Ergebnis für URL:
   CWD=current_working_directory PAW_DEMO_HOME=$CWD/paw/www/2005/demo/ Prerequisites
   ------------- 1) Install Python-2.4 NOTE: swap does not currently work with
   Python2.5 2) cd $CWD 3) svn co svn+ssh:// 4) cd
   $PAW_DEMO_HOME 5) cvs -d login ->
   Use 'anonymous' as the password, when requested. 6) cvs -d co -r paw-demo-m1 -d swap
   2000/10/swap 6) python2.4 Takes some time to run. You should see a
   number of lines saying PASSED and a summary when it's done 7) Install and its prerequisites (except using Python2.4 as noted
   above.) Resource Server --------------- 1) cd $PAW_DEMO_HOME (if you're not
   already there from above) 1.2) redfoot 1.5) redfoot
   --program= --set-default TODO:
   change to tagged version once we verify it's in a working state 2) redfoot load
   paw http://:9999 2.5) how to get working so one doesn't have to use an IP that's
   going to be different all the time... Can't use localhost or for (at
   least on OS X) as those will not get proxied. 3) To log into Jabber (XMPP)
   service (OPTIONAL): First, start a Jabber server locally or use one on another
   machine. Connect to the Jabber service using a Jabber client with your own login,
   then: redfoot xmpp_info e.g. redfoot xmpp_info paw@mackerel.local/Mackerel paw
   mackerel.local 5222 redfoot add_admin # TODO: what account to use? e.g. redfoot
   add_admin prototypo@mackerel.local/Mackerel (NB: Account names will change
   depending on your Jabber service) TODO: how to add proxy (and client) and buddies
   -- TODO: auto join did not work... why? TODO: how to tell proxy and client to
   join paw chat room 4) redfoot server 9999 5) Point your web browser at
   http://:9999/ to view the site Proxy Server ------------ 1) cd $PAW_DEMO_HOME 2)
   mkdir proxy_dir ; cd proxy_dir 3) export PYTHONPATH=.. or set PYTHONPATH=..
   (depending on your shell) 4) redfoot load ../paw 5) To log into Jabber (XMPP)
   service (OPTIONAL): If you are using XMPP messaging for the server, see the
   directions above. redfoot xmpp_info e.g. redfoot xmpp_info
   paw_proxy@mackerel.local/Mackerel paw_proxy mackerel.local 5222 redfoot add_admin
   e.g. redfoot add_admin prototypo@mackerel.local/Mackerel (NB: Account names will
   change depending on your Jabber service) 6) Turn system wide proxing *off* if
   you've turned it on already 7) Start the proxy by issuing: redfoot proxy 8) Turn
   on system wide proxing Directions for doing this on OS X: - System Preferences ->
   networking -> proxies - check Web Proxy and fill in localhost : 8080 - click
   Apply Now 9) point your browser at http://_proxy/ to set the user on whose behalf
   the proxy is acting NOTE: http://_proxy/ does not work in FF TODO: create a
   seperate document for setting up jabber bits TODO: notes on starting and running
   demo once all this is done. (put on TODO: script for
   kicking off both demo and proxy

Errormessages are in German, sorry ;-)