will start receiving message posted to the list, and be able to
   send messages yourself. You can automatically unsubscribe at any moment.

What is the Global Brain Group?

   The [76]Global Brain Group is a small assembly of people who are doing high level
   research about the GB, including most authors who have published papers or books
   about the concept. It was founded in 1996 by F. Heylighen and B. Goertzel, with
   Heylighen as chair. At the moment it basically functions as a "behind the scenes"
   steering committee for the Global Brain mailing list, but it may take further
   initiatives, such as organizing [77]congresses or publishing books. Its main
   function is to provide an "authoritative" body that can make its voice heard when
   important decisions need to be made. As the GB will affect more and more
   technological, social and economic phenomena, it will become increasingly
   important for such a body to exist.

Related ideas

What is collective/symbiotic intelligence?

   [78]Collective intelligence is the idea that a group or collective can be more
   intelligent than its members. The best known examples are social insects, such as
   ants, termites or bees, which are individually dumb, but capable of surprisingly
   intelligent behavior when functioning as a group. Even when the individual
   members are quite intelligent themselves, the group may be even more intelligent.
   The intelligence of the GB will be collective, as it arises from the interactions
   between millions of individuals. [externallink.GIF] [79]Symbiotic intelligence, a
   term introduced by N. Johnson, is the idea that intelligence can also emerge from
   the interactions between essentially different components, such as people and
   computers (see the [externallink.GIF] [80]Symbiotic Intelligence FAQ). As J. de
   Rosnay proposes, people will live in symbiosis with this surrounding network of
   technological systems, and out of this symbiosis, a higher level intelligence may

What is a distributed knowledge system?

   A [externallink.GIF] [81]distributed knowledge system (DKS), a term proposed by
   C. Joslyn, is an environment in which communities of agents (human and/or
   computational) interact with networked information resources. DKS have introduced
   fundamentally new structures: human-machine interaction at the collective level,
   not just between a person and a computer, but also interaction within the
   user/agent community and among the information resources themselves. We
   increasingly find examples of DKS around us, not just in the Web and the
   Internet, but in corporate Intranets, digital repositories, and electronic
   markets. Our experience with the growth of the Internet has shown that the
   unprecedented new properties of DKS to combine computation, storage, and
   communication are revolutionizing the way that knowledge is generated, organized,
   and transmitted. As the dynamics of a DKS is very different from the one of a
   traditional, centralized computer system, it requires extensive research, using a
   variety of new methods. Such research is being done at the [externallink.GIF]
   [82]DKSM team at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

How is this related to Artificial Intelligence?

   Although many of the technologies supporting the global brain were first
   developed by Artificial Intelligence (AI) researchers, AI and GB research differ
   in several basic aspects. AI's goal is to create an independently intelligent
   system, whereas GB research tries to enhance existing individual and collective
   intelligence. This may be called IA, intelligence amplification, rather than AI.
   By starting from the enormous amount of information available in documents and
   people's heads, the GB approach avoids the bottleneck of knowledge acquisition
   which has hampered AI. Moreover, the emphasis of GB research is on open,
   interactive, self-organizing systems, rather than on the closed, preprogrammed
   systems of traditional AI.

How does the GB relate to Gaia?

   Gaia (the Greek goddess of the Earth) is the name given to the hypothesis that
   the planet Earth itself is a living organism. This organism would be able to
   regulate its own essential variables, such as temperature and composition of the
   atmosphere. Compared to the superorganism as we have defined it, this "Gaian"
   organism seems very primitive, with a level of intelligence comparable perhaps to
   the one of a bacterium. At present, Gaia and the global superorganism are still
   largely independent, and the effect of society on the global ecosystem appears
   unsustainable. However, several authors have argued that Gaia and the
   superorganism will evolve to a state of symbiosis, that may eventually lead to a
   merging of the two. Thus, the GB would not only form a brain for humanity, but
   for the whole of Planet Earth.

What is conscious-technology?

   In his book " [externallink.GIF] [83]Future Mind", the futurist
   [externallink.GIF] [84]J. Glenn proposed the thesis that as we develop ever more
   sophisticated methods of sensing, perceiving and processing information, the
   technology to support these processes and the enhanced human consciousness will
   increasingly merge. Machines are becoming more humanlike, thanks to speech
   recognition, AI, and software agents. And as humans use more technologies, such
   as implants, drugs, or wearable computers to support their body and mind, we
   become less wholly organic. When the trend of humans integrating technology on
   and in their bodies and the trend of artificial intelligence being incorporated
   into the environment become difficult to distinguish, then human consciousness
   and technological support will have become a continuous system:
   Conscious-Technology. This will reduce the time and effort that it takes to get
   from a thought to a connection to an objective insight. That leads to greater
   intelligence and awareness, or what mystics call "enlightenment".

Does the GB have a spiritual dimension?

   Although most researchers have addressed the GB idea from a scientific or
   technological point of view, authors like Teilhard de Chardin and Peter Russell
   have explored some of its spiritual aspects. Similar to many mystical traditions,
   the GB idea holds the promise of a much enhanced level of consciousness and a
   state of deep synergy or union that encompasses humanity as a whole. Theists
   might view this state of holistic consciousness as a union with God. Humanists
   might see it as the creation, by humanity itself, of an entity with God-like
   powers. Followers of the Gaia hypothesis have suggested that the "living Earth"
   of which we are all part deserves awe and worship; it therefore could form the
   basis of a secular, ecologically inspired religion. The Global Brain vision could
   conceivably offer a similar sense of belonging to a larger whole and of an
   encompassing purpose.

What is the Singularity?

   In mathematics, a singularity is a point where an otherwise continuous function
   gets an infinite value. In this singular point, normal mathematical properties no
   longer apply. The mathematician and science fiction author Vernor Vinge proposed
   that if we would represent the development of humanity by a curve and extrapolate
   this curve into the near future, it would show such a [85]singularity. This would
   indicate a transition to a wholly different regime, where different laws apply.
   Vinge suggested that the trigger for this singularity might be the creation of an
   artificial intelligence able to create an even more intelligent system. This is
   not unlike the idea of a global brain becoming intelligent enough to improve its
   own thinking. This would mark the "metasystem transition" to a higher level of
   evolution, way beyond present human intelligence.

GB technologies

Can there be a GB without information technology?

   In principle, it is possible to imagine a GB even in the absence of information
   technology. As ideas ("[86]memes") are communicated from person to person, they
   evolve, assimilating the contributions and points of views of myriads of people.
   Thus, society has some kind of a collective mind, constantly developing new
   thoughts that cannot be reduced to any individual contribution. However, in the
   absence of modern technology, this "collective thought" required decades to
   develop any new insights. Global media have made this process much more
   efficient, allowing ideas to spread and evolve in hours rather than decades. This
   turns the GB from an interesting analogy into a phenomenon that can be concretely

What is the role of the Internet?

   Although we could imagine GB processes supported by various types of
   communication technologies, such as fax, interactive TV, or a centralized
   bulletin board style system, like the French Minitel, or the former CompuServe,
   the Internet is particularly well-suited for the GB. The reason is the Internet's
   decentralized, self-organizing nature, where information will travel through
   whatever route available, bypassing network nodes that are down, or simply don't
   allow access to that kind of information.

What is the role of the World-Wide Web?

   The web is the hypermedia interface to the information residing on the Internet.
   The web is a standard that allows network documents to contain information in
   various media, such as text, pictures, and sounds, and most importantly
   hyperlinks to other documents. These links allow you to access a related document
   by simply clicking on a text or picture. This document may reside on the same
   computer or on a computer in a different continent, without this making any
   difference to the user. Thus, the web makes it possible to seamlessly integrate
   documents that are distributed over the entire planet, and created by people who
   may not even be aware of each others' existence. What holds these documents
   together is not their geographic location, but their degree of association: links
   will connect mutually relevant pages. In that respect, this hypermedia
   architecture is similar to the one of our brain, where concepts are connected by
   associations, and the corresponding assemblies of neurons by synapses.

[87]How can the web be made more intelligent?

   The web as sketched above functions like a huge associative memory for society.
   However, the brain is more than a static memory: it can learn and think. Learning
   takes place by the strengthening of associations that are used often, and the
   weakening of rarely used associations. Through learning, the brain constantly
   enhances its organization and increases its store of knowledge. Thinking happens
   by the activation of concepts and the "spreading" of this activation to related
   concepts, in proportion to the strength of association. Thinking allows the brain
   to solve problems, to make decisions, and to be creative, that is, discover
   combinations of concepts never encountered before. By making simple changes to
   its static architecture, we can implement similar processes on the web, thus
   spectacularly enhancing its intelligence and overall usefulness.

What is web learning?

   In the brain, learning follows the rule of Hebb: if two neurons are activated in
   close succession, the strength of their connection is increased. A similar
   procedure has been applied to the web by J. Bollen and F. Heylighen: if two web
   pages are consulted by the same user within a short interval, either the existing
   hyperlink between the pages gets a higher weight, or a new link is created. On
   any given page, only the links with a minimum weight are shown. Thus, links that
   are not sufficiently reinforced may eventually disappear. The result is that such
   a [88]learning web constantly adapts to the way it is used, reorganizing its
   pattern of links to best reflect the preferences of its users. In practice, this
   creates direct links between the pages that are most strongly related, bypassing
   less interesting detours, and clustering pages together according to their mutual
   relevance. As such, the web becomes much more efficient to use, by assimilating
   the collective knowledge and desires of its users.

What roles can software agents play?

   The simplest way to implement web "thinking" is to create a specialized software
   agent. This is a program that works as a "delegate" of its user, autonomously
   collecting information that is likely to be interesting to its user. The agent
   can learn the user's preferences simply by observing which pages the user
   actively uses, or it can receive specific instructions (e.g. keywords) from the
   user. Given that preference profile, the agent can locate pages that satisfy the
   profile, and then use "[89]spreading activation" to find further, related
   documents. It does this by "activating" pages in proportion to their degree of
   interestingness, and then propagating that activation according to the hyperlinks
   and their weights as learned from other users. Thus, it can discover new
   documents, that may not contain any of the initially given keywords, but that are
   still highly relevant to the query. This is especially useful when the user
   cannot clearly formulate the query, but only has an intuitive feel for it.

How does this relate to collaborative filtering?

   [90]Collaborative filtering or recommendation systems is a technique by which
   options are recommended to a user because these options were appreciated by other
   users with a similar preference profile. It is commonly used in web shops, such
   as Amazon, which for any book or CD in their catalog provide a list of other
   items bought by the same people, and which even allow you to get a personalized
   list of recommendations, based on the items that you appreciate. Collaborative
   filtering can be viewed as a simpler, more static version of web learning with
   spreading activation. In both cases, items are associated because they are
   appreciated by the same users, and recommendations are generated on the basis of
   a few personal preferences. The difference is that web learning takes into
   account the changing context of web surfing: a page which is relevant for you at
   this moment, may no longer be that relevant an hour later when you have gotten
   into a wholly different subject.

How can the human-GB [91]interfacebe improved?

   With these technologies, the web would become a giant, collective memory, which
   you could consult at any moment to get an answer to your questions, however
   unusual or vaguely formulated they may be. Its thought processes would always be
   ready to enhance and extend your own thinking. To fully harness the power of this
   global brain, it should be constantly available, requiring a minimum of effort.
   The rapid spread of mobile communication already offers universal access to the
   web, wherever you are. Further miniaturization will lead to wearable computers,
   incorporated in your clothing, with images projected on your glasses. Automatic
   recognition of speech, gestures and even emotions will make communication with
   the web much easier and more intuitive. In the longer term, you can even imagine
   direct connections between your computer and your brain, through neural
   interfaces. This would allow you to communicate with the GB simply by thinking,
   having your thoughts immediately sensed, understood, and enhanced. Your thoughts
   could also be directly turned into actions, as when you use the GB to order a
   pizza, get a taxi, or switch on the heating so that it would be nice and warm by
   the time you come home.

How quickly can these technologies become reality?

   Apart from the direct brain-computer interface, all these technologies already
   exist, either as prototypes or as applications working in a more limited
   environment. What remains to be done is further streamlining, and above all
   integration into a single, coordinated whole. This will be most tricky for web
   learning. Although it is easy to implement web learning on a single web server,
   creating links between documents residing on different servers requires these
   servers to agree on a protocol for exchanging information and making changes in
   their organization. Setting universally accepted standards for such web learning
   will be a complex process, fraught with technical, economical and political
   problems. This difficulty may be circumvented by creating a huge centralized
   database that keeps track of all links and their changing weights, and is fed by
   information about the browsing behavior of millions of users (similar to the
   databases kept by search engines such as Google, or recommendation services such
   as Alexa). However, such a centralized database would fit poorly with the
   distributed, self-organizing nature of the GB idea, and is therefore likely to
   offer only a short term solution.

What benefits can we expect from the GB?

Why do we need a GB to tackle information overload?

   As more and more documents, services, and people move to the Internet,
   retrieving, sending and receiving information becomes in practice effortless and
   free. Whereas information used to be scarce, and therefore costly, it is now
   increasingly abundant. This means that ever larger amounts of potentially
   interesting messages, documents and announcements will clamor for our attention.
   However, attention, unlike information, will remain scarce: our brain is simply
   unable to attend to more than a few dozen messages a day. Therefore, we will need
   support from a system that is capable to sort through billions of information
   items and select those that are most relevant to our particular situation and

What advantages does a GB have over search engines?

   Presently, the most common approach to tackle information overload uses software
   filters, such as agents or search engines, that only retrieve documents
   fulfilling certain criteria. However, these criteria are based on a limited
   number of rigidly defined components, such as keywords. The value of a document
   is difficult to determine in terms of such components. For example, a relevant
   document may use different keywords and will therefore not be found, or a
   worthless document may contain all the right keywords and therefore be returned
   as a primary "hit". This explains why search engines often return loads of pages
   that are not relevant to your query. Value is ultimately determined by the people
   using and appreciating a document. The GB get its knowledge from the implicit
   evaluations made by its users collectively. Therefore, the GB is a much more
   universal and flexible instrument for selecting relevant items.

How does the GB relate to the new economy?

   The market is the collective system of transactions that helps supply to match
   demand, and thus to fulfill the need for products and services of the collective
   customer. The traditional market is rather inefficient, requiring a huge
   infrastructure of middlemen, specialized organizations such as stock exchanges
   and auctions, and communication channels. The Internet allows all such
   transactions to take place much more quickly and transparently, with less cost
   and effort. This strongly reduces "friction", making the economy more efficient
   so that demand can be satisfied more rapidly, more accurately, and at a lower
   cost. The GB will not only facilitate direct communication between buyers and
   sellers, but help buyers to find the best value (e.g. through shopping agents to
   compare prices), and help sellers to get the best price (e.g. through automatic
   auctioning systems). The net effect is that growth increases, while inflation and
   economic instability decrease. Moreover, there will be less waste because of
   unsold items or goods shipped far away when there is demand around the corner.

Can the GB help overcome conflicts?

   The GB in principle provides a universal channel through which people from all
   countries, languages and cultures of this world can communicate. This will make
   it easier to reduce mutual ignorance and misunderstandings, or discuss and
   resolve differences of opinion. The ease with which good ideas can spread over
   the whole planet will make it easier to reach global consensus about issues that
   concern everybody. The free flow of information will make it more difficult for
   authoritarian regimes to plan suppression or war. The more efficient economy will
   indirectly reduce the threat of conflict, since there will be less competition
   for scarce resources.

Can the GB help us solve global problems?

   Technology alone will not solve all the [92]problems that threaten our planet: in
   the end, people will have to agree about concrete policies to tackle e.g. global
   warming or poverty. Yet, the GB can support not only the process of reaching
   consensus on a plan of action, but also its practical implementation. For
   example, combating infectious diseases or pollution will require extensive
   monitoring of the number of infections or concentration of polluting gases in
   different regions. Information collected by local observers or by electronic
   sensors can directly enter the GB, be processed to reveal underlying trends, and
   be forwarded to the people or institutions responsible for taking direct action.

Will the GB make people more happy?

   Statistics about life satisfaction in different countries show that people are
   most [93]happy when their society provides them with sufficient health, wealth,
   security, knowledge, freedom and equality. The GB can directly or indirectly
   contribute to each of these fundamental values. The GB itself will provide
   universal access to all of humanity's knowledge, and thus indirectly increase
   people's freedom to choose their own path, while providing them with more equal
   opportunities. Its effect on the economy will directly create more wealth, and
   indirectly resources to invest in medical care, education, safety measures, etc.
   Its support for the creation of new knowledge will boost science and technology,
   and thus help them to solve a whole range of medical, social and ecological

Should we be afraid of the GB?

Doesn't the GB reduce humanity to an insect colony or to the Borg?

   The use of the terms "collective intelligence" or "superorganism" and the analogy
   between web learning techniques and the way ant colonies lay out a network of
   trails may invite the comparison of the GB with a "hive mind", that is, a
   [94]collective in which the members all think and behave the same, lacking any
   autonomy or personal identity. This frightening prospect is most vividly
   illustrated by the "Borg", the race of cyborgs imagined by the creators of the
   science fiction series "Star Trek". The GB, on the contrary, derives its
   intelligence precisely from the diversity of the people that take part in it. If
   everybody would make the same choices, then the GB would not be smarter than a
   single individual. It is because different people have different points of view
   and different experiences that together they can tackle more complex problems.
   This intuitive insight was formulated more precisely by the cyberneticist Ashby
   as the "[95]law of requisite variety". It even applies to ants: if ants would
   always follow the paths laid down by their fellow ants, and never diverge to
   create a path of their own, then the colony would starve as soon the food sources
   on their existing paths would be exhausted. This is beautifully illustrated by
   [externallink.GIF] [96]N. Johnson's simulation of collective problem solving: the
   more diverse the individual approaches, the better the collective solution.

Doesn't web learning impose a "tyranny of the majority"?

   As web learning algorithms promote links that many users like and weaken links
   that few users like, it may seem that minority views or non-conformist ideas will
   be suppressed, thus reducing diversity in the web. First, it must be noted that
   web learning only suggests additional links, while leaving the links created by
   the webpage's author in place. Thus, it only adds possibilities; it never reduces
   them. Second, the links that are promoted by web learning are those appreciated
   by the community of people that use a particular set of web pages. Different
   websites are visited by different communities, and therefore their links will
   adapt to the tastes of that particular community, rather than to the taste of the
   "general public" or to the "largest common denominator". Thus, even the smallest,
   most eccentric minorities, such as followers of the Heaven's Gate cult,
   Trotskyites, researchers in quantum gravity or lovers of sweaty feet, can use web
   learning to find kindred spirits and cross-connect all documents relating to
   their idiosyncratic interests, thus effectively increasing diversity. Finally,
   even if you do not fit into any of the communities that have shaped the web,
   techniques such as collaborative filtering or spreading activation still allow
   you to get personalized recommendations, which are different from anybody else's
   but still try to use as much as possible of the experience of people with
   interests similar to yours.

What about privacy? Wouldn't the GB become a high-tech version of "Big Brother"?

   Since the GB becomes more effective by monitoring user behavior, it may seem that
   it will get to know everything an individual has done on the net, including
   actions that this user would rather keep private, such as visiting a pornographic
   site, or communicating with a competitor of his or her employer. However, web
   learning algorithms do not need to know individual activities. They only need to
   know the collective frequencies of certain actions, e.g. that most users who
   visited the "Playboy" site also visited the "Penthouse" site, independently of
   who these users are. In fact, the algorithms do not even register the identity of
   users, as this would merely burden memory. If these algorithms would be applied
   to the web as a whole, a standard will need to be agreed upon to anonymize user
   data. This should ensure that a webserver would only get the information that a
   user X went from page A to page B, without being able to find out who user X is.
   (note that such a standard does not exist now, in the absence of a true GB, and
   that many firms do collect such information about their customers and users).
   This is similar to the algorithms used for digital cash payments, which certify
   that a certain amount of money has been transferred, without allowing you to
   track where that money came from (unlike a credit card transaction). In spite of
   this anonymity of web learning, the algorithms can still provide personalized
   recommendations based on the user's preference profile, but this profile is kept
   strictly on the user's own computer, far from the prying eyes of others.

Won't the GB restrict our freedom?

   Another recurrent fear is that belonging to an encompassing, collective system,
   such as the GB, will [97]limit individual freedom. It is true that for a GB to be
   effective, the people participating in it will need to agree about a set of
   common standards or rules to facilititate communication and cooperation. For
   example, the present net would not work without standards such as HTML, HTTP, and
   TCP/IP, and basic rules of "netiquette" such as a restrictions on hackings or the
   spread of computer viruses and worms. However, well-chosen rules will increase
   rather than decrease freedom. This can be explained by an analogy with the
   traffic code. Without such traffic rules as the obligation to drive on the right
   hand side of the road (or left, in Great Britain), traffic would be much more
   dangerous and more easily obstructed, effectively decreasing your freedom to jump
   into your car and drive wherever the roads may lead you. Giving up your freedom
   to drive on the left hand side of the road seems lie a small concession if that
   allows you to drive safely and smoothly. Since the same rules will democratically
   apply to everyone, the net result will be that dominant organizations,
   governments, or corporations will have less power to censor or impose their rules
   on the people who use the net. This loss of power will understandably be resented
   by these organizations, but should be welcomed by individuals as it will increase
   their freedom and autonomy.

Can the GB force me to do anything I don't want?

   No, the GB in the narrow sense of an intelligent web cannot make you do anything
   against your will. It only gives advice, which you can take or leave. But since
   that advice will generally be based on much more experience than you will have
   gathered yourself, in most cases you will be glad to follow it. The GB in the
   wider sense of the global community interacting via the Internet can decide to
   adopt general standards, rules, or laws, e.g. restricting the production of
   carbon dioxide or of child pornography. These rules you will have to obey just
   like you have to obey the laws of your country. But similar, and most likely more
   rigid, rules would probably have been adopted in the absence of a GB.

Cannot GB technology be abused?

   All technology can be used for good or for bad: drugs can be used to cure or to
   poison, tools to build or to destroy, mass media to educate or to brain-wash.
   Similarly, the GB will help people to reach their goals by providing the most
   relevant information, whether these goals are positive or negative. Thus, people
   can use the GB to find out how to cure their cancer, protect their community from
   pollution, or increase the yield of their crops, but they may also use it to
   discover how to build a bomb, spread racist propaganda, or find kindred spirits
   to start up a hate group. This problem already exists with the present Internet
   and other communication technologies. It will require a subtle, finely balanced
   approach that minimizes dangers to the public while maintaining as much as
   possible freedom of expression and respect for privacy. Some existing partial
   solutions are web browsers that restrict access to websites that, on the basis of
   keywords or user evaluations, are deemed inappropriate for children or other
   vulnerable groups. With GB technologies it may become easier to recognize
   "inappropriate" websites, but in the end it will need to be a political decision
   which restrictions are imposed.

Could the GB escape from our control?

   The GB is controlled by all the people that are part of it. It is not an
   autonomous system that could suddenly decide no longer to obey commands. The GB's
   intelligence, indeed its "mind" or "personality", emerges from the actions of all
   people collectively. If the people would decide no longer to use the network,
   then the GB would stop to exist. Perhaps the best analogy is with the market: the
   goods and services supplied in the economy are controlled by the demand variable,
   which represents the collective desires of all consumers. Like the market, the GB
   will generally do what people would like it to do, but, being a complex,
   self-organizing system, its reactions will not always be predictable, or even
   wholly desirable. In markets, such side-effects (like booms and busts, or the
   promotion of inequality or pollution) are generally controlled by agreed-upon
   regulations, taxes, or subsidies. Similarly, it may be necessary now and then to
   intervene in the evolution of the GB by changing some of its standards, or
   incorporating novel rules or safeguards in its algorithms. This is probably best
   implemented by a supranational, regulating body representing all users, such as
   the present World-Wide Web Consortium.

Isn't there a danger that the artificial intelligence systems we are creating now will
eventually overpower and replace humanity?

   Many publications, from Karel Capek's 1921 book that introduced the word "robot"
   to [externallink.GIF] [98]Bill Joy's recent article in Wired, have warned us that
   artificial creatures may escape our control and eventually annihilate us. These
   scenarios seem groundless from the point of view of the GB. The Global Brain is
   not meant to replace humanity, but to complement or augment it. The history of
   evolution teaches us that the instruments created at some stage and found to
   enhance survivability are not discarded, but perfected and used in metasystem
   transitions as well-debugged and tested blocks. This can be extended to the
   evolution of human society. The human brain is a product of many millions years
   of trial and error. To throw this away would be anti-evolutionary. The future
   will belong to those of our descendants who will build on our existing brain,
   perfecting, expanding and modifying it, but not replacing it by something
   completely different, such as today's computer hardware. Control will always
   remain in human hands. To put it briefly, something plus brain will be always
   greater than just something. Unfortunately, this simple formula does not prevent
   humanity from self-destruction, which remains a real possibility.

GB and social evolution

Can the development of a GB be avoided?

   Given the present trends of globalization, increasing importance of communication
   and information technologies, and increasing interdependence and exchange of
   ideas between different countries and cultures, it seems likely that something
   similar to a GB will necessarily evolve, whether we consciously want it or not.
   There are good evolutionary reasons why such a global integration will take
   place. The main mechanism is that individuals and groups taking part in an
   emerging GB will get such a competitive advantage over those not taking part that
   the others will have to imitate them if they don't want to be left behind.

Will everybody want to become part of the GB?

   It is conceivable that certain individuals, groups or countries will consciously
   choose to stay outside the GB. This is similar to the way hermits, tramps or
   adventurers have been living "outside" of society during most of history, or to
   the rare people in our present society who refuse to use a car, telephone or TV.
   In principle, there is no reason why the GB should not tolerate the existence of
   such individuals or small groups that do not really contribute to the GB and do
   not follow its rules. The only condition will be that such outsiders should not
   harm or endanger those inside, as may be the case for criminals or people with
   mental disturbances. In practice, though, it seems unlikely that many people
   would choose that option. The benefits of belonging to the GB are so great that
   it will be very difficult to resist their lure.

Couldn't the GB split into rival GBs?

   It is also conceivable that different federations of countries will be formed,
   each following their own set of rules on how to develop a shared intelligent
   network, while minimizing exchanges with each other. This happened to some degree
   during the Cold War when capitalist countries were economically and ideologically
   separated from the communist block. However, the Cold War has shown that two
   competing blocks, even if they seem roughly matched in size, are unlikely to
   remain at the same level of development. Because technological progress is an
   ever accelerating, exponential process, small differences in speed of development
   will lead to increasing gaps, until it becomes for everybody clear that the one
   block is more successful than the other one. This will put increasing pressure on
   the less successful block to open up towards the more successful one, in order to
   assimilate its successes. Moreover, increasing global exchanges of ideas, goods
   and services make it increasingly unlikely that strict separations between
   countries or groups can be created or maintained. Thus, it seems very unlikely
   that the GB would ever split into separate systems.

Won't the poor be excluded?

   If is often stated that information technology increases the gap between haves
   and have-nots, and more particularly between those that have access to
   information and those that haven't. Although GB technologies will be adopted most
   quickly by the wealthiest and best educated part of the population, this won't
   stop the underdogs from joining a little later. Internet technologies are
   relatively inexpensive to install, compared to e.g. roads, electricity or running
   water, and are becoming even less expensive at a staggering rate. Moreover, as
   the GB becomes more intelligent, it will become ever easier to use, requiring an
   ever lower education level for entry. Speech technologies will soon make the web
   available even for illiterates, and may teach them to read and write in the
   process. Thus, the GB is a cheap and efficient way to increase the education
   level, access to information, and economic competitiveness in all regions of the
   world, helping Third World countries to bridge the gap with the wealthiest

GB and the future of humanity

Can anybody predict how the GB will develop?

   Nobody knows what the future of humanity or society will be, and nobody can
   clearly imagine what an eventual global brain will look like. The underlying
   phenomena are much too complex and unpredictable. Yet, since it seems likely that
   something like a GB will evolve, whether we like it or not, it is worth trying to
   understand as much as possible about it, so that we may steer it in the best
   possible direction. This we can only do by reasoning through analogies with the
   evolution of similar complex systems, such as the human brain.

Will the GB have its own goals and values?

   As noted before, the GB is not an autonomous entity, but a system emerging from
   the knowledge, actions and preferences of all people. Thus, the overall goals and
   values that will guide the GB's decisions will be those of humanity. Again, the
   simplest analogy may be the market. The market's overall goal is to satisfy
   demand, and demand is simply a word for what the public collectively desires.
   Thus, if the public wants to reduce pollution, the GB will lead people
   preferentially to non-polluting products or services. However, having a much
   larger "brain capacity" than an individual, the GB will not only try to realize
   the goals that a majority agrees upon but the myriads of idiosyncratic goals of
   each of its users. If you want to hear more early jazz, the GB will try to make
   more early jazz accessible to you, while at the same time it may make more
   baroque music available to me. Thus, the GB's value system will be much more
   complex than that of any human individual.

Will the GB have feelings?

   Cybernetically, feelings or emotions can be understood as the reactions of a
   goal-seeking system to a situation that may either help it (positive feelings) or
   hinder it (negative feelings) in achieving its goals. The strength of a feeling,
   that is the degree of "arousal" or "activation", corresponds to the degree of
   "unexpectedness" of the situation: routine events will not create much
   excitement, but a sudden surprise or danger will release a lot of activation. In
   that sense, the GB too will have emotions. Events, objects or people that have a
   strong association with the GB's goals, either positively or negatively, will
   arouse a lot of "activation" travelling along the GB's virtual neurons, and be
   able to create a strong reaction by mobilizing people, machines or resources to
   tackle the problem or use the opportunity. For example, a sudden danger, such as
   the appearance of a new virus (computer or biological), will have an immediate
   influence on all activities going on in the GB, as millions of people will
   suddenly start looking for information on that virus or discuss what to do about
   it. For a more concrete example, the death of Princess Diana a few years ago has,
   stimulated by the extensive media coverage, released a collective feeling of
   grief in millions of people.

Will the GB become conscious?

   Feelings can be seen as a lower level of awareness or [99]consciousness of what
   is going on in a system's environment. In that sense, the GB will be conscious of
   all important events affecting its goals. A higher level of consciousness,
   self-awareness, would require that the GB could reflect on its own functioning.
   The GB in the wider sense of the global community is slowly becoming aware of
   itself. The GB in he narrow sense, as a system of algorithms to make the web more
   intelligent, at present does not include such a capacity for self-monitoring.
   However, there is no in principle obstacle towards implementing such a capacity.
   Simple AI systems capable of self-reflection have already been built. The problem
   is that if we wish to give the "narrow" GB such a capacity for self-improvement,
   we will have to make sure that that will not allow it to develop in a way that we
   don't want. But to achieve that, we (that is, the GB in the wider sense) will
   ourselves have to become more conscious of the dangers and opportunities

Will we able to understand the GB's thinking?

   As the GB will process the knowledge and intentions of millions of people, the
   conclusions it reaches and the decisions it makes will in practice be too complex
   for a single person to comprehend. Yet, there is no in principle limitation on
   understanding any specific conclusion: it is just that as we ask the GB for all
   the reasons because of which it made a particular recommendation, the list will
   grow up to the point where it will become too much for our own, much more limited
   brain to grasp. Still, an intelligent GB should be able to maximally simplify its
   reasoning, focusing on the most important factors and filtering out the less
   important ones, so as to make its thought processes as transparent as possible.
   The fact that we will never be able to understand everything is nothing to be
   worried about: nobody can claim to fully understand what is going on in society,
   but that hasn't prevented most people from being relatively satisfied with their
   life there.

Would the GB allow uploading the human mind in a computer, thus making it immortal?

   At present, the exchange of information between people and computers in the
   Global Brain occurs through a physical medium connecting our brain with the
   network. However, it is conceivable that the contents of our mind would be
   separated from our physical brain, and stored directly into a computer, part of
   the GB network. This is called " [externallink.GIF] [100]uploading". It would
   allow our mind to survive long after our physical body has decayed:
   [101]cybernetic immortality. There are no theoretical reasons why the content of
   a human mind cannot be treated as any other kind of information that can be
   copied and stored in various media. Usually the huge amount of neurons in the
   brain is seen as an obstacle. But it seems universally accepted now that the main
   functional units of the brain -- the modes of mind -- are spread over all its
   neurons. This makes it possible for the brain to restore its functioning even
   after removal of considerable portions of its substance, which would be
   impossible if it depended critically on a few neurons, like the functioning of
   our computers depends on every bit in their memory. The question is: What are
   those modes of mind? What is the mental code? We do not yet know that, but one
   can bet that we -- Humanity -- shall crack it, as we did with the genetic code.
   In fact, the web learning techniques at the basis of our present view of the GB
   can be seen as a first step in that direction, as they are able to build an
   increasingly accurate model of a user's interests and experiences. After a
   sufficiently long training, a software agent that has assimilated its user's way
   of thinking might start behaving indistinguishably from that user. If then the
   user would die, the agent may continue to interact with the web, representing its
   long-dead owner's personality and desires as if it were his or her immortal

   [102]CopyrightŠ 2000 Principia Cybernetica - [103]Referencing this page

   F. [104]Heylighen,

   Nov 8, 2000 (modified)
   Aug 9, 2000 (created)

                           [106]Metasystem Transition Theory
                              [107]The Future of Humanity
                  [108]The Social Superorganism and its Global Brain

                          [109]Prev. [4arrows.gif] [110]Next


     * [112]The Global Brain's Personality, Comment by Ben Swihart
     * [113]Brain VS. Mind, Comment by Ben Swihart
     * [114]Addendum to FAQ, Comment by Hugo Blasdel

                                  [115]Add comment...



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