Ergebnis für URL:
   w3m_el-1.0/0042755000175000017500000000000007276106706013025 5ustar
   57 0ustar tsuchiyatsuchiya GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991
   Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge,
   MA 02139, USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of
   this license document, but changing it is not allowed. Preamble The licenses for
   most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By
   contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
   share and change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its
   users. This General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
   Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it.
   (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by the GNU Library
   General Public License instead.) You can apply it to your programs, too. When we
   speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General
   Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute
   copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish), that you
   receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the
   software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know you can do
   these things. To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
   anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. These
   restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute
   copies of the software, or if you modify it. For example, if you distribute
   copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the
   recipients all the rights that you have. You must make sure that they, too,
   receive or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they
   know their rights. We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the
   software, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to
   copy, distribute and/or modify the software. Also, for each author's protection
   and ours, we want to make certain that everyone understands that there is no
   warranty for this free software. If the software is modified by someone else and
   passed on, we want its recipients to know that what they have is not the
   original, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the
   original authors' reputations. Finally, any free program is threatened constantly
   by software patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
   program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the program
   proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent must be
   licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. The precise terms and
   conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow. GNU GENERAL PUBLIC
   License applies to any program or other work which contains a notice placed by
   the copyright holder saying it may be distributed under the terms of this General
   Public License. The "Program", below, refers to any such program or work, and a
   "work based on the Program" means either the Program or any derivative work under
   copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
   either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another language.
   (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in the term
   "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". Activities other than
   copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they are
   outside its scope. The act of running the Program is not restricted, and the
   output from the Program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
   on the Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). Whether
   that is true depends on what the Program does. 1. You may copy and distribute
   verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you receive it, in any medium,
   provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
   appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
   notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and give
   any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License along with the
   Program. You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
   you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. 2. You
   may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it, thus forming
   a work based on the Program, and copy and distribute such modifications or work
   under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these
   conditions: a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
   stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. b) You must cause
   any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole or in part contains or is
   derived from the Program or any part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no
   charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. c) If the modified
   program normally reads commands interactively when run, you must cause it, when
   started running for such interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or
   display an announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice
   that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a warranty) and that
   users may redistribute the program under these conditions, and telling the user
   how to view a copy of this License. (Exception: if the Program itself is
   interactive but does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
   the Program is not required to print an announcement.) These requirements apply
   to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not
   derived from the Program, and can be reasonably considered independent and
   separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to
   those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
   distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the
   Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License,
   whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to
   each and every part regardless of who wrote it. Thus, it is not the intent of
   this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by
   you; rather, the intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of
   derivative or collective works based on the Program. In addition, mere
   aggregation of another work not based on the Program with the Program (or with a
   work based on the Program) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does
   not bring the other work under the scope of this License. 3. You may copy and
   distribute the Program (or a work based on it, under Section 2) in object code or
   executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also
   do one of the following: a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding
   machine-readable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of
   Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
   b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give any
   third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically performing source
   distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code,
   to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
   customarily used for software interchange; or, c) Accompany it with the
   information you received as to the offer to distribute corresponding source code.
   (This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
   received the program in object code or executable form with such an offer, in
   accord with Subsection b above.) The source code for a work means the preferred
   form of the work for making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete
   source code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
   associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control
   compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a special exception,
   the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally
   distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components
   (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable
   runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable. If distribution of
   executable or object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated
   place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same
   place counts as distribution of the source code, even though third parties are
   not compelled to copy the source along with the object code. 4. You may not copy,
   modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except as expressly provided under
   this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the
   Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
   However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License
   will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full
   compliance. 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
   signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute
   the Program or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you
   do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Program
   (or any work based on the Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License
   to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
   the Program or works based on it. 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or
   any work based on the Program), the recipient automatically receives a license
   from the original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
   these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the
   recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for
   enforcing compliance by third parties to this License. 7. If, as a consequence of
   a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason
   (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court
   order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License,
   they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
   distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License
   and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute
   the Program at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit
   royalty-free redistribution of the Program by all those who receive copies
   directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it
   and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
   If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
   particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply and the
   section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. It is not the
   purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other property
   right claims or to contest validity of any such claims; this section has the sole
   purpose of protecting the integrity of the free software distribution system,
   which is implemented by public license practices. Many people have made generous
   contributions to the wide range of software distributed through that system in
   reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up to the author/donor
   to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any other system
   and a licensee cannot impose that choice. This section is intended to make
   thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the rest of this
   License. 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
   certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original
   copyright holder who places the Program under this License may add an explicit
   geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that
   distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In such
   case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this
   License. 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
   of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be
   similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new
   problems or concerns. Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If
   the Program specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
   "any later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
   either of that version or of any later version published by the Free Software
   Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of this License, you
   may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation. 10. If you
   wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free programs whose
   distribution conditions are different, write to the author to ask for permission.
   For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the
   Free Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our decision
   will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of all derivatives
   of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software
   How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs If you develop a new program, and
   you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, the best way to
   achieve this is to make it free software which everyone can redistribute and
   change under these terms. To do so, attach the following notices to the program.
   It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
   convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
   "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. Copyright (C)
   19yy This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
   Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
   later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
   FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
   details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
   with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass
   Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. Also add information on how to contact you by
   electronic and paper mail. If the program is interactive, make it output a short
   notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: Gnomovision version 69,
   Copyright (C) 19yy name of author Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
   for details type `show w'. This is free software, and you are welcome to
   redistribute it under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. The
   hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate parts of
   the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may be called
   something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be mouse-clicks or
   menu items--whatever suits your program. You should also get your employer (if
   you work as a programmer) or your school, if any, to sign a "copyright
   disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
   Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
   `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. , 1
   April 1989 Ty Coon, President of Vice This General Public License does not permit
   incorporating your program into proprietary programs. If your program is a
   subroutine library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary
   applications with the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU
   Library General Public License instead of this License.
   w3m_el-1.0/ChangeLog0100444000175000017500000026213407276106617014601 0ustar
   tsuchiyatsuchiya2001-05-09 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el (emacs-w3m-version): Up to
   1.0. 2001-05-08 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m.el (w3m-setup-menu): Don't set up menu if
   it has already been available. 2001-05-08 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m.el
   (w3m-setup-menu): Locate W3M menu in the forefront of the menubar. * w3m-xmas.el
   (w3m-setup-menu): Ditto. 2001-05-08 Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el (w3m-mode): Modify
   doc-string for describe mode, again. 2001-05-08 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el:
   Removed filter extension. (w3m-use-filter): Removed. (w3m-retrieve): Remove
   filtering code. * w3m-filter.el: Removed. 2001-05-08 Yuuichi Teranishi *
   shimbun/sb-mew.el: Removed. * shimbun/sb-impress.el (shimbun-get-headers): Remove
   CRLF characters from subject string. 2001-05-08 Akihiro Arisawa *
   shimbun/sb-hns.el (shimbun-hns-article): Support "RLNEW". (shimbun-article):
   Fixed problem when header contain multibyte string. 2001-05-07 Katsumi Yamaoka *
   w3m.el (w3m-about-history): Run `set-buffer-multibyte' after `erase-buffer' is
   done. 2001-05-07 Yuuichi Teranishi * shimbun/sb-hns.el (shimbun-hns-group-alist):
   Added X-FACE element. (shimbun-article): Use `encode-coding-string' instead of
   `encode-coding-region'. (shimbun-x-face): Define. * shimbun/shimbun.el
   (shimbun-header-insert): Use shimbun-x-face instead of shimbun-x-face-internal.
   (shimbun-open-group): Don't setup x-face slot. (shimbun-x-face): New generic
   function. (shimbun-x-face): Define. * shimbun/sb-tcup.el (shimbun-tcup-url):
   Eliminated. (shimbun-tcup-groups): Ditto. (shimbun-groups): Define. * w3m.el
   (w3m-w3m-retrieve): Fixed problem when no-cache is non-nil and w3m-content-type
   returns nil. 2001-05-07 Taiki SUGAWARA * shimbun/sb-tcup.el: Changes for other
   tcup groups [emacs-w3m: 00713]. (shimbun-tcup-group-alist): Define as variable;
   Changed structure. (shimbun-tcup-subject-regexp): New variable.
   (shimbun-tcup-from-start-regexp): Ditto. (shimbun-tcup-date-start-regexp): Ditto.
   (shimbun-tcup-body-start-regexp): Ditto. (shimbun-tcup-body-end-regexp): Ditto.
   (shimbun-tcup-get-group-key): Follow changes above. (shimbun-headers): Ditto.
   2001-05-06 Mito * shimbun/sb-hns.el (shimbun-hns-x-face-alist): New variable. *
   shimbun/sb-tcup.el (shimbun-tcup-x-face-alist): Ditto.
   (shimbun-tcup-group-alist): Renamed 'yutopia' to 'meadow'; Added new group
   'yutopia'. 2001-05-07 Akihiro Arisawa * shimbun/shimbun.el (shimbun-expand-url):
   Define as an alias for `w3m-expand-url'. * shimbun/sb-hns.el
   (shimbun-get-headers): Set proper url to xref. (shimbun-hns-article): Follow the
   change above. (shimbun-article): Encode headers. 2001-05-07 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi *
   w3m-search.el (top-level): Removed magic string to decide coding system. *
   w3m-xmas.el (top-level): Ditto. * w3m-e21.el (top-level): Ditto. 2001-05-07
   Masatake YAMATO * w3m-xmas.el (w3m-setup-menu): Implemented. 2001-05-07 TSUCHIYA
   Masatoshi * w3m.el (emacs-w3m-version): Up to 1.0pre1. (w3m-rendering-region):
   Removed form support. (w3m-fontify): Ditto. (w3m-use-form): Removed. (top-level):
   Removed autoload code of form support. (w3m-mode-map): Moved in order to avoid
   compile warning. * w3m-form.el: Removed. 2001-05-07 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el
   (w3m-w3m-attributes): Check validity of contents length, to avoid the problem
   reported in [emacs-w3m:00682]. 2001-05-07 Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m-bookmark.el
   (w3m-bookmark-section-history): Revival. (w3m-bookmark-title-history): Ditto. *
   w3m.el (w3m-extended-characters-table): Add "\x90" entry. (w3m-setup-menu): Move
   from w3m-e21.el. (w3m-mode): Modify doc-string for describe mode. (top-level):
   Add key-bind, w3m-antenna(), w3m-weather() and w3m-search(). (w3m-about-history):
   Set w3m work buffer as multibyte. * w3m-e21.el (w3m-setup-menu): Move to w3m.el.
   2001-05-03 Masatake YAMATO * w3m.el (w3m-mode): Call w3m-setup-menu. *
   w3m-xmas.el (w3m-setup-menu): New stub. * w3m-e21.el (w3m-setup-menu): New
   function. 2001-04-27 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m.el (w3m-about-history): Replace ">"
   with ">". 2001-04-26 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m.el (w3m-about-history): New
   implementation without recursive funcall'ing. (w3m-about-history-1): Removed.
   2001-04-26 Yuuichi Teranishi * shimbun/sb-gnome.el (shimbun-get-headers):
   Retrieve index as binary and decode with shimbun-gnome-coding-system. *
   shimbun/sb-xemacs.el (shimbun-get-headers): Likewise; MIME encode 'from' string.
   2001-04-26 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m.el (w3m-goto-ftp-url): Don't give an url string
   to the function `file-name-nondirectory'. 2001-04-24 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m.el
   (w3m-about-history): Enhance the last link. (w3m-arrived-p): Return non-nil when
   url matches `w3m-about-history-ignored-regexp'. (w3m-arrived-add): Don't put url
   into an arrived-db when url matches `w3m-about-history-ignored-regexp'.
   (w3m-about-history-ignored-regexp): Renamed from
   `w3m-about-history-except-regex'. * w3m-hist.el (w3m-history-restore-position):
   Instruct `w3m-history-plist-get' to work with buffer-local properties.
   (w3m-history-store-position): Instruct `w3m-history-add-properties' to work with
   buffer-local properties. (w3m-history-remove-properties): Allow the optional arg
   `local'. (w3m-history-add-properties): Ditto. (w3m-history-plist-put): Ditto.
   (w3m-history-plist-get): Ditto. (w3m-history-copy): Remove buffer-local
   properties. (w3m-history-flat): Made it to have buffer-local properties.
   2001-04-24 Hideyuki SHIRAI * mew-w3m.el (mew-mime-text/html-w3m): Support Mew
   1.95b120 or later. 2001-04-24 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m.el (w3m-quit): Clear the echo
   area just after prompting. (w3m-save-list): Format a list by itself instead of
   the use of pp. 2001-04-24 Yuuichi Teranishi * shimbun/sb-yomiuri.el
   (shimbun-get-headers): Fixed regexp for "fuho" group. 2001-04-24 Hideyuki SHIRAI
   * w3m-0.2.1-mnc.patch: See [emacs-w3m:00629]. 2001-04-23 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m.el
   (w3m-goto-url): Use `w3m-history-store-position' instead of
   `w3m-arrived-store-position'. (w3m-lynx-like-map): Bind
   `w3m-history-restore-position' instead of `w3m-view-previous-point' for the key
   `C-c C-b'; new key `C-c C-SPC' to bind the command `w3m-history-store-position'.
   (w3m-view-previous-point): Removed. (w3m-view-next-page): Use
   `w3m-history-restore-position' instead of `w3m-arrived-restore-position'.
   (w3m-view-previous-page): Ditto. (w3m-arrived-restore-position): Removed.
   (w3m-arrived-store-position): Removed. * w3m-hist.el
   (w3m-history-add-arrived-db): Don't specify the 2nd arg in `w3m-history-push';
   specify the 2nd in `w3m-history-backward'. (w3m-history-restore-position): New
   command. (w3m-history-store-position): New command. (w3m-history-plist-put): Use
   `w3m-history-modify-properties'. (w3m-history-plist-get): Don't specify the 3rd
   arg in `w3m-history-assoc'. (w3m-history-push): Allow the optional arg
   `replace-props'; use `w3m-history-modify-properties'. (w3m-history-assoc): Allow
   the optional arg `replace-props'; always modify the properties of a history
   element; use `w3m-history-modify-properties'. (w3m-history-backward): Allow the
   optional arg `set-current'; don't modify the position pointer of `w3m-history'
   normally; use `w3m-history-save-position'. (w3m-history-forward): Ditto.
   (w3m-history-with-element): Don't specify the 3rd arg in `w3m-history-assoc'.
   (w3m-history-modify-properties): New macro. (w3m-history-save-position): New
   macro. 2001-04-23 Yuuichi Teranishi * w3m-xmas.el (w3m-setup-header-line): Check
   `major-mode' to decide whether header line should be set up. * shimbun/shimbun.el
   (shimbun-retrieve-url): Added optional argument no-decode.
   (shimbun-retrieve-url-buffer): Ditto. * shimbun/sb-tcup.el (shimbun-headers):
   Define; Retrieve headers as binary and decode with shimbun-tcup-coding-system.
   (shimbun-get-headers): Eliminated. 2001-04-23 Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el
   (w3m-linefeed-type): Change default value. * w3m-0.2.1-mnc.patch: Define
   setmode(fileno(stdout), O_BINARY) if win32 or OS/2. Define lrand48() and
   srand48() used if they don't have. 2001-04-23 Yuuichi Teranishi * w3m.el
   (w3m-about-db-history): Set w3m work buffer as multibyte. 2001-04-23 TSUCHIYA
   Masatoshi * w3m.el (w3m-info-like-map): Changed key of `w3m-reload-this-page'.
   2001-04-20 Taiki SUGAWARA * w3m.el (w3m-expand-file-name-as-url): Use
   "file:///cygdrive/" instead of "/cygdrive/" when `w3m-use-cygdrive' is non-nil.
   2001-04-20 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m-hist.el (w3m-history-add-arrived-db): New
   command. * w3m.el (w3m-db-history): New command. (w3m-about-history,
   w3m-about-history-1): Don't deactivate "about://*" links. (w3m-exec): Share an
   url string between the variable `w3m-current-url' and the history structure.
   (w3m-toolbar, w3m-toolbar-buttons): Added history and db-history. *
   icons/db-history-up.xpm: New file. * icons/history-up.xpm: New file. 2001-04-20
   Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el (w3m-view-source): Don't execute if can't load its
   source. (w3m-view-header): Don't execute if can't load its header. Toggle
   html/header if execute twice. 2001-04-19 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m.el (w3m-goto-url):
   Use `set-text-properties' to remove all text props from url string. (w3m-exec):
   Use `add-text-properties' instead of `set-text-properties'. (w3m-w3m-dump-source,
   w3m-w3m-dump-head-source): Removed not-used bound variable
   `w3m-w3m-retrieve-length'. (w3m-cache-request-contents): Removed not-used bound
   variables `type' and `charset'. (w3m-entity-value): Removed not-used bound
   variable `sym'. (w3m-arrived-add): Use `w3m-arrived-add-1'; don't funcall itself
   recursively to get rid of redundancy; don't use `set-text-properties' here.
   (w3m-arrived-add-1): New macro. * w3mhack.el (XEmacs): Byte-optimize
   `set-text-properties' to make the program run a little bit faster. 2001-04-19
   Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el (w3m-use-cygdrive): Change default value.
   (w3m-linefeed-type): New customize variable. (w3m-executable-type): Remove
   variable. (w3m-crlf-to-lf): Use 'w3m-linefeed-type' instead of
   'w3m-executable-type'. 2001-04-19 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3mhack.el: Byte-optimize
   `match-string-no-properties' not to use `set-text-properties' under XEmacs.
   2001-04-19 Yuuichi Teranishi * shimbun/sb-hns.el (shimbun-close): Define (clean
   up content-hash). (shimbun-article): Avoid an error when article does not exist.
   (shimbun-hns-article): Reload page for article. 2001-04-19 Shun-ichi GOTO *
   shimbun/sb-hns.el (shimbun-get-headers): Generate pseudo time using section
   number of article for sorting by date. 2001-04-19 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el
   (w3m-setup-header-line): Check `major-mode' to decide whether header line should
   be set up. * mime-w3m.el (mime-w3m-use-header-line): Removed.
   (mime-w3m-preview-text/html): Canceled last change. 2001-04-18 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi
   * w3m.el (w3m-mode-map): Initialize when source file is loaded. * mime-w3m.el
   (mime-w3m-mode-map): Simplify. * mew-w3m.el (TopLevel): Initialization code of
   `w3m-mode-map' is removed. * w3m.el, w3m-weather.el, w3m-filter.el, w3m-form.el:
   Change coding-system. * mime-w3m.el (mime-w3m-use-header-line): New user option.
   (mime-w3m-preview-text/html): Refer `mime-w3m-use-header-line' to control
   `w3m-use-header-line'. 2001-04-18 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m-hist: Made the history
   management system to keep properties of each history element to be shared by all
   the w3m buffers. (w3m-history-remove-properties): Share properties.
   (w3m-history-add-properties): Ditto. (w3m-history-plist-put): Ditto.
   (w3m-history-copy, w3m-history-copy-1): Ditto. (w3m-history-push): Ditto.
   (w3m-history-assoc): Ditto. (w3m-history-share-properties): New function.
   (w3m-history-seek-properties): New function. (w3m-history-rename-url): Allow the
   4th arg `this-buffer'. (w3m-history-with-element): Renamed from
   `w3m-history-with-elements'; bind only the variable `element' to have a history
   element of `w3m-history-flat'. 2001-04-18 Yuuichi Teranishi * shimbun/sb-hns.el:
   New file. * shimbun/shimbun.el (shimbun-groups): Define as generic function.
   (shimbun-open-group): Use `shimbun-groups' instead of `shimbun-groups-internal'.
   * shimbun/shimbun.el (shimbun-header-insert): Added argument `shimbun'. Use
   `shimbun-article-url' instead of `shimbun-header-xref' for the Xref field. *
   shimbun/sb-fml.el (shimbun-make-contents): Follow the change above. *
   shimbun/sb-text.el (shimbun-make-contents): Ditto. * shimbun/sb-tcup.el
   (shimbun-article): Ditto. * shimbun/sb-mhonarc.el (shimbun-make-contents): Ditto.
   * shimbun/shimbun.el (shimbun-header-insert): Insert x-face field.
   (shimbun-make-html-contents): Don't insert x-face field. * shimbun/sb-text.el
   (shimbun-make-contents): Don't insert x-face field. * shimbun/sb-namazu.el
   (shimbun-namazu-url): Deleted last '/'. (shimbun-index-url): Follow the change
   above. (shimbun-reply-to): Define. 2001-04-18 Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el
   (w3m-setup-header-line): Don't execute the setup-header-line, if w3m-current-url
   is 'nil'. * w3m-xmas.el (w3m-setup-header-line): Ditto. 2001-04-17 Katsumi
   Yamaoka * w3m.el (w3m-fontify-images): Use `match-string-no-properties' instead
   of `buffer-substring-no-properties'. (w3m-parse-attributes): Use
   `match-string-no-properties' instead of `match-string' to remove text properties.
   * w3m-xmas.el: Require `poe' for the function `match-string-no-properties'.
   2001-04-17 Yuuichi Teranishi * shimbun/sb-impress.el: New file. 2001-04-17
   Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m.el (w3m-setup-header-line): New function except for Emacs
   21 nor XEmacs. (w3m-header-line-map): New variable except for Emacs 21 nor
   XEmacs. (w3m-fontify-after-hook): Use it for emulating a header-line.
   (w3m-header-line-location-content-face): New face except for Emacs 21.
   (w3m-header-line-location-title-face): Ditto. (w3m-use-header-line): Moved from
   w3m-e21.el. * w3m-xmas.el (w3m-setup-header-line): New function.
   (w3m-header-line-map): New variable. * w3m-e21.el (w3m-use-header-line): Moved to
   w3m.el. 2001-04-16 Katsumi Yamaoka * icons/parent-up.xpm: Reduced color depth. *
   icons/parent-disabled.xpm: Renamed from parent-down.xpm. 2001-04-16 Masatake
   YAMATO * w3m.el (w3m-toolbar): Added w3m-toolbar-parent-icon.
   (w3m-toolbar-buttons): Added "parent". (w3m-parent-page-available-p): New
   function. * icons/parent-up.xpm: New file. * icons/parent-down.xpm: New file.
   2001-04-16 Yuuichi Teranishi * w3m.el (w3m-about-history): Set w3m work buffer as
   multibyte. 2001-04-16 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m.el (w3m-about-history-1,
   w3m-about-history): Deactivate all "about://*" links. 2001-04-16 Yuuichi
   Teranishi * shimbun/sb-gnome.el: New file. (shimbun-gnome-groups): Removed
   duplicated "wm-spec-list". * shimbun/shimbun.el (shimbun-reply-to): New generic
   function. * shimbun/sb-mhonarc.el (shimbun-make-contents): Add "Reply-To" field.
   * shimbun/sb-airs.el (shimbun-airs-group-path-alist): Add reply-to information.
   (shimbun-airs-concat-url): Follow the change above. (shimbun-reply-to): Define.
   2001-04-16 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m.el (w3m-about-history-1): New internal function.
   (w3m-about-history): Use it. 2001-04-16 Yuuichi Teranishi * shimbun/sb-wired.el
   (shimbun-get-group-header-alist): Jump to the article start point before getting
   headers. 2001-04-15 Yuuichi Teranishi * w3m-e21.el
   (w3m-header-line-location-title-face): New face.
   (w3m-header-line-location-content-face): Ditto. (w3m-use-header-line): New user
   option. (w3m-setup-header-line): New function. (w3m-mode-hook): Add
   `w3m-setup-header-line'. * shimbun/sb-airs.el (shimbun-airs-coding-system): Fixed
   redundant definition. * shimbun/sb-yomiuri.el (shimbun-yomiuri-coding-system):
   Ditto. * shimbun/sb-wired.el (shimbun-wired-coding-system): Ditto. *
   shimbun/sb-sponichi.el (shimbun-sponichi-coding-system): Ditto. *
   shimbun/sb-netbsd.el (shimbun-netbsd-coding-system): Ditto. * shimbun/sb-cnet.el
   (shimbun-cnet-coding-system): Ditto. * shimbun/sb-bbdb-ml.el
   (shimbun-bbdb-ml-coding-system): Ditto. * shimbun/sb-mew.el: Fixed. 2001-04-13
   Yuuichi Teranishi * shimbun/sb-xemacs.el (shimbun-get-headers): Undo last change.
   * shimbun/sb-airs.el (shimbun-get-headers): Ditto. * shimbun/shimbun.el
   (shimbun-retrieve-url): Copy buffer content only if it is not the work buffer of
   w3m. * shimbun/sb-xemacs.el (shimbun-get-headers): Retrieve header to the temp
   buffer. * shimbun/sb-airs.el (shimbun-get-headers): Ditto. * shimbun/shimbun.el
   (shimbun-retrieve-url-buffer): Return an empty buffer when `w3m-retrieve' returns
   nil. 2001-04-13 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m.el (w3m-about-history): Show a history tree
   (incompleted). (w3m-exec): Put a title string into the history structure.
   2001-04-12 Akihiro Arisawa * shimbun/sb-airs.el (shimbun-get-headers): Stop when
   `shimbun-search-id' returns non-nil. 2001-04-12 Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el
   (w3m-about-db-history): Change the format on display. 2001-04-12 Katsumi Yamaoka
   * w3m-om.el (w3m-icon-directory): Define it as the constant nil to avoid
   byte-compile warnings when compiling. * w3m.el (w3m-icon-directory): Undo last
   change. 2001-04-12 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m.el (w3m-icon-directory): Hide the actual
   function name `locate-data-directory' for old Emacsen to avoid byte-compile
   warnings. * w3m-om.el (w3m-om-define-missing-widgets): New function. (TopLevel):
   Use it for defining some missing widgets after the library wid-edit is loaded.
   2001-04-12 Yuuichi Teranishi * shimbun/shimbun.el (shimbun-index-url): Removed
   method definition. * shimbun/sb-fml.el (shimbun-index-url): Define. *
   shimbun/sb-asahi-html.el (shimbun-asahi-html-content-end): Changed value.
   (shimbun-index-url): Removed. 2001-04-12 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m-xmas.el
   (w3m-xmas-define-missing-widgets): New function. (TopLevel): Use it for defining
   some missing widgets after the library wid-edit is loaded. * w3m.el
   (w3m-track-mouse): Added a description about balloon-help.
   (w3m-make-balloon-help): New macro. (w3m-fontify-anchors, w3m-fontify-images):
   Use it. 2001-04-12 Yuuichi Teranishi * shimbun/shimbun.el (shimbun-headers):
   Define as generic function. * shimbun/sb-wired.el
   (shimbun-get-group-header-alist): Don't return headers with duplicated
   message-id. * shimbun/sb-lump.el (shimbun-lump-check-p): Revert the checking
   logic. (shimbun-headers): Renamed from shimbun-get-headers. 2001-04-12 Katsumi
   Yamaoka * w3m.el (w3m-track-mouse): Default to t. (w3m-make-help-echo): New
   macro. (w3m-fontify-anchors, w3m-fontify-images): Use it. 2001-04-12 Yuuichi
   Teranishi * shimbun/sb-asahi-html.el: New file. 2001-04-12 Hideyuki SHIRAI *
   mew-w3m.el (TopLevel): Set w3m-mode-map if not exec w3m-mode() yet. 2001-04-12
   Yuuichi Teranishi * shimbun/sb-tcup.el (shimbun-get-headers): Don't decode
   buffer. 2001-04-11 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m.el (w3m-fontify-images,
   w3m-fontify-anchors): Put an url string to each anchor as a `help-echo' property
   when the value of `w3m-track-mouse' is non-nil. (w3m-track-mouse): New user
   option. 2001-04-10 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m.el (w3m-copy-buffer): Use
   `w3m-history-copy' to make copies of `w3m-history' and `w3m-history-flat'.
   2001-04-10 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * mime-w3m.el (mime-w3m-mode-map): Refer
   `w3m-key-binding' to avoid the problem reported in [emacs-w3m:00498]. 2001-04-10
   Keisuke Nishida * w3m-search.el (w3m-search): Find default using thing-at-point.
   2001-04-10 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m.el (w3m-about-history): Use `w3m-history-flat'
   instead of `w3m-url-history'. (w3m-view-source): Don't bind `w3m-url-yrotsih' nor
   `w3m-url-history'. (w3m-redisplay-with-coding-system): Don't treat
   `w3m-url-history'. (w3m-reload-this-page): Ditto. (w3m-view-next-page): Use
   `w3m-history-forward' instead of `w3m-url-yrotsih'. (w3m-view-previous-page): Use
   `w3m-history-backward' instead of `w3m-url-history'. (w3m-exec): Use
   `w3m-history-push' instead of `w3m-url-yrotsih' or `w3m-url-history'.
   (w3m-toolbar): Use `w3m-history-next-link-available-p' and
   `w3m-history-previous-link-available-p'. (w3m-url-yrotsih, w3m-url-history):
   Removed. (TopLevel): Require `w3m-hist'. 2001-04-09 Akihiro Arisawa *
   shimbun/sb-mhonarc.el (shimbun-make-contents): Fixed. 2001-04-09 Katsumi Yamaoka
   * w3m.el (w3m-info-like-map): Use `(shift iso-lefttab)' instead of
   `S-iso-lefttab'. (w3m-lynx-like-map): Ditto. * w3mhack.el (w3mhack-make-package):
   Add shimbun modules in MANIFEST.w3m file. (w3mhack-examine-modules): Look for the
   library "mime-def" instead of "mime" to check whether FLIM has been installed or
   not. * (install): Install shimbun modules as well. (install-icons):
   Show subdirectory name. 2001-04-09 Yuuichi Teranishi * shimbun/shimbun.el
   (shimbun): Removed `headers' slot. (shimbun-retrieve-url-buffer): New function.
   (shimbun-open-group): Don't set up `headers' slot. (shimbun-close-group): Don't
   clean up `headers' slot. (shimbun-headers): Retrieve headers using
   `shimbun-retrieve-url-buffer'. 2001-04-09 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el
   (w3m-key-binding): New user option. (w3m-lynx-like-map, w3m-info-like-map): New
   keymaps. (w3m): Refer w3m-key-binding, to decide whether keymap is used.
   2001-04-06 Akihiro Arisawa * shimbun/sb-ding.el: New file. * shimbun/sb-xemacs.el
   (shimbun-get-headers): Generate pattern from index-url. * shimbun/sb-mhonarc.el
   (shimbun-make-contents): Always insert Content-Type. * shimbun/sb-zdnet.el: Add
   `gemespot' support. * shimbun/sb-emacs-w3m.el: Removed. 2001-04-06 Yuuichi
   Teranishi * shimbun/shimbun.el (shimbun-mua): Added slot `shimbun'. Define
   internal accessor. (shimbun-open): Setup shimbun slot. 2001-04-06 TSUCHIYA
   Masatoshi * w3m.el (w3m-edit-current-url): New command. (w3m-mode-map):
   `w3m-edit-current-url' is registered. (w3m-save-this-url): Removed.
   (w3m-decode-encoded-buffer): Use `w3m-which-command' in order to find appropriate
   command in Windows. 2001-04-05 Yuuichi Teranishi * shimbun/sb-xemacs.el
   (shimbun-get-headers): Examine use-entire-index slot and use shimbun-search-id.
   (shimbun-xemacs-coding-system): Fixed redundant definition. 2001-04-05 TSUCHIYA
   Masatoshi * (default): Depends `Makefile'. (Makefile): Removed
   `--recheck' option in order to re-create itself when `' or
   `config.status' is updated. 2001-04-05 Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el (top): Define
   w3m-read-coding-system(). (w3m-content-type-alist): Change "fiber" to
   "fiber.exe". (w3m-quit): Remove hook if no w3m exist. (w3m-arrived-add): Add
   'coding-system entry. (w3m-arrived-coding-system): New function.
   (w3m-arrived-setup): Handle 'coding-system entry. (w3m-arrived-shutdown): Ditto.
   (w3m-goto-url): Handle specified coding-system.
   (w3m-redisplay-with-coding-system): Use w3m-read-coding-system. If no
   coding-system specify, set 'reset. * w3m-om.el (w3m-read-coding-system): New
   function. 2001-04-05 Yuuichi Teranishi * shimbun/shimbun.el (shimbun-open-group):
   Reload header index. * shimbun/sb-namazu.el (shimbun-namazu-group-url-alist): New
   variable. (shimbun-index-url): Use it. (shimbun-get-headers): Set path argument
   of `shimbun-namazu-get-headers-1'; Catch 'stop signal.
   (shimbun-namazu-get-headers-1): Added argument `path'; Set relative path to xref;
   Throw 'stop and return headers if `shimbun-search-id' returns non-nil. *
   shimbun/sb-asahi.el (shimbun-asahi): Don't inherit shimbun.
   (shimbun-asahi-coding-system): Fixed redundant definition. 2001-04-04 Yuuichi
   Teranishi * shimbun/sb-tcup.el (shimbun-article): Changed argument `id' to
   `header'. * shimbun/shimbun.el (shimbun-article): Abolish argument `id' and added
   `header' instead. (shimbun): Removed `hash' slot. (shimbun-hash-length): Abolish.
   (shimbun-open-group): Don't set up hash slot. (shimbun-close-group): Don't clean
   up hash slot. (shimbun-header): Abolish. (shimbun-article-url): New inline
   function. 2001-04-04 Akihiro Arisawa * shimbun/sb-namazu.el,
   shimbun/sb-emacs-w3m.el: New files. 2001-04-04 Yuuichi Teranishi *
   shimbun/shimbun.el (shimbun-mua-use-entire-index): New method.
   (shimbun-attributes): Removed use-entire-index. (shimbun-open): Call
   `shimbun-mua-use-entire-index' to set use-entire-index slot. * shimbun/sb-airs.el
   (shimbun-airs-use-entire-index): Abolish. * shimbun/sb-bbdb-ml.el
   (shimbun-bbdb-ml-use-entire-index): Ditto. * shimbun/sb-fml.el
   (shimbun-get-headers): Stop when `shimbun-search-id' returns non-nil. *
   shimbun/shimbun.el (shimbun): Added `mua' slot. (shimbun-mua): New class.
   (shimbun-mua-search-id): New method. (shimbun-search-id): New function.
   (shimbun-mime-encode-string): Fixed problem when string is "" or nil.
   (shimbun-open): Added optional `MUA' argument. * shimbun/sb-mhonarc.el
   (shimbun-make-contents): Process content as text/html. * shimbun/shimbun.el
   (shimbun): Added `x-face-alist' slot. (shimbun-x-face-alist): Eliminated.
   (shimbun-x-face): New variable. (shimbun-attributes): Added `x-face-alist'.
   (shimbun-open): Set `x-face-alist'. (shimbun-open-group): Follow changes above. *
   shimbun/sb-text.el (shimbun-fill-column, shimbun-kinsoku-bol-list,
   shimbun-kinsoku-eol-list, shimbun-fill-line, shimbun-shallow-rendering): Moved
   from shimbun.el. * shimbun/sb-asahi.el (shimbun-asahi-x-face-alist): New
   variable. * shimbun/sb-zdnet.el (shimbun-zdnet-x-face-alist): Ditto. *
   shimbun/sb-wired.el (shimbun-wired-x-face-alist): Ditto. * shimbun/sb-cnet.el
   (shimbun-cnet-x-face-alist): Ditto. 2001-04-04 Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el
   (w3m-w3m-retrieve): Add 'cs(coding-system)' option. (w3m-retrieve): Ditto.
   (w3m-exec): Ditto. (w3m-goto-url): Ditto. (w3m-decode-buffer): Ditto. If 'cs'
   specify, decoding use it. (w3m-mode-map): Add w3m-redisplay-with-coding-system()
   at "C". (w3m-mode): Change doc string. (w3m-redisplay-with-coding-system): New
   function. 2001-04-04 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el (w3m-w3m-attributes): When
   content type has trailing semicolon, make it removed. * shimbun/shimbun.el
   (TopLevel): Some redundant codes are removed. * w3mhack.el (load-path): Add
   `shimbun' sub-directory. 2001-04-04 Yuuichi Teranishi * (clean):
   Remove shimbun modules. * w3mhack.el (shimbun-module-directory): New constant.
   (w3mhack-examine-modules): Add shimbun modules if mime is installed. * w3m.el
   (w3m-decode-entities): New function. (w3m-fontify): Use it. * shimbun/shimbun.el
   (shimbun-decode-entities): Define as an alias for `w3m-decode-entities'.
   2001-04-04 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el (w3m-print-this-url): New optional
   argument `add-kill-ring' is added. 2001-04-03 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m-filter.el:
   New file. * w3m-antenna.el (w3m-antenna-size): Refer decoded buffer as size. *
   w3m.el (TopLevel): Add autoload code of `w3m-filter'. (w3m-use-filter): New user
   option. (w3m-retrieve): Call `w3m-filter' when decode. 2001-04-03 Yuuichi
   Teranishi * shimbun/sb-airs.el, shimbun/sb-mew.el, shimbun/sb-wired.el,
   shimbun/sb-asahi.el, shimbun/sb-mhonarc.el, shimbun/sb-xemacs.el,
   shimbun/sb-bbdb-ml.el, shimbun/sb-netbsd.el, shimbun/sb-yomiuri.el,
   shimbun/sb-cnet.el, shimbun/sb-sponichi.el, shimbun/sb-zdnet.el,
   shimbun/sb-fml.el, shimbun/sb-tcup.el, shimbun/shimbun.el, shimbun/sb-lump.el,
   shimbun/sb-text.el: New files. 2001-04-03 Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el
   (w3m-force-redisplay): New variable, default is 't'. (w3m-toggle-inline-images):
   If w3m-force-redisplay is nil, don't redraw. (w3m-goto-url): Ditto. (w3m-region):
   Ditto. * mew-w3m.el (mew-mime-text/html-w3m): Bind w3m-force-redisplay to 'nil'.
   (w3m-mew-support-cid): New variable. (mew-w3m-cid-retrieve): Use
   mew-syntax-get-entry-by-cid(), Tnx, Kazu Yamamoto . 2001-04-03 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi
   * w3m.el (w3m-process-message): Removed. (w3m-exec-process): Clean up.
   (w3m-w3m-dump-head-source): Removed code which refers `w3m-process-message'.
   (w3m-w3m-dump-source): Ditto. (w3m-parse-attributes): Remove leading and trailing
   white space in CDATA attribute values. 2001-04-02 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m-hist.el
   (w3m-history-copy): Make a copy of `w3m-history-flat' using `w3m-history-flat'
   instead of `w3m-history-copy-1'. 2001-04-02 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi *
   (DISTS): Removed `Makefile'. 2001-04-02 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m-hist.el
   (w3m-history-backward, w3m-history-forward): Simplified. 2001-04-02 Katsumi
   Yamaoka * w3m-hist.el (w3m-history-backward, w3m-history-forward): Allow the
   optional argument `count'. (w3m-history-backward-1, w3m-history-forward-1): New
   macros. 2001-04-02 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m-0.2.1-mnc.patch: Apply patch posted
   in [w3m-dev 01887]. * w3m.el (w3m-w3m-dump-head-source): Follow change in MNC
   patch. (w3m-w3m-attributes): Ditto. 2001-04-02 Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el
   (w3m-crlf-to-lf): New function. (w3m-w3m-dump-head-source): Do crlf-to-lf when
   executable-type eq 'cygwin. (w3m-w3m-dump-source): All time do crlf-to-lf
   function when executable-type eq 'cygwin. 2001-04-02 Taiki SUGAWARA * w3m.el
   (w3m-exec-process): Guard the process from some errors. (w3m-copy-buffer):
   Restore view point with new window to the point in original window. 2001-04-02
   Hiroya Murata * (Makefile): Depends on config.status instead of
   configure. (config.status): New rule. 2001-04-01 Katsumi Yamaoka * aclocal.m4
   (AC_PATH_ICONDIR): Quote "$(data-directory)" in help- string. 2001-04-02 Akihiro
   Arisawa * w3m.el (w3m-html-string-regexp): Make no exception of back-quote.
   (w3m-parse-attributes): Follow up above change. 2001-03-30 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi *
   w3m.el (w3m-home-page): Default value is changed. (w3m-html-string-regexp):
   Support single quoted string. (w3m-parse-attributes): Import from w3m-form.el.
   (w3m-fontify-anchors): Fix bug reported in [emacs-w3m:00400].
   (w3m-external-view): Fix. (w3m-goto-url): Default argument is changed when it is
   interactively called. (w3m-browse-url): Fix. (w3m-about): Update.
   (w3m-about-history-except-regex): Add `about:'. * w3m-form.el:
   (w3m-parse-attributes): Exported. * mime-w3m.el (mime-w3m-save-background-color):
   Changed `edebug-form-spec'. * (dist): Improved. (Makefile,
   configure): New rules. (ECC, MODULES): Removed macros. 2001-03-30 Katsumi Yamaoka
   * w3m-hist.el (w3m-history-with-elements): New macro. (w3m-history-rename-url):
   Use it. (w3m-history-remove-properties): Use it. (w3m-history-add-properties):
   Use it. (w3m-history-plist-put): Use it. 2001-03-30 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m-hist.el
   (w3m-history-rename-url): New function. (w3m-history-remove-properties): New
   function. (w3m-history-add-properties): New function. (w3m-history-plist-put):
   New function. (w3m-history-plist-get): New function. (w3m-history-assoc): Return
   a history element of `w3m-history-flat' instead of `w3m-history'. 2001-03-30
   TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el (w3m-w3m-attributes): Fixed spec of return value when
   response code is greater than 500. 2001-03-29 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el: Fix
   bugs in caching deflated contents. (w3m-attributes): Fixed spec of return value
   when `about:' is specified. (w3m-cache-available-p): Removed.
   (w3m-w3m-dump-head-source): Reconstructed. (w3m-w3m-dump-source): New function.
   (w3m-w3m-retrieve): Use `w3m-w3m-dump-head-source' or `w3m-w3m-dump-source'.
   (w3m-real-url): Fix side effect of macro expansion. * w3m-0.2.1-mnc.patch: New
   file. 2001-03-29 Katsumi Yamaoka * (default): Replace with `fast'.
   (install): Undo the last change. (.el.elc, .SUFFIXES, install-anyway): Removed.
   (fast-install-package, fast-install, fast): Removed. * w3m-hist.el (w3m-hist):
   Provide as a feature. (w3m-history-copy, w3m-history-copy-1): New functions.
   (w3m-history-push): Handle the variable `w3m-history-flat' as well as
   `w3m-history'. (w3m-history-assoc): Ditto. (w3m-history-flat function): Set the
   value of the variable `w3m-history-flat'. (w3m-history-flat variable): New
   buffer-local variable. (The whole module): Replace the term ATTRIBUTES with
   PROPERTIES; replace the symbol name of the variable `w3m-url-history' with
   `w3m-history'. 2001-03-29 Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el (w3m-real-url): Return
   original url when real url is nil. * w3m-antenna.el (w3m-antenna-sites): Add
   'time' type. (w3m-antenna-alist): Modify comment.
   (w3m-antenna-hns-last-modified): Don't use old 'Last-Modified:' format.
   (w3m-antenna-last-modified): Use w3m-last-modified() when can not get
   'diary/di.cgi'. (w3m-antenna-check-sites): Push current-time() if (nth 6 pre) is
   nil. 2001-03-29 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el: Support deflated contents and
   redirected URLs. (w3m-decoder-alist, w3m-mnc): New variable.
   (w3m-encoding-alist): New constant. (w3m-attributes, w3m-w3m-attributes,
   w3m-local-attributes): Spec of return value is changed. (w3m-content-charset,
   w3m-content-encoding, w3m-real-url): New macro. (w3m-cache-available-p): New
   function. (w3m-decode-encoded-buffer): Ditto. (w3m-decode-buffer): Changed
   arguments spec. Call `w3m-decode-encoded-buffer' to process encoded contents.
   (w3m-w3m-dump-head-source): New function. (w3m-w3m-retrieve): Call
   `w3m-w3m-dump-head-source' when `w3m-mnc' is non-nil value. Follow change of
   `w3m-decode-buffer'. (w3m-exec): Call `w3m-real-url' to process redirected URLs.
   (w3m-sub-list): When N is nil, no elements in LIST should be deleted.
   (w3m-save-list): Preserve file permission when file is overwritten. 2001-03-28
   Katsumi Yamaoka * w3mhack.el (w3mhack-compile): New function. *
   (fast-install-package, fast-install, fast): New rules. (install-package): Make it
   to be more talkative. (install-anyway): New rule separated from `install'.
   (install): Use `install-anyway'. * w3m-hist.el (w3m-history-push): Rewrite for
   following the change of `w3m-url-history'. (w3m-history-assoc): Ditto.
   (w3m-history-backward): Ditto. (w3m-history-forward): Ditto.
   (w3m-history-current): Ditto. (w3m-history-current-1): New macro.
   (w3m-history-next-link-available-p): New function.
   (w3m-history-previous-link-available-p): New function. (w3m-url-history): Make it
   to have the previous and the next position pointers. 2001-03-28 Katsumi Yamaoka *
   w3m-hist.el (w3m-history-push): New function. 2001-03-27 Katsumi Yamaoka *
   w3m-hist.el (w3m-url-history): Define it here. (w3m-history-assoc,
   w3m-history-flat, w3m-history-backward): New functions. 2001-03-26 Katsumi
   Yamaoka * w3m-hist.el (w3m-history-forward): New function. 2001-03-24 TSUCHIYA
   Masatoshi * w3m.el (w3m-goto-url): Put cursor at the top of minibuffer.
   2001-03-23 Akihiro Arisawa * w3m.el (w3m-w3m-attributes): Don't check "OK" string
   in Status-Line. 2001-03-23 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m.el (w3m-time-parse-string the
   2nd): Don't funcall `parse-time-string' directly for avoiding compile warning. *
   w3m-hist.el (w3m-history-current): New function. 2001-03-23 Katsumi Yamaoka *
   w3m-hist.el: New file. 2001-03-23 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el
   (w3m-time-parse-string): Fix condition to detect timezone.el includes bug. *
   w3m-time.el: Removed. * w3m.el (TopLevel): Require `timezone' instead of
   `w3m-time'. (w3m-time-parse-string): Use `timezone-fix-time' and spec of return
   value is changed. (w3m-time-newer-p): Imported. * w3m-antenna.el
   (w3m-antenna-hns-last-modified): Follow change of `w3m-time-parse-string'.
   2001-03-23 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * README, README.ja: Update for w3m-0.2.1. * (dist, tarball): Fix that some files are not included in package.
   2001-03-22 Keisuke Nishida * w3m.el (w3m-goto-url): Insert the current url for
   input by default. 2001-03-22 Yuuichi Teranishi * w3m-xmas.el
   (w3m-update-toolbar): New function. (w3m-setup-toolbar): Added docstring. *
   w3m.el (w3m-goto-url): Call `w3m-update-toolbar'. (toplevel): Define
   `w3m-update-toolbar' if it is not bound as function. 2001-03-22 Katsumi Yamaoka *
   w3m.el (w3m-w3m-attributes): Ignore errors while parsing a time-string.
   2001-03-22 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m.el: Moved generic macros and defsubsts in front
   of functions. (w3m-content-encoding, w3m-content-charset): Commented out. *
   w3m-form.el (w3m-parse-attributes): Moved from w3m.el. 2001-03-22 Katsumi Yamaoka
   * w3m.el: Make `w3m-fontify-forms' and `w3m-form-parse-region' to be always
   autoloaded; encolose the defining procedures for the unbound functions with
   `eval-and-compile'. (browse-url-interactive-arg): Bind it only at the
   compile-time as an autoload'ed function. * w3m-xmas.el: Provide `w3m-xmas' and
   then require `w3m'. * w3m-om.el: Provide `w3m-om' and then require `w3m'. *
   w3m-form.el: Require `w3m'. * w3m-e21.el: Provide `w3m-e21' and then require
   `w3m'. 2001-03-22 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m-antenna.el: All occurrence of
   `natsumikan' is replaced with `natsumican'. 2001-03-22 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m.el
   (coding-system-category): Don't define it for the Emacs variants. * w3m-om.el
   (coding-system-category): Defalias to `get-code-mnemonic'. * w3m-xmas.el
   (coding-system-category): Defalias to `coding-system-type' if it is not bound. *
   w3mhack.el (w3mhack-version): Don't require `w3m' in the top level, do it here
   instead. 2001-03-22 Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el (w3m-save-list): Use 'pp' if have
   pp(). Bind 'print-length' and 'print-level' to nil. 2001-03-22 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi
   * w3m.el: Structure of hash database of arrived urls is changed.
   (w3m-arrived-setup): Follow change of DB structure. (w3m-arrived-shutdown):
   Likewise. (w3m-arrived-add): Likewise, and argument spec is changed.
   (w3m-arrived-time): New function. (w3m-arrived-seq, w3m-arrived-put-title,
   w3m-arrived-arrived-time, w3m-arrived-put-arrived-time): Removed. (w3m-goto-url):
   Follow change of `w3m-arrived-add'. 2001-03-22 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m.el
   (w3m-goto-url): Refresh the visibility of toolbar when XEmacs is running.
   2001-03-22 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el (w3m-url-to-file-name): Fix bug reported
   in [emacs-w3m:00305]. (w3m-goto-url): Set the value interpreted as a directory to
   `default-directory'. 2001-03-21 Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el (w3m-about-db-history):
   Use w3m-arrived-arrived-time(). (w3m-goto-url): Put arrived time to
   w3m-arrived-db. (w3m-arrived-shutdown): Handling 'arrived-time in w3m-arrived-db.
   (w3m-arrived-setup): Ditto. (w3m-arrived-put-title): New function.
   (w3m-arrived-arrived-time): Ditto. 2001-03-21 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el
   (w3m-arrived-shutdown): Check sites which are arrived on the other emacs process.
   2001-03-21 Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el (w3m-input-url): 'nil' don't add candidates.
   2001-03-21 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m-antenna.el
   (w3m-antenna-make-summary-function): Default value is changed.
   (w3m-antenna-make-summary-like-natsumikan): New function. * w3m.el
   (w3m-about-db-history-sort-time): Removed. (w3m-about-db-history): Use
   `w3m-time-newer-p' instead of `w3m-about-db-history-sort-time'. 2001-03-20
   Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el (w3m-about-history-except-regex): New constant.
   (w3m-about-db-history): New function. (w3m-about-db-history-sort-time): Ditto.
   (w3m-about-history): If 'titile' is '', show 'URL' instead of 'title'. Use
   w3m-about-history-except-regex. (w3m-history): If exec with 'C-u', goto
   'about://db-history/'. (w3m-w3m-attributes): Adhoc implementation when server
   return 'HTTP/1.x 500x'. 2001-03-19 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el: Format of arrived
   URL database is changed in order to store page's title. (w3m-arrived-title,
   w3m-arrived-put-title): New function. (w3m-arrived-setup, w3m-arrived-shutdown):
   Follow format change. (w3m-about-history): Use page's title to make history
   contents. 2001-03-19 Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el (w3m-url-to-file-name): Fix
   'file:///c/xxxx' format in Windows. (w3m-expand-file-name-as-url): Use
   'file:///c|/xxxx' format if non-cygwin Windows. (w3m-about-history): Uniq
   history. Insert exposition of html. 2001-03-19 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el
   (w3m-url-to-file-name): Fix (Cf. RFC-1808). (w3m-expand-file-name-as-url): Ditto.
   (w3m-url-local-p): New function. (w3m-goto-url): Set `default-directory' when URL
   points a local file. (w3m-find-file): Use `w3m-goto-url'.
   (w3m-w32-browser-with-fiber): Use `w3m-url-to-file-name'. 2001-03-19 Katsumi
   Yamaoka * w3mhack.el (w3mhack-make-package): Fixed entries of autoloads and
   cus-load, and added ChangeLog in the file MANIFEST.w3m. * aclocal.m4
   (AC_CHECK_EMACS): Added the option `--with-xemacs'. 2001-03-19 Akihiro Arisawa *
   w3m.el (w3m-download): Bind `file-coding-system' to binary.
   (w3m-content-type-alist): Fix. 2001-03-18 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m-antenna.el
   (w3m-antenna): Optional argument, `no-cache' is added. 2001-03-18 Hideyuki SHIRAI
   * w3m.el (w3m-goto-url): Switch to buffer of w3m, certainty. (w3m): Ditto.
   2001-03-17 Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el (w3m-halfdump-command-arguments): Rename from
   'w3m-command-arguments'. (w3m-command-arguments): New customize variable.
   (w3m-exec-process): Add w3m-command-arguments to args when w3m execute.
   (w3m-rendering-region): Use w3m-halfdump-command-arguments when w3m execute.
   (w3m-fontify-anchors): Put w3m-name-anchor certainty. 2001-03-17 TSUCHIYA
   Masatoshi * w3m-antenna.el: Changed antenna database format.
   (w3m-antenna-site-key, w3m-antenna-site-title, w3m-antenna-site-class,
   w3m-antenna-site-url, w3m-antenna-site-last-modified, w3m-antenna-site-size,
   w3m-antenna-site-size-detected): New macros. (w3m-antenna-setup): Follow change
   of database format. (w3m-antenna-check-sites): New function.
   (w3m-antenna-make-summary, w3m-antenna-sort-sites-by-time,
   w3m-antenna-sort-sites-by-title): Use macros to refer database.
   (w3m-about-antenna): Use w3m-antenna-check-sites. * w3m.el (w3m-about-history):
   Don't print "about://antenna/". 2001-03-17 Yuuichi Teranishi *
   icons/antenna-up.xpm: New file. * w3m.el (w3m-toolbar-buttons): Added "antenna".
   (w3m-toolbar): Ditto; Fixed behavior of `home'. 2001-03-16 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi *
   w3m.el, w3m-antenna.el: Fix typo. 2001-03-16 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3mhack.el
   (w3mhack-make-package): Remove autoloads and cus-load files before generating. *
   w3m.el (w3m): Added autoload cookie. (w3m-icon-directory): Attempt to set the
   default value using the way of Wanderlust. 2001-03-16 Katsumi Yamaoka * README:
   Update for `install-package' and `install-icons'. * README.ja: Ditto. *
   w3mhack.el (w3mhack-make-package): New function. (w3mhack-examine-modules):
   Ignore auto-save files. * mkinstalldirs: New file. * Call
   `AC_PATH_PACKAGEDIR'. * aclocal.m4 (AC_PATH_PACKAGEDIR): New function.
   (AC_EXAMINE_PACKAGEDIR): New function. (AC_CHECK_EMACS_FLAVOR): Merged into
   `AC_CHECK_EMACS'. * (install-package): New rule. (install-icons,
   install): Exec mkinstalldirs. (SHELL, PACKAGEDIR): New variable. 2001-03-16
   Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el (w3m-goto-url): Force switch to '*w3m*' buffer.
   (w3m-view-source): Don't add current-url to w3m-url-history|yrotsih. * mew-w3m.el
   (mew-w3m-cid-retrieve): Change mime-part handling. 2001-03-16 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi
   * w3m-antenna.el (w3m-antenna-sort-function): Removed.
   (w3m-antenna-sort-changed-sites-function): New variable.
   (w3m-antenna-sort-unchanged-sites-function): Ditto.
   (w3m-antenna-sort-sites-by-time): Refer time, when size modification detected.
   (w3m-about-antenna): Use new variables. 2001-03-16 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m-time.el
   (w3m-time-rules): Don't use backquote. (w3m-time-zoneinfo): Ditto.
   (w3m-time-parse-integer): Ditto. 2001-03-16 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el
   (TopLevel): Require `w3m-time'. (w3m-w3m-attributes): Use `w3m-time-parse-string'
   instead of `parse-time-string'. * w3m-time.el: Import parse-time.el of T-gnus and
   rename it. * w3m-antenna.el: Use `w3m-time-parse-string' instead of
   `parse-time-string'. 2001-03-16 Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m-e21.el (w3m-create-image):
   Changed arguments spec, that `accept-type-regexp' is removed. * w3m-xmas.el
   (w3m-create-image): Ditto. 2001-03-16 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el: Arrived URL
   database format is changed and code to get headers and to retrieve contents is
   cleaned up. (w3m-attributes, w3m-local-attributes): New function.
   (w3m-w3m-attributes): Old name is `w3m-w3m-check-header'. (w3m-content-type): Use
   `w3m-attributes'. (w3m-content-charset, w3m-content-length, w3m-content-encoding,
   w3m-last-modified): New macro. (w3m-retrieve, w3m-local-retrieve): Changed
   arguments spec, that `accept-type-regexp' is removed. (w3m-w3m-retrieve):
   Likewise and call `w3m-w3m-attributes' instead of `w3m-w3m-check-header'.
   (w3m-exec): Follow change of arguments spec of `w3m-retrieve'. (w3m-about-source,
   w3m-about-header): Changed arguments spec that `accept-type-regexp' is removed
   and follow change of arguments spec of w3m-retrieve. (w3m-arrived-last-modified):
   New function. (w3m-arrived-add): Support optional argument `time' and follow
   change of database format. (w3m-arrived-setup, w3m-arrived-shutdown,
   w3m-arrived-store-position, w3m-arrived-restore-position): Follow change of
   database format. (w3m-with-work-buffer, w3m-parse-attributes): Changed
   `edebug-form-spec', see [emacs-w3m:00238]. (TopLevel): Add autoload codes for
   `w3m-antenna.el'. * w3m-antenna.el: New file. * mime-w3m.el
   (mime-w3m-cid-retrieve): Changed arguments spec, that `accept-type-regexp' is
   removed. * mew-w3m.el (mew-w3m-cid-retrieve): Ditto. 2001-03-16 Katsumi Yamaoka * (install-icons): New rule. (ICONDIR): New variable. * aclocal.m4
   (AC_PATH_ICONDIR): New function. * Call it. 2001-03-16 Yuuichi
   Teranishi * icons: New directory (Some toolbar icons are contained). 2001-03-16
   Akihiro Arisawa * w3m.el (w3m-view-source): Render as html if already display
   source. 2001-03-15 Yuuichi Teranishi * w3m.el (w3m-icon-directory): New variable.
   (w3m-toolbar-buttons): New constant. (w3m-toolbar): Ditto. (w3m-setup-toolbar):
   Define as null function. (w3m-mode): Call `w3m-setup-toolbar'. * w3m-xmas.el
   (w3m-use-toolbar): New variable. (w3m-xmas-make-toolbar-buttons): New function.
   (w3m-setup-toolbar): Ditto. * w3m-e21.el (w3m-use-toolbar): New variable.
   (w3m-e21-toolbar-configurations): Ditto. (w3m-e21-setup-toolbar): New function.
   (w3m-e21-make-toolbar-buttons): Ditto. (w3m-setup-toolbar): Ditto. 2001-03-15
   Katsumi Yamaoka * w3mhack.el (XEmacs): Implemented the source level optimizer for
   `let' or `let*' form to remove some obsolete variables. 2001-03-15 TSUCHIYA
   Masatoshi * README, README.ja: Update procedure of package installation. * w3m.el
   (w3m-hook): Removed. (w3m-goto-mailto-url): Old name is `w3m-mailto-url'.
   (w3m-goto-ftp-url): Old name is `w3m-exec-ftp'.
   (w3m-convert-ftp-url-for-emacsen): Old name is `w3m-convert-ftp-to-emacsen'.
   (w3m-exec): Removed code for ftp protocol. (w3m-alive-p): Change spec of return
   value when w3m is alive. (w3m-goto-url): Made this function safe when it is
   called at the buffer whose major mode is not equal to w3m-mode. (w3m): If it is
   interactively called when w3m is alive, it is simply select the appropriate
   buffer in the current window without asking url. (w3m-view-parent-page,
   w3m-browse-url, w3m-view-source, w3m-history): Use `w3m-goto-url' instead of
   `w3m'. (w3m-mode-map): Replace `w3m' with `w3m-goto-url'. 2001-03-15 Katsumi
   Yamaoka * w3mhack.el (MULE): Make `locate-library' run quietly; bind defcustom'ed
   variables at compile-time; require `w3m' after byte-optimizations are done. *
   w3m.el (w3m-static-cond): New macro; use it for defining `find-coding-system'.
   (w3m-url-encode-string): Use `append' instead of `string-to-list' to coerce a
   string to a list of chars. (w3m-entity-regexp): Don't funcall `regexp-opt'
   directly for avoiding compile warning. 2001-03-15 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el
   (w3m-exec-process): Add `delete-process' to clean up resources of child process.
   2001-03-15 Katsumi Yamaoka * (default): Report errors if it has
   occurred while examining modules. * w3m.el: Add autoload for `w3m-remove-image'
   when compiling. (w3m-charset-coding-system-alist): Use `coding-system-p' if the
   function `find-coding-system' is not bound. * w3mhack.el: Use `require' instead
   of `load' for loading "w3m" to avoid undesirable newlines in stdout. 2001-03-15
   Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m-xmas.el: Require `wid-edit' when the widget `coding-system'
   is not available. * mime-w3m.el: Add autoload for `font-set-face-background'
   since it is not auto-autoload'ed in XEmacs. * w3mhack.el: Require `bytecomp';
   make XEmacs don't warn for unused non-global variables. 2001-03-15 Katsumi
   Yamaoka * w3m.el: Bind colon keywords only if it is not available.
   (rfc2368-parse-mailto-url): (w3m-form-parse-region): (w3m-fontify-forms): Bind
   them only at the compile-time as autoload'ed functions to avoid byte-compile
   warnings. * w3mhack.el: Byte optimize `truncate-string' for replacing with
   `truncate-string-to-width' if it is bound. * mew-w3m.el
   (mew-w3m-minor-mode-setter): Defun it after defining some variables. 2001-03-15
   TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * (default): Add `-k' option to continue
   byte-compile as much as possible after an error. 2001-03-15 Katsumi Yamaoka * (default): Don't use `for' loop. * w3mhack.el
   (w3mhack-examine-modules): Use space instead of newline for the module names
   separator. 2001-03-14 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el: Removed functions and
   variables of bookmark. * w3m-bookmark.el: New file. * Clean up rules
   and removed GNU-make depended functions. * w3mhack.el (TopLevel): Load w3m.el.
   (w3mhack-version): New function. * .cvsignore: Add files generated by autoconf.
   2001-03-14 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3mhack.el (w3mhack-examine-modules): Renamed from
   `w3mhack-examine-additional-modules'. * Ditto. 2001-03-14 Katsumi
   Yamaoka *, aclocal.m4,, install-sh, w3mhack.el: New
   files. * Makefile: Removed. 2001-03-14 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el: Split file. *
   w3m-form.el: New file. 2001-03-14 Yuuichi Teranishi * w3m-xmas.el
   (w3m-insert-image): Don't use current cursor point to make a new extent. * w3m.el
   (w3m-region): Call `sit-for' to redisplay before image display. (w3m-goto-url):
   Ditto. (w3m-exec-process): Use `sleep-for' instead of `sit-for'.
   (w3m-toggle-inline-images): Set cursor point before image insertion.
   (w3m-goto-url): Set cursor point before redisplay. 2001-03-14 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi
   * w3m.el (w3m-read-passwd): Removed. (w3m-exec-filter): Use `read-passwd' instead
   of `w3m-read-passwd'. * w3m-om.el (read-passwd): Added. 2001-03-14 Katsumi
   Yamaoka * w3m-om.el: Rewrite to insert "-" into the name of eol-type variants of
   each newly generated coding-system. 2001-03-14 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el: Split
   files. (w3m-coding-system): Changed customize type. (w3m-input-coding-system):
   Ditto. (w3m-output-coding-system): Ditto. (w3m-bookmark-file-coding-system):
   Ditto. (w3m-url-encode-string): Removed redundant code for Mule-2. * w3m-e21.el:
   New file. * w3m-xmas.el: New file. * w3m-om.el: New file. * w3m-search.el
   (w3m-search-default-coding-system): Changed customize type.
   (w3m-search-engine-alist): Ditto. * w3m-weather.el: Fix comments. 2001-03-13
   Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m.el: Use the copy of info-vector for newly generated coding-
   systems; use `eval-when-compile' separately from "cl" for loading "cl-macs".
   2001-03-13 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el: Split files. * w3m-search.el: New file. *
   w3m-weather.el: New file. 2001-03-13 Katsumi Yamaoka * w3m.el
   (w3m-rendering-region): Make no exceptions of Mule 2 in coding-systems.
   (w3m-download): Ditto. (w3m-local-retrieve): Ditto. (w3m-exec-process): Ditto.
   (w3m-arrived-file-coding-system): Unified the default value to `euc-japan'.
   (w3m-bookmark-file-coding-system): Ditto. (w3m-default-url-coding-system): Ditto.
   (w3m-output-coding-system): Ditto. (w3m-coding-system): Ditto.
   (w3m-input-coding-system): Unified the default value to `iso-2022-jp'.
   (TopLevel): Generate some coding-systems by copying for Mule 2. (TopLevel): Load
   "cl-macs" if the macro `dolist' has been defined incorrectly. 2001-03-13 Masatake
   YAMATO * w3m.el (w3m-url-yrotsih): New variable. (w3m-view-previous-page): Set
   w3m-url-yrotsih. Use while/cdr instead of nthcdr. (w3m-view-next-page): New
   function. (w3m-mode-map): Bind w3m-view-next-page. (w3m-mode): Added
   w3m-view-next-page and w3m-view-parent-page to the function document.
   (w3m-reload-this-page): Guard w3m-url-yrotsih from resetting. (w3m-exec): Reset
   yrotsih. 2001-03-13 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el (w3m-content-type-alist): [UNIX]
   Change method for text/html type. 2001-03-13 Akihiro Arisawa , TSUCHIYA Masatoshi
   * w3m.el: Require `poem' when Mule 2.3 is running. Bind keywods `:case-ignore'
   and `:integer' for Mule 2.3. (coding-system-category): New alias when Mule 2.3 is
   running. (w3m-arrived-file-coding-system): Fix typo. (w3m-entity-alist): Fix for
   Mule 2.3. (w3m-form-method, w3m-form-action, w3m-form-plist, w3m-form-put,
   w3m-form-get): Convert to old style of macro definition. (w3m-fontify): Removed
   code to decode w3m-specific characters. (w3m-decode-extended-characters): New
   function. (w3m-rendering-region): Use an unibyte temporary buffer and call
   `w3m-decode-extended-characters'. 2001-03-13 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el
   (w3m-exec-process): Return process exit status. (w3m-w3m-get-header): Check the
   return value of w3m-exec-process. (w3m-w3m-check-header): Check the return value
   of w3m-w3m-get-header. 2001-03-13 Yuuichi Teranishi * w3m.el (w3m-exec-process):
   Check exit status and cause an error if it is not zero. 2001-03-12 Hideyuki
   SHIRAI * w3m.el (w3m-executable-type): Use (eq system-type 'windows-nt) for
   determination of win32. (w3m-content-type-alist): Ditto. 2001-03-12 TSUCHIYA
   Masatoshi * w3m.el (w3m-which-command): Support executable suffix, `.exe' for
   win32. 2001-03-12 Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el (w3m-content-type-alist): Add 'use
   fiber.exe' alist for Windows. (w3m-w32-browser-with-fiber): New funciton.
   2001-03-12 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el (w3m-which-command): New function.
   (w3m-external-view): When no viewing method is defined, call `w3m-download' as
   alternative method. Added check which command exists with `w3m-which-command'.
   2001-03-12 Yuuichi Teranishi * w3m.el (w3m-display-inline-image-status): Define
   as buffer local variable. (w3m-image-type): New function.
   (w3m-image-type-available-p): Ditto. (w3m-create-image): Check image type by
   `w3m-image-type-available-p'. (w3m-exec): Accept all content-types in
   `w3m-retrieve'; Make an image only page, if the image can be displayed inline;
   Call `w3m-external-view' if the content-type of retrieved content is not text nor
   image. 2001-03-12 Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el (w3m-view-parent-page): Add a postfix
   '/' to parent-url. 2001-03-12 Takaaki MORIYAMA * w3m.el
   (w3m-extended-charcters-table): Add '\x80'. 2001-03-12 Masatake YAMATO * w3m.el
   (w3m-view-parent-page): New command. (w3m-mode-map): Add `w3m-view-parent-page'.
   2001-03-10 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * mime-w3m.el (mime-w3m-message-structure): Make
   variable buffer local at top leve. 2001-03-10 Akihiro Arisawa * w3m.el
   (w3m-entity-alist): Eval at compile time.; Add character entity references for
   ISO 8859-1 characters. 2001-03-09 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el
   (w3m-entity-regexp): New constant. (w3m-fontify): Use `w3m-entity-regexp'.
   (w3m-entity-value): Use defsubst, and fix typo. (w3m-decode-anchor-string): New
   function. (w3m-fontify-anchors): Decode `&' exists in URL string. 2001-03-09
   Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el (w3m-create-image) [EMACS21,XEMACS]: Guard against
   error. * mew-w3m.el (mew-w3m-auto-insert-image): New variable.
   (mew-mime-text/html-w3m): Bind 'w3m-display-inline-image' with
   'mew-w3m-auto-insert-image'. (mew-w3m-cid-retrieve): New function. Fix wrong
   guess. 2001-03-09 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el (w3m-mode-map): Add
   `w3m-close-window', `w3m-view-source', `w3m-view-header', and `w3m-history'.
   Keybind of `w3m-quit' is changed. (w3m-close-window, w3m-about-source,
   w3m-view-source, w3m-about-header, w3m-view-header, w3m-about-history,
   w3m-history): New functions. * mime-w3m.el (mime-put-keymap-region): Removed.
   (mime-w3m-save-background-color): Old name is `mime-save-background-color'.
   (mime-w3m-mode-map): Add workaround for `w3m-close-window', `w3m-view-source',
   `w3m-view-header', and `w3m-history'. 2001-03-09 Akihiro Arisawa * w3m.el
   (w3m-cid-retrieve-function-alist): New variable. (w3m-retrieve): Add support for
   URLs which has `cid:' prefix. * mime-w3m.el: Always require `w3m'. Require `cl'
   when compiling. Set `w3m-cid-retrieve-function-alist'.
   (mime-w3m-message-structure): New variable. (mime-w3m-preview-text/html): Set
   `mime-w3m-message-structure'. (mime-w3m-cid-retrieve): New function. 2001-03-09
   Yuuichi Teranishi * w3m.el (w3m-toggle-inline-images): Eliminated needless local
   variable. (toplevel): Encloses old emacs judgement with eval-and-compile; Define
   `find-coding-system' using `w3m-static-if'. 2001-03-08 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi *
   w3m.el: All w3m-backlog-* symbols are renamed into w3m-cache-*, and coupling of
   retrieve module and cache module are cleand up. (w3m-keep-cache-size): Old name
   is `w3m-keep-backlog'. (w3m-cache-buffer, w3m-cache-articles, w3m-cache-hashtb,
   w3m-cache-setup, w3m-cache-shutdown, w3m-cache-contents,
   w3m-cache-request-contents): These symbols are renamed. (w3m-cache-header,
   w3m-cache-request-header): New function. (w3m-work-buffer-list): New variable.
   (w3m-get-buffer-create): New function. (w3m-with-work-buffer): New macro.
   (w3m-kill-all-buffer): New function. (w3m-create-image, w3m-local-retrieve): Use
   `w3m-with-work-buffer' instead of `with-current-buffer'. (w3m-arrived-setup): Set
   `w3m-input-url-history' when its value is nil. (w3m-arrived-shutdown): More
   strict error check. This function is added to `kill-emacs-hook'.
   (w3m-w3m-get-header): New function. (w3m-w3m-check-header): Use
   `w3m-w3m-get-header'. (w3m-w3m-retrieve): Clean up code. (w3m-download,
   w3m-exec): More strict error check. (w3m-content-type): New optional argument
   `no-cache' is added. (w3m-alive-p): New function. (w3m-quit): Use `w3m-alive-p'.
   2001-03-08 Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el (w3m-local-retrieve): Bind 'auto conversion
   variables' to nil when insert file with binary . 2001-03-08 Yuuichi Teranishi *
   w3m.el (w3m-insert-image): Eliminated needless local variable. (w3m-remove-image)
   [XEmacs]: Remove images at `end' too. (w3m-fontify-images): Set
   `w3m-image-redundant' property if "img_alt" string is upper case.
   (w3m-toggle-inline-images): Fixed docstring; Insert and remove dummy string if
   alt string has `w3m-image-redundant' property. 2001-03-08 Shun-ichi GOTO * w3m.el
   (w3m-fontify): Allow '_' char for element name. 2001-03-08 Yuuichi Teranishi *
   w3m.el (w3m-display-inline-image-status): New variable. (w3m-image-type-alist):
   Define as constant. (w3m-anchor): Moved position. (w3m-image): Ditto.
   (w3m-action): Ditto. (w3m-create-image): Added argument `no-cache'.
   (w3m-remove-image): New function. (w3m-fontify-images): Don't display inline
   image here. (w3m-toggle-inline-images): New function. (w3m-mode-map): Bind 't' to
   `w3m-toggle-inline-images'. (w3m-goto-url): Call `w3m-toggle-inline-images'; Set
   `w3m-display-inline-image-status'. (w3m-region): Ditto. 2001-03-08 Akihiro
   Arisawa * mime-w3m.el (mime-w3m-preview-text/html): Use `mime-entity-fetch-field'
   instead of `mime-w3m-get-xref'. (mime-w3m-get-xref): Removed. 2001-03-07 Keisuke
   Nishida * w3m.el (w3m-search-engine-alist): Added "rpmfind".
   (w3m-fontify-anchors): Treat single quotes (') as quotation marks. 2001-03-08
   TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el: Backlog module is separated from front-end functions
   and code to access the list of arrived URLs is put in order. (w3m-arrived-file):
   Renamed from `w3m-arrived-urls-file'. (w3m-arrived-anchor-list): Removed
   variable. (w3m-arrived-list-load, w3m-arrived-list-save, w3m-arrived-list-add,
   w3m-save-position, w3m-restore-position): Removed functions.
   (w3m-arrived-db-size): New constant. (w3m-arrived-db, w3m-arrived-seq): New
   variables. (w3m-arrived-p, w3m-arrived-add, w3m-arrived-setup,
   w3m-arrived-shutdown, w3m-arrived-store-position, w3m-arrived-restore-position):
   New functions. (w3m-input-url): Follow changes. (w3m-view-previous-page): Ditto.
   (w3m-view-previous-point): Ditto. (w3m-quit): Ditto. (w3m-goto-url): Ditto.
   (w3m-create-image): Clean up codes. 2001-03-07 Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el
   (w3m-view-current-url-with-external-browser): Fix typo when browse current URL.
   2001-03-07 Yuuichi Teranishi * w3m.el (w3m-create-image) [XEmacs]: Retrieve
   header to determine image type when `w3m-local-content-type' failed. 2001-03-07
   TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el (w3m-arrived-file-coding-system): Default value is
   changed to avoid unknown coding system error on XEmacs. (w3m-input-url): Changed
   for old style `completing-read'. 2001-03-07 Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el
   (w3m-download): Bind 'auto conversion variables' to nil. (w3m-w3m-check-header):
   Fix search 'HTTP/1.[01] 200' method. (inline-image-features): Patch from Yuuichi
   Teranishi san at [emacs-w3m:00103]. 2001-03-07 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * mime-w3m.el:
   Renamed mime-w3m-preview-text/html from w3m-mime-preview-text/html. Check of user
   setting is required. (mime-w3m-mode-map): New variable. (mime-w3m-get-xref): New
   function. (mime-w3m-view-this-url): Ditto. (mime-w3m-mouse-view-this-url): Ditto.
   (mime-w3m-preview-text/html): Use `mime-w3m-mode-map' insted of `w3m-mode-map'.
   Refer Xref: header to set `w3m-current-url'. (mime-put-keymap-region): Define
   with `defmacro' instead of `defmacro-maybe'. (mime-save-background-color): Ditto.
   * w3m.el (w3m-exec-filter): Improved code to process prompt string. 2001-03-06
   Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el (w3m-exec-filter): Delete Prompt string with process
   output buffer. (w3m-w3m-check-header): Check 'HTTP/1.[01] 200' for valid
   'content-length'. (w3m-w3m-retrieve): Cygwin binary data support. Remove Prompt
   handling. 2001-03-06 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el (emacs-w3m-version): New
   constant. (find-coding-system): Removed duplicated definition.
   (w3m-backlog-remove-oldest): Simplify. (w3m-search): Fix typo in function
   document. 2001-03-05 Keisuke Nishida * w3m.el (w3m-anchor, w3m-image,
   w3m-action): Use defsubst. 2001-03-05 Keisuke Nishida * w3m.el (and-let*):
   Removed (w3m-save-this-url): Updated. 2001-03-06 Shun-ichi GOTO * w3m.el
   (w3m-goto-previous-anchor): Fix mistake on merging w3-anchor patch. Cursor should
   go to beginning of anchor previous. (w3m-mode-map): Assign Shift-TAB key with
   w3m-previous-anchor. 2001-03-06 Shun-ichi GOTO * w3m.el (TOP): No need to load
   cl-macs explicitly. (w3m-charset-coding-system-alist): Do not use doloop in
   defcustom because it is not expanded in compile time. 2001-03-05 Shun-ichi GOTO *
   w3m.el: apply patch from Keisuke Nishida. URL is hold in text property as already
   expanded. Some utility functions (w3m-anchor, w3m-image, w3m-action) is defined
   and used. (and-let*): New macro. (w3m-fontify-anchors): Hold expanded url in text
   property. (w3m-fontify-images): Likewise. (w3m-expand-url): Save matching data.
   Match pattern bug fix (by gotoh). (w3m-anchor): New function. (w3m-image): New
   function. (w3m-action): New function. (added by gotoh) (w3m-view-this-url): Use
   new functions to extract text prop. (w3m-mouse-view-this-url): Likewise.
   (w3m-download-this-url): Likewise. (w3m-print-this-url): Likewise.
   (w3m-save-this-url): Likewise. (w3m-goto-next-anchor): Likewise, and do not
   expand url. (w3m-external-view): Remove 1st arg CONTENT-TYPE. (w3m-next-anchor):
   Use and-let* macro and do not expand url. (w3m-goto-previous-anchor): Use utility
   functions. (w3m-bookmark-add-this-url): Likewise and refine.
   (w3m-url-encode-string): Do not escape ':' and '/'. 2001-03-05 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi
   * w3m.el (w3m-retrieve): Add support for URLs which has `about:' prefix.
   (w3m-content-type): Likewise. (w3m-about, w3m-about-weather, w3m-weather,
   w3m-weather-remove-headers, w3m-weather-remove-footers,
   w3m-weather-remove-weather-images, w3m-weather-remove-washing-images,
   w3m-weather-remove-futon-images, w3m-weather-remove-week-weather-images,
   w3m-weather-insert-title): New function. (w3m-weather-url-alist): New associative
   list of AREA vs. URL. (w3m-weather-default-area): New customize variable.
   (w3m-weather-default-area): Ditto. (w3m-entity-value): When unknown entity is
   specified, return original string instead of null string. 2001-03-05 TSUCHIYA
   Masatoshi * w3m.el (w3m-url-encode-string): New function.
   (w3m-escape-query-string): Use `w3m-url-encode-string'.
   (w3m-form-make-get-string): Ditto. (w3m-message): Changed to support Emacs-19.
   (w3m-parse-attributes): Ditto. (w3m-fontify): Refer `mc-flag' when mule is used.
   2001-03-05 Shun-ichi GOTO * w3m.el (w3m-command-arguments): Make it as system
   constants user not for user variable. User need not change this value. "-S"
   options is removed because it doesn't work for non Text/Plain object.
   (w3m-default-url-coding-system): New variable. (w3m-search-engine-alist): Change
   format to hold encoding type for query string. And add some engines.
   (w3m-fill-column): Born again variable. Positive value is for fixed column,
   negative value is for fitting frame width. (w3m-mode): Add key description of "" in doc-string. (w3m-escape-query-string): Add 2nd argument for coding
   system. (w3m-search): Adapt to new format of w3m-search-engine-alist. 2001-03-05
   Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el (w3m-sub-list): Guard error for XEmacs (N must count
   from zero). 2001-03-05 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el (w3m-search): Simplify.
   (w3m-do-search): Removed. 2001-03-05 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * Merge form branch to
   main trunk. 2001-03-05 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el (w3m-form-new): Changed
   w3m-form structure. (w3m-form-p): Likewise. (w3m-form-put): Likewise.
   (w3m-form-get): Likewise. (w3m-form-plist): New macro. (w3m-form-symbol):
   Removed. (w3m-url-encode): Ditto. (w3m-form-make-get-string): Follow change of
   w3m-form and use w3m-escape-query-string instead of w3m-url-encode.
   (w3m-parse-attributes): New macro. (w3m-form-parse-region): Use
   w3m-parse-attributes. (w3m-fontify-forms): Use w3m-parse-attributes. 2001-03-05
   Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el (w3m-content-type-alist): Add some content-type.
   (w3m-w3m-retrieve): Change bind variables method to 'let*'. 2001-03-05 Shun-ichi
   GOTO * w3m.el (w3m-command-arguments): Add "-S" option for w3m.
   (w3m-search-engine-alist): Add new spec for google with JA lang.
   (w3m-current-url): Make variable buffer local at top leve. (w3m-current-title):
   Likewise. (w3m-url-history): Likewise. (w3m-process-temp-file): Likewise.
   (w3m-rendering-region): Do not make local variable for the reason above.
   (w3m-exec): Likewise. (w3m-external-view): Likewise. (w3m-goto-next-anchor): Bug
   fix. (w3m-goto-previous-anchor): Bug fix. (w3m-escape-query-string): Bug: Escape
   SPC char as "+" not "%20". 2001-03-04 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el
   (w3m-form-string-regexp): Add `eval-and-compile' to suprress byte-compile error.
   (w3m-form-p): Fix typo. (w3m-mode-map): Swapped keybindings of w3m-scroll-left
   and w3m-scroll-right to fit w3m's keybindings. 2001-03-04 Shun-ichi GOTO *
   w3m.el: Add Keisuke Nishida as author. (TOP): Use thingatpt instead of ffap.
   (w3m-fill-column): Obsoleted. Determine in dynamic. (w3m-command-arguments):
   Specify as lambda (w3m-command-arguments): Change initial value.
   (w3m-search-engine-alist): Change spec more simple. (w3m-input-url): Use
   thing-at-point. (w3m-do-search): Adapt to new w3m-search-engine-alist spec.
   (w3m-search): Change variable name and refine codes. * w3m.el:
   (w3m-entity-value): Allow immediate entity (&#nnn). (w3m-fontify): Likewise.
   2001-03-04 Shun-ichi GOTO * w3m.el (w3m-delete-duplicated-empty-lines): New
   variable. (w3m-search-engine-alist): New variable. (w3m-default-search-engine):
   New variable. (w3m-horizontal-scroll-columns): New variable. (w3m-fontify):
   Change regexp to allow non-double-quoted string for href attribute value of
   anchor tag. Remove duplicated empty lines for compact view. (w3m-mode-map): Add
   keymap "" to scroll horizontaly. (w3m-mode): Truncate lines.
   (w3m-scroll-left): New interactive function. (w3m-scroll-right): New interactive
   function. (w3m-escape-query-string): New function. (w3m-do-search): New function.
   (w3m-search): New interactive function for searching word with various search
   engine. 2001-03-04 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el: Start implementation of code to
   process tag. (w3m-form-face): New face. (w3m-current-forms): New internal
   variable. (w3m-form-string-regexp): New internal constant. (w3m-form-new,
   w3m-form-p, w3m-form-symbol, w3m-form-method, w3m-form-action, w3m-form-put,
   w3m-form-get, w3m-url-encode, w3m-form-make-get-string, w3m-form-parse-region,
   w3m-fontify-forms, w3m-form-replace, w3m-form-input, w3m-form-submit,
   w3m-form-real-reset, w3m-form-reset, w3m-fontify-bold, w3m-fontify-underline,
   w3m-fontify-images): New function. (w3m-fontify): Use new functions.
   (w3m-mode-map): Add scroll-right and scroll-left. (w3m-mode): Set t to
   `truncate-line'. 2001-03-04 Shun-ichi GOTO * w3m.el: Patch from Keisuke Nishida .
   (w3m-print-this-url): Do not save URL, print only. (w3m-save-this-url): New
   function. Print and save URL under cursor. (w3m-goto-next-anchor): New function.
   (w3m-next-anchor): Move to top anchor from bottom. Print URL after move.
   (w3m-goto-previous-anchor): New function. (w3m-previous-anchor): Move to bottom
   anchor from top. Print URL after move. 2001-03-04 Shun-ichi GOTO * w3m.el: Patch
   from Keisuke Nishida . (TOP): Require ffap.el. (w3m-input-url): Prompt with
   default URL, and use URL under cursor as default if not specified. (w3m): Do not
   specify default url for w3m-input-url. 2001-03-02 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el
   (w3m-backlog-enter): Overwrite backlog data when specified URL is duplicated.
   (w3m-home-page): Changed official emacs-w3m page's address to
   2001-03-02 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el: Renamed w3m-http-* to w3m-w3m-* in order
   to prepare name space of symbols processing HTTP protocol directly, and fix for
   cookie. (w3m-w3m-check-header): Renamed from `w3m-http-check-header'.
   (w3m-w3m-retrieve): Renamed from `w3m-http-retrieve' and added code to remove
   cookies. (w3m-retrieve): Follow changes of fuction name. (w3m-download): Likewise
   and changed argument spec. (w3m-exec): Changed argument spec. (w3m-goto-url):
   Changed reload scheme, (w3m-fontify): Move point to the top of the buffer before
   delete tag. 2001-03-02 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el (TOP): Changed code to detect
   XEmacs and add to define `find-coding-system'. (w3m-backlog-setup): Changed
   caching data format. (w3m-backlog-enter): Ditto and changed argument spec.
   (w3m-backlog-request): Ditto and changed spec of return value.
   (w3m-http-retrieve): Access backlog in this function and changed argument spec.
   (w3m-retrieve): Changed argument spec. (w3m-exec): Clean up and chaned spec of
   return value. (w3m-goto-url): Follow changes in `w3m-exec'. (w3m-decode-buffer):
   Clean up. (w3m-process-temp-file): New variable to suppress byte-compile warning.
   (w3m-external-view): Use w3m-process-temp-file to suppress byte-compile warning.
   (w3m): Change `mode-line-buffer-identification'. 2001-03-02 Shun-ichi GOTO *
   w3m.el (w3m-home-page): Initialize as URL. 2001-03-02 Shun-ichi GOTO * w3m.el:
   Correcting wrong use of cygwin type filename usage, using dolist macro, adding
   handling codes html character entities, correct bug of w3m-view-bookmark on win32
   environment, fixing some small bugs, etc. (w3m-url-to-file-name): New function.
   (w3m-expand-file-name-as-url): Renamed from w3m-expand-file-name.
   (w3m-bookmark-file): Initialize as native filename format.
   (w3m-arrived-urls-file): Likewise. (w3m-charset-coding-system-alist): Use dolist
   macro. (w3m-entity-alist): New constant. (w3m-entity-db): New variable.
   (w3m-entity-db-size): New variable. (w3m-entity-db-setup): New function.
   (w3m-entity-value): New function (w3m-fontify): Refine html character entity
   decoding. Use dolist macro. Some bug fix. (w3m-exec-get-user): Simplify using
   dolist macro. (w3m-bookmark-save): Likewise. (w3m-local-content-type): Likewise.
   (w3m-local-retrieve): Fix filename handling considering cygwin convention by
   using w3m-local-file-name function. (w3m-http-retrieve): Buf fix.
   (w3m-rendering-region): Bug fix, use w3m-current-url. (w3m-view-bookmark): Use
   w3m to do initialize on interactive call. (w3m-find-file): Fix for renamed
   function. 2001-03-01 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * Merge changes on `url' branch to main
   trunk. 2001-03-01 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el (w3m-home-page): Changed to
   official w3m.el page. (w3m-anchor-face): Changed default face in dark
   backgraound. (w3m-arrived-anchor-face): Ditto. (w3m-download): Fix typo.
   (w3m-content-type-alist): Accept .png file. (w3m-external-view): Fix typo.
   (w3m-view-image): Fix. 2001-03-01 Shun-ichi GOTO * mew-w3m.el: New file to use
   w3m with Mew. 2001-03-01 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * mime-w3m.el: New file to use w3m
   with SEMI. * w3m.el (w3m-message): New function. (w3m-verbose): New variable.
   (w3m-process-message): Ditto. (w3m-process-url): Removed. (w3m-exec-process): Add
   code to show progress status. (w3m-exec-filter): Fix prompt bug and clean up
   codes. (w3m-retrieve): Changed arguments spec. (w3m-local-retrieve): Ditto.
   (w3m-http-retrieve): Ditto. (w3m-pretty-length): New function.
   (w3m-rendering-region): Add code to show progress status. 2001-03-01 TSUCHIYA
   Masatoshi * w3m.el (w3m-http-retrieve): Add adhoc fragment to avoid new-line
   replacement. (w3m-decode-buffer): Renamed from w3m-html-decode-buffer. 2001-02-28
   TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el (w3m-content-type-alist): Accept .htm as text/html.
   (w3m-backlog-enter): Add code to memory w3m-current-title. (w3m-backlog-request):
   Resume w3m-current-title from backlog data. (w3m-html-decode-buffer): Change
   arguments spec. (w3m-rendering-region): Removed code to set w3m-current-url.
   (w3m-exec): Fix bug of proecessing text/plain files and changed data format to
   preserve in backlog. 2001-02-28 Shun-ichi GOTO * w3m.el: Support XEmacs using
   APEL. (w3m-fontify): Delete tag for XHTML page. (w3m-input-url): Do not use 7th
   arg of completing-read for XEmacs support. (w3m-bookmark-save): Check bookmark
   file is writable. 2001-02-28 Shun-ichi GOTO * w3m.el (w3m-bookmark-add): Fix
   problem of adding bookmark first time. 2001-02-28 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el:
   Reconstructed drastically and removed w3 depended codes. 2001-02-28 Shun-ichi
   GOTO * w3m.el (w3m-executable-type): New variable. (w3m-cygwin-path): New
   function. (w3m-region): New function. 2001-02-26 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el
   (w3m-fontify): Add code to decode w3m-specific extended charcters.
   (w3m-extended-charcters-table): New constant. 2001-02-08 Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el
   (w3m-async-exec): New customizable variable. (w3m-exec-process): Use
   'w3m-async-exec' instead of 'w3m-process-type'. 2001-02-07 Shun-ichi GOTO *
   w3m.el: Fixed small and thoughtless bugs... (w3m-bookmark-file-modified-p): Bug
   fix. (w3m-bookmark-save): Bug fix. Don't forget time stamp updating.
   (w3m-bookmark-add): Bug fix. Function name miss-typing. 2001-02-07 Shun-ichi GOTO
   * w3m.el: Add bookmark operations. This feature is very ad-hoc. Support loading
   w3m's bookmark file into internal bookmark data, adding new entry interactively,
   and saving data as w3m's bookmark file format. (w3m-bookmark-file-coding-system):
   New user varible. (w3m-bookmark-data): New internal variable.
   (w3m-bookmark-file-time-stamp): ditto. (w3m-bookmark-section-history): ditto.
   (w3m-bookmark-title-history): ditto. (w3m-mode-map): Add bookmark operation
   functions to mode map. (w3m-bookmark-file-modified-p): New function.
   (w3m-bookmark-parse): ditto. (w3m-bookmark-load): ditto. (w3m-bookmark-save):
   ditto. (w3m-bookmark-data-prepare): ditto. (w3m-bookmark-add): ditto.
   (w3m-bookmark-add-this-url): ditto. (w3m-bookmark-add-current-url): ditto.
   2000-12-12 Shun-ichi GOTO * w3m.el (w3m-sub-list, w3m-load-list, w3m-save-list):
   New utility function. (w3m-arrived-list-load): Refine and move out common code
   into w3m-load-list. (w3m-arrived-list-save): Refine and move out common code into
   w3m-save-list and w3m-sub-list. (Previous code had side effect of nreverse).
   2000-12-10 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi *, Makefile, .cvsignore: New files.
   2000-10-26 Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el (w3m-view-this-url): Chang optinal argument
   'arg'. (w3m-next-anchor, w3m-previous-anchor): Bind 'pos'. (w3m-fontify): Put
   mouse-face at anchor and image property. (w3m-mouse-view-this-url): Handling
   'w3m-image property. 2000-10-20 Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el (w3m-process-type):
   Change default valule to 'start-process. (w3m-process-user-counter): New buffer
   local variable. (w3m-exec-get-user): New funciton, get user and passwd from
   w3m-arrived-user-list. (w3m-exec-filter): Use w3m-exec-get-user(). 2000-10-18
   Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el (w3m-view-previous-point): New function.
   (w3m-expand-url): If BASE is nil, it set "". (w3m-download-this-url):
   w3m-refontify-anchor() exec when finished download. 2000-10-16 Hideyuki SHIRAI *
   w3m.el (w3m-arrived-ct-file, w3m-arrived-file-cs, w3m-always-html-url-regex): New
   variables. (w3m-process-type): Change name from w3m-exec-process-type.
   (w3m-refontify-anchor): New funcition. (w3m-exec): Pre-check content-type.
   (w3m-exec-w3m-ctcheck): New funcition, check context-type for URL.
   (w3m-exec-w3m): New funcion, execute w3m. (w3m-exec-ftp): New function, execute
   dired-other-window() or copy-file(), if URL is 'ftp://'.
   (w3m-convert-ftp-to-emacsen): Change 'ftp://' to '/user@host:/' from elisp ML.
   (w3m-download-this-url, w3m-save-image, w3-view-image): Use w3 features.
   2000-10-12 Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el (top-level): Add authors. (w3m-expand-url):
   Check relative URL first. (w3m-fontify): Add original text properties when
   replace 'escaped character'. 2000-10-11 Hideyuki SHIRAI * w3m.el
   (w3m-mailto-url-function, w3m-use-cygdrive, w3m-default-save-dir,
   w3m-arrived-list-file, w3m-arrived-list-keep, w3m-arrived-anchor-face,
   w3m-exec-process-type, w3m-process-connection-type, w3m-arrived-anchor-list): New
   user custumize variables. (w3m-mode): Change doc-string for key binding.
   (w3m-arrived-list-add, w3m-arrived-list-load, w3m-arrived-list-save): New
   functions for handling arrived anchor. (w3m-fontify): Add arrived anchor face.
   (w3m-exec-process, w3m-exec-filter, w3m-exec-sentinel): New functions for
   asynchronous w3m execution. (w3m-find-file, w3m-read-file-name, w3m-read-passwd):
   New miscellaneous functions. (w3m-expand-file-name): Support old cygwin.
   (w3m-view-current-url-with-external-browser): If w3m-browser-command is function,
   funcall it. (w3m-mailto-url): If w3m-mailto-url-function is function, funcall it.
   (w3m-mode-map): If running xemacs, use (button2) instead of (mouse-2). 2000-09-21
   Shun-ichi GOTO * w3m.el (w3m): Cancel last change, use switch-to-buffer again.
   2000-09-20 Shun-ichi GOTO * w3m.el (w3m): Do not switch buffer if w3m window
   already exists. 2000-09-20 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el: Add declaration of
   dependency on APEL. (w3m-quit): When other w3m buffers exist, don't destruct
   cache. (w3m-browse-url): New function. 2000-09-20 Shun-ichi GOTO * w3m.el
   (w3m-command-arguments): Remove option -m, that's not good for bookmark / local
   file handling. 2000-09-19 Shun-ichi GOTO * w3m.el (w3m-command-arguments): Add -m
   option explicitly. (w3m-exec): Ad-hoc change to view .txt object. It's temporary
   fix. Should we consider type? w3m option -dump_head may help us. (w3m-exec): Get
   title and remove both format and . (w3m-view-this-url): Force reloading by
   prefix. (w3m-view-current-url-with-external-browser): Works correctly.
   (w3m-print-current-url): Push url to kill king to paste later.
   (w3m-print-this-url): ditto. (w3m-mailto-url): Use rfc2368.el instead of
   mailto.el. (w3m-goto-url): Add 2nd argument RELOAD to withdraw data cached on
   emacs. (w3m-reload-this-page): Simplified by using new w3m-goto-url. (w3m): Set
   mode-line-buffer-identification after changing major mode because it overwrite
   that variable. 2000-09-19 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el (w3m-fontify): Add code to
   handle irregular ordered elements of anchor tags. (w3m-mailto-url): Adopt for
   Emacs-19. (w3m-input-url): Call `w3m-backlog-setup' to initialize
   `w3m-backlog-hashtb'. 2000-09-19 Shun-ichi GOTO * w3m.el (w3m): Sorry, over
   paren. 2000-09-18 Shun-ichi GOTO * w3m.el (w3m-exec): Get title correctly within
   -halfdump format of w3m. (w3m-mouse-view-this-url): New function to view page by
   clicking mouse middle button. (w3m-mode-map): Assign mouse middle button to view
   page. (w3m): Change mode-line spec to show title of current page. 2000-09-18
   TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el: Add authors. 2000-09-18 Shun-ichi GOTO * w3m.el
   (w3m-input-url): Enter url with completion. Candidates are visited url kept in
   w3m-backlog-hashtb. (w3m-backlog-setup): Change hash size as prime number and
   initialized with value 0 for obarray. (w3m-backlog-remove): Remove unused 2nd arg
   NUMBER and remove when block to check NUMBER. (w3m-exec): Show message
   "Loading..". while loading. (w3m-save-position): New function to keep display
   position in Emacs window into hash symbol, but I think this is not best way.
   (w3m-restore-position): New function to restore display position.
   (w3m-view-previous-page): Restore display position. (w3m-expand-url):
   Canonicalize url, ex. "" to "". Change
   regexp to allow "mailto:" protocol. Remove drive letter as side-effect using
   expand-file-name to expand url for Win32 emacen. (w3m-expand-file-name): New
   function to alternates expand-file-name function with convert drive letter
   prefixed path to cygwin path. i.e. c:/users/home to /cygdrive/c/users/home
   (w3m-view-bookmark): Expand bookmark filename as cygwin path format to pass to
   w3m. (w3m-mode-map): Add new key binding 'B' to back to previous page. Add new
   key binding 'R' to force reloading current page. (w3m-mailto-url): New function
   to support mailto: protocol. It use rfc2368.el if available. (w3m-goto-url):
   Ad-hoc support mailto: protocol. We should consider more...
   (w3m-reload-this-page): New function to reload current page. 2000-09-18 Shun-ichi
   GOTO * w3m.el (w3m): Add 2nd arguemnt to use with browse url. This is patch from
   Satoru Takabayashi in ELF-ML, Seq# 875. (w3m-fontify): Change regexp for tag to
   allow newline in between attributes. This is patch from Satoru Takabayashi in
   ELF-ML, Seq# 876. (w3m-fontify): Allow un-ended tag for name attribute, is it w3m
   bug?). This is Patch from Satoru Takabayashi in ELF-ML, Seq# 876. 2000-07-13
   TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el: Added handling of name anchors. Add comments.
   2000-07-12 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el: Improved to handle multi buffer. Fix
   broken cache and order of fontify. 2000-07-01 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el: Handle
   &-sequence. Add history and cache. 2000-06-25 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi * w3m.el: New
   file. w3m_el-1.0/README0100444000175000017500000000365707256557751013721 0ustar
   tsuchiyatsuchiyaThis package contains a interface program of w3m. 1. Introduction
   w3m is a a pager with WWW capability, developed by Akinori ITO. It is a pager,
   but it can be used as a text-mode WWW browser. For more detail about it, see: w3m.el is a simple interface
   program of w3m, which works on Emacs. 2. Installation a) This package requires
   the latest version of w3m (see section 3). Please install it. b) Execlute these
   commands to put emacs-lisp programs of this package to an appropriate directory.
   % ./configure % make % make install In addition, you can install some image files
   used to the icons for XEmacs or Emacs 21 as follows. % make install-icons You can
   also install program files as an XEmacs package using `install-package' instead
   of `install'. % ./configure % make % make install-package In this case, you have
   no need to execute `install-icons' command. c) Put these lines into your
   ~/.emacs. (autoload 'w3m "w3m" "Interface for w3m on Emacs". t) d) If you want to
   use contributed programs, some additional settings are required. Please see the
   head of those programs for more detail. 3. Version of w3m Because this program is
   sensitive to version of w3m, the latest version of w3m should be used. Its latest
   official version is 0.2.1, which is released at Mar 23th, 2001. Its source can be
   downloaded from: 4.
   Contact In order to contact us, please join the mailing list . 5. Acknowledgments
   w3m, which is an essential part of this package, was written by Akinori ITO. We'd
   like to address our thanks to him for his nice work. Local Variables: mode:
   indented-text coding: ascii fill-column: 72 End:
   w3m_el-1.0/README.ja0100444000175000017500000000402207256557751014275 0ustar
   tsuchiyatsuchiya¤³¤Î¥Ñ¥Ã¥±¡¼¥¸¤Ë¤Ï w3m ¤ò Emacs
   ¾å¤ÇÆ°¤«¤¹¤¿¤á¤Î¥×¥í¥°¥é¥à¤¬´Þ¤Þ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ ¤¹¡£ 1. ¤Ï¤¸¤á¤Ë w3m
   ¤Ï¡¤°ËÆ£¾´Â§¤µ¤ó¤Ë¤è¤Ã¤Æ³«È¯¤µ¤ì¤¿ World Wide Web ¤ËÂбþ¤·¤¿¥Ú¡¼
   ¥¸¥ã¤Ç¤¹¡¥¤¢¤¯¤Þ¤Ç¥Ú¡¼¥¸¥ã¤Ç¤¹¤¬¡¤¥Æ¥¥¹¥È¥Ù¡¼¥¹ WWW ¥×¥é¥¦¥¶¤È¤·¤Æ¤â
   »È¤¦¤³¤È¤¬¤Ç¤¤Þ¤¹¡¥¾ÜºÙ¤Ë¤Ä¤¤¤Æ¤Ï¡¤ ¤ò»²¾È¤·¤Æ¤¯¤À¤µ¤¤¡¥ w3m.el
   ¤Ï¡¤Emacs ¾å¤ÇÆ°ºî¤¹¤ëñ¤Ê¤ë¥¤¥ó¥¿¡¼¥Õ¥§¡¼¥¹¥×¥í¥°¥é¥à¤Ë²á¤®¤Þ ¤»¤ó¡¥ 2.
   ¥¤¥ó¥¹¥È¡¼¥ë a) ºÇ¿·¤Î w3m
   ¤ò¥¤¥ó¥¹¥È¡¼¥ë¤·¤Æ¤¯¤À¤µ¤¤(¾ÜºÙ¤Ë¤Ä¤¤¤Æ¤ÏÂè3Àá¤ò»²¾È)¡¥ b) Ʊº¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤ë
   emacs-lisp ¤Î¥½¡¼¥¹¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤òŬÅö¤Ê¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¤Ë¥¤
   ¥ó¥¹¥È¡¼¥ë¤¹¤ë¤¿¤á¡¤¼¡¤Î¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É¤ò¼Â¹Ô¤·¤Æ¤¯¤À¤µ¤¤¡¥ % ./configure % make % make
   install ²Ã¤¨¤Æ¡¤XEmacs ¤ä Emacs 21 ÍѤΥ¢¥¤¥³¥ó¤ò¡¤°Ê²¼¤Î¤è¤¦¤Ë¥¤¥ó¥¹¥È¡¼
   ¥ë¤¹¤ë¤³¤È¤¬¤Ç¤¤Þ¤¹¡¥ % make install-icons install ¤ÎÂå¤ï¤ê¤Ë install-package
   ¤ò»È¤¦¤È¡¤XEmacs ¤Î package ¤È ¤·¤Æ¥¤¥ó¥¹¥È¡¼¥ë¤¹¤ë¤³¤È¤â¤Ç¤¤Þ¤¹¡¥ % ./configure
   % make % make install-package ¤³¤Î¾ì¹ç install-icons ¤ò¼Â¹Ô¤¹¤ëɬÍפϤ¢¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó¡¥
   c) ¼¡¤ÎÀßÄê¤ò ~/.emacs ¤ËÄɲ䷤Ƥ¯¤À¤µ¤¤¡¥ (autoload 'w3m "w3m" "Interface for
   w3m on Emacs". t) d)
   ¤ë¥³¥á¥ó¥È¤ò»²¾È¤·¤Æ¤¯¤À¤µ¤¤¡¥ 3. w3m ¤Î¥Ð¡¼¥¸¥ç¥ó¤Ë¤Ä¤¤¤Æ ¤³¤Î¥×¥í¥°¥é¥à¤Ï¡¤w3m
   ¤Î¥Ð¡¼¥¸¥ç¥ó¤Ë¶¯¤¯°Í¸¤·¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹¤Î¤Ç¡¤¤Ê¤ë¤Ù¤¯ ºÇ¿·¤Î w3m
   ¤ò»È¤¦¤è¤¦¤Ë¤·¤Æ¤¯¤À¤µ¤¤¡¥ºÇ¿·¤Ï2001ǯ3·î23Æü¤Ë¸ø³«¤µ¤ì¤¿ w3m-0.2.1
   ¤Ç¡¤¤½¤Î¥½¡¼¥¹¤Ï°Ê²¼¤Î¾ì½ê¤«¤éÆþ¼ê¤Ç¤¤Þ¤¹¡¥ 4. Ï¢ÍíÀè
   ¥á¡¼¥ê¥ó¥°¥ê¥¹¥È ¤ËÏ¢Íí¤·¤Æ¤¯¤À¤µ¤¤¡¥ 5. ¼Õ¼ °ËÆ£¾´Â§¤µ¤ó¤Ë¤è¤Ã¤Æ³«È¯¤µ¤ì¤¿ w3m
   ¤Þ¤»¤ó¤Ç¤·¤¿¡¥ºÇÂç¤Î¼Õ°Õ¤ò¡¤°ËÆ£¤µ¤ó¤ËÊû¤²¤¿¤¤¤È»×¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡¥ Local Variables: mode:
   indented-text coding: euc-japan use-kuten-for-period: nil use-touten-for-comma:
   nil fill-column: 72 End:
   w3m_el-1.0/TIPS.ja0100444000175000017500000000250607256653665014125 0ustar
   tsuchiyatsuchiya¢£¢£ browse-url °Ê²¼¤Î¤è¤¦¤ËÀßÄꤷ¤Æ¤ª¤¯¤È¡¢URI
   ¤ËÎà»÷¤·¤¿Ê¸»úÎ󤬤¢¤ë¾ì½ê¤Ç C-x m ¤È ÆþÎϤ¹¤ì¤Ð¡¢w3m ¤Çɽ¼¨¤µ¤ì¤ë¤è¤¦¤Ë¤Ê¤ë¡£
   (setq browse-url-browser-function 'w3m-browse-url) (autoload 'w3m-browse-url
   "w3m" "Ask a WWW browser to show a URL". t) (global-set-key "\C-xm"
   'browse-url-at-point) ¢£¢£ dired °Ê²¼¤Î¤è¤¦¤ËÀßÄꤷ¤Æ¤ª¤¯¤È¡¢dired-mode
   ¤Î¥Ð¥Ã¥Õ¥¡¤Ç¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤òÁªÂò¤·¤Æ ¤¤¤ë¾õÂÖ¤Ç C-x m ¤ÈÆþÎϤ¹¤ì¤Ð¡¢³ºÅö¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤¬ w3m
   ¤Çɽ¼¨¤µ¤ì¤ë¤è¤¦¤Ë ¤Ê¤ë¡£ (add-hook 'dired-mode-hook (lambda () (define-key
   dired-mode-map "\C-xm" 'dired-w3m-find-file))) (defun dired-w3m-find-file ()
   (interactive) (require 'w3m) (let ((file (dired-get-filename))) (if (y-or-n-p
   (format "Open 'w3m' %s " (file-name-nondirectory file))) (w3m-find-file file))))
   ¢£¢£ hnf-mode °Ê²¼¤Î¤è¤¦¤ËÀßÄꤷ¤Æ¤ª¤¯¤È¡¢hnf-mode ¤Ë¤Æ C-c C-b ¤ÈÆþÎϤ¹¤ì¤Ð¡¢
   w3m ¤ÇºÇ¿·¤ÎÆüµ¤¬É½¼¨¤µ¤ì¤ë¤è¤¦¤Ë¤Ê¤ë¡£ (autoload 'w3m-browse-url "w3m" nil t)
   (defun w3m-hnf-browse-url-w3m (url &optional new-window) (interactive
   (browse-url-interactive-arg "URL: ")) (save-selected-window (pop-to-buffer
   (get-buffer-create "*w3m*")) (w3m-browse-url url new-window))) (setq
   hnf-browse-url-browser-function (function w3m-hnf-browse-url-w3m)) Local
   Variables: mode: indented-text coding: euc-japan-unix fill-column: 72 End:
   w3m_el-1.0/Makefile.in0100444000175000017500000000517007264263215015062 0ustar
   tsuchiyatsuchiyaINSTALL = @INSTALL@ INSTALL_DATA = @INSTALL_DATA@ prefix =
   @prefix@ lispdir = @lispdir@ PACKAGEDIR = @PACKAGEDIR@ ICONDIR = @ICONDIR@
   @EMACS@ FLAGS = -q -no-site-file -batch -l w3mhack.el $(ADDITIONAL_LOAD_PATH)
   $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) DOCS = COPYING ChangeLog README README.ja TIPS.ja DISTS = aclocal.m4 configure install-sh mkinstalldirs default:
   Makefile $(EMACS) $(FLAGS) -f w3mhack-compile install: default @$(SHELL)
   ./mkinstalldirs $(lispdir);\ for p in ChangeLog *.el; do\ echo " $(INSTALL_DATA)
   $$p $(lispdir)/$$p";\ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$p $(lispdir)/$$p;\ done;\ for p in *.elc;
   do\ if test -f "$$p"; then\ echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$p $(lispdir)/$$p";\
   $(INSTALL_DATA) $$p $(lispdir)/$$p;\ fi;\ done;\ cd shimbun;\ if test -f
   shimbun.elc; then\ for p in *.el; do\ echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) shimbun/$$p
   $(lispdir)/$$p";\ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$p $(lispdir)/$$p;\ done;\ for p in *.elc; do\
   echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) shimbun/$$p $(lispdir)/$$p";\ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$p
   $(lispdir)/$$p;\ done;\ fi install-icons: @if test $(ICONDIR) = NONE; then\ echo
   "You don't have to install icon files for \"$(EMACS)\"".;\ else\ $(SHELL)
   ./mkinstalldirs $(ICONDIR);\ cd icons;\ for i in *.xpm; do\ echo "
   $(INSTALL_DATA) icons/$$i $(ICONDIR)/$$i";\ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$i $(ICONDIR)/$$i;\
   done;\ fi install-package: @if test $(PACKAGEDIR) = NONE; then\ echo "What a
   pity! Your \"$(EMACS)\" does not support"\ "a package system".;\ else\ $(MAKE)
   lispdir="$(PACKAGEDIR)/lisp/w3m" install;\ $(MAKE)
   ICONDIR="$(PACKAGEDIR)/etc/w3m" install-icons;\ echo "$(EMACS) $(FLAGS) -f
   w3mhack-make-package $(PACKAGEDIR)";\ $(EMACS) $(FLAGS) -f w3mhack-make-package
   $(PACKAGEDIR);\ fi dist: Makefile $(MAKE) VERSION=`$(EMACS) $(FLAGS) -f
   w3mhack-version 2>/dev/null` tarball Makefile: config.status
   ./config.status config.status: configure ./config.status --recheck configure: aclocal.m4 autoconf tarball: -rm -f $(TARBALL) `basename $(TARBALL)
   .gz` mkdir $(DISTDIR) cp -p $(DOCS) $(DISTS) *.el $(DISTDIR) mkdir
   $(DISTDIR)/icons cp -p icons/*.xpm $(DISTDIR)/icons mkdir $(DISTDIR)/shimbun cp
   -p shimbun/*.el $(DISTDIR)/shimbun tar -cf `basename $(TARBALL) .gz` $(DISTDIR)
   gzip -9 `basename $(TARBALL) .gz` rm -rf $(DISTDIR) clean: -rm -rf *~ *.elc
   shimbun/*.elc $(PACKAGE)* distclean: clean -rm -f config.log config.status
   config.cache Makefile
   w3m_el-1.0/aclocal.m40100444000175000017500000001446607261730750014665 0ustar
   tsuchiyatsuchiyaAC_DEFUN(AC_EMACS_LISP, [ elisp="$2" if test -z "$3"; then
   AC_MSG_CHECKING(for $1) fi AC_CACHE_VAL(EMACS_cv_SYS_$1,[ OUTPUT=./conftest-$$
   echo ${EMACS}' -batch -eval '\''(let ((x '"${elisp}"')) (write-region (if
   (stringp x) (princ x) (prin1-to-string x)) nil "'${OUTPUT}'" nil 5))'\' >&
   AC_FD_CC 2>&1 eval ${EMACS}' -batch -eval '\''(let ((x '"${elisp}"'))
   (write-region (if (stringp x) (princ x) (prin1-to-string x)) nil "'${OUTPUT}'"
   nil 5))'\' >& AC_FD_CC 2>&1 retval="`cat ${OUTPUT}`" echo "=> ${retval}" >&
   AC_FD_CC 2>&1 rm -f ${OUTPUT} EMACS_cv_SYS_$1="${retval}" ])
   $1="${EMACS_cv_SYS_$1}" if test -z "$3"; then AC_MSG_RESULT($$1) fi ])
   AC_DEFUN(AC_CHECK_EMACS, [dnl Check for Emacsen. dnl Apparently, if you run a
   shell window in Emacs, it sets the EMACS dnl environment variable to 't'. Lets
   undo the damage. test x${EMACS} = xt && EMACS= dnl Ignore cache. unset
   ac_cv_prog_EMACS; unset EMACS_cv_SYS_flavor; AC_ARG_WITH(emacs, [
   --with-emacs=EMACS compile with EMACS [EMACS=emacs, xemacs, mule...]], [if test
   "${withval}" = yes -o -z "${withval}"; then AC_CHECK_PROGS(EMACS, emacs xemacs
   mule, emacs) else AC_CHECK_PROG(EMACS, ${withval}, ${withval}, emacs) fi])
   AC_ARG_WITH(xemacs, [ --with-xemacs=XEMACS compile with XEMACS [XEMACS=xemacs]],
   [if test x$withval = xyes -o x$withval = x; then AC_CHECK_PROG(EMACS, xemacs,
   xemacs, xemacs) else AC_CHECK_PROG(EMACS, $withval, $withval, xemacs) fi]) test
   -z "${EMACS}" && AC_CHECK_PROGS(EMACS, emacs xemacs mule, emacs) AC_SUBST(EMACS)
   AC_MSG_CHECKING([what a flavor does ${EMACS} have]) AC_EMACS_LISP(flavor, (cond
   ((featurep (quote xemacs)) \"XEmacs\")\ ((and (boundp (quote
   emacs-major-version))\ (>= emacs-major-version 21))\ \"FSF Emacs 21\")\ ((boundp
   (quote MULE)) \"MULE\")\ (t \"FSF Emacs\")), noecho) case "${flavor}" in XEmacs)
   EMACS_FLAVOR=xemacs;; MULE) EMACS_FLAVOR=mule;; "FSF Emacs 21")
   EMACS_FLAVOR=emacs21;; *) EMACS_FLAVOR=emacs;; esac AC_MSG_RESULT(${flavor})])
   AC_EMACS_LISP(PACKAGEDIR, (let ((prefix \"${prefix}\")\ package-dir)\ (if (boundp
   (quote early-packages))\ (let ((dirs (append (if early-package-load-path
   early-packages)\ (if late-package-load-path late-packages)\ (if
   last-package-load-path last-packages))))\ (while (and dirs (not package-dir))\
   (if (file-directory-p (car dirs))\ (setq package-dir (car dirs)\ dirs (cdr
   dirs))))))\ (if package-dir\ (progn\ (if (string-match \"/\$\" package-dir)\
   (setq package-dir (substring package-dir 0\ (match-beginning 0))))\ (if (and
   prefix\ (progn\ (setq prefix (file-name-as-directory prefix))\ (zerop
   (string-match (regexp-quote prefix)\ package-dir))))\ (replace-match
   \"\$(prefix)/\" nil nil package-dir)\ package-dir))\ \"NONE\")), noecho)])
   xemacs; then AC_MSG_CHECKING([where the XEmacs package is])
   AC_ARG_WITH(packagedir, [ --with-packagedir=DIR package DIR for XEmacs], [if test
   "${withval}" = yes -o -z "${withval}"; then AC_EXAMINE_PACKAGEDIR else
   PACKAGEDIR="${withval}" fi], AC_EXAMINE_PACKAGEDIR) if test -z "${PACKAGEDIR}";
   then AC_MSG_RESULT(not found) else AC_MSG_RESULT(${PACKAGEDIR}) fi else
   ${EMACS_FLAVOR} = emacs21; then tribe=emacs else tribe=${EMACS_FLAVOR} fi if test
   ${prefix} = NONE; then AC_MSG_CHECKING([prefix for ${EMACS}])
   AC_EMACS_LISP(prefix,(expand-file-name \"..\" invocation-directory),noecho)
   prefix=${EMACS_cv_SYS_prefix} AC_MSG_RESULT(${prefix}) fi AC_ARG_WITH(lispdir, [
   --with-lispdir=DIR where lisp files should go (use --with-packagedir for XEmacs
   package)], lispdir="${withval}") AC_MSG_CHECKING([where lisp files should go]) if
   test -z "${lispdir}"; then dnl Set the default value. theprefix=${prefix} if test
   x${theprefix} = xNONE; then theprefix=${ac_default_prefix} fi
   lispdir="\$(datadir)/${tribe}/site-lisp/w3m" for thedir in share lib; do
   potential= if test -d ${theprefix}/${thedir}/${tribe}/site-lisp; then
   lispdir="\$(prefix)/${thedir}/${tribe}/site-lisp/w3m" break fi done fi if test
   ${EMACS_FLAVOR} = xemacs; then AC_MSG_RESULT(${lispdir}/ (it will be ignored when
   \"make install-package\" is done)) else AC_MSG_RESULT(${lispdir}/) fi
   AC_SUBST(lispdir)]) AC_DEFUN(AC_PATH_ICONDIR, [dnl Examin icon directory. dnl
   Ignore cache. unset EMACS_cv_SYS_icondir; if test ${EMACS_FLAVOR} = xemacs -o
   ${EMACS_FLAVOR} = emacs21; then AC_ARG_WITH(icondir, [ --with-icondir=ICONDIR
   directory for icons [\$(data-directory)/w3m/icons]], ICONDIR="${withval}")
   AC_MSG_CHECKING([where icon files should go]) if test -z "${ICONDIR}"; then dnl
   Set the default value. AC_EMACS_LISP(icondir, (let ((prefix \"${prefix}\")\
   (default (expand-file-name \"w3m/icons\" data-directory)))\ (if (and prefix\
   (progn\ (setq prefix (file-name-as-directory prefix))\ (zerop (string-match
   (regexp-quote prefix) default))))\ (replace-match \"\$(prefix)/\" nil nil
   default)\ default)), ${prefix},noecho) ICONDIR=${EMACS_cv_SYS_icondir} fi if test
   ${EMACS_FLAVOR} = xemacs; then AC_MSG_RESULT(${ICONDIR}/ (it will be ignored when
   \"make install-package\" is done)) else AC_MSG_RESULT(${ICONDIR}) fi else
   additional load path. AC_ARG_WITH(addpath, [ --with-addpath=PATHs specify
   additional PATHs for load-path use colons to separate directory names],
   [AC_MSG_CHECKING([where to find the additional elisp libraries]) if test
   "x${withval}" != xyes -a "x${withval}" != x; then
   w3m_el-1.0/configure0100755000175000017500000013210607275522575014737 0ustar
   tsuchiyatsuchiya#! /bin/sh # Guess values for system-dependent variables and
   create Makefiles. # Generated automatically using autoconf version 2.13 #
   Copyright (C) 1992, 93, 94, 95, 96 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This
   configure script is free software; the Free Software Foundation # gives unlimited
   permission to copy, distribute and modify it. # Defaults: ac_help=
   ac_default_prefix=/usr/local # Any additions from ac_help="$ac_help
   --with-emacs=EMACS compile with EMACS [EMACS=emacs, xemacs, mule...]"
   ac_help="$ac_help --with-xemacs=XEMACS compile with XEMACS [XEMACS=xemacs]"
   ac_help="$ac_help --with-lispdir=DIR where lisp files should go (use
   --with-packagedir for XEmacs package)" ac_help="$ac_help --with-packagedir=DIR
   package DIR for XEmacs" ac_help="$ac_help --with-icondir=ICONDIR directory for
   icons [\$(data-directory)/w3m/icons]" ac_help="$ac_help --with-addpath=PATHs
   specify additional PATHs for load-path use colons to separate directory names" #
   Initialize some variables set by options. # The variables have the same names as
   the options, with # dashes changed to underlines. build=NONE
   cache_file=./config.cache exec_prefix=NONE host=NONE no_create= nonopt=NONE
   no_recursion= prefix=NONE program_prefix=NONE program_suffix=NONE
   program_transform_name=s,x,x, silent= site= srcdir= target=NONE verbose=
   x_includes=NONE x_libraries=NONE bindir='${exec_prefix}/bin'
   sbindir='${exec_prefix}/sbin' libexecdir='${exec_prefix}/libexec'
   datadir='${prefix}/share' sysconfdir='${prefix}/etc'
   sharedstatedir='${prefix}/com' localstatedir='${prefix}/var'
   libdir='${exec_prefix}/lib' includedir='${prefix}/include'
   oldincludedir='/usr/include' infodir='${prefix}/info' mandir='${prefix}/man' #
   Initialize some other variables. subdirs= MFLAGS= MAKEFLAGS=
   SHELL=${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} # Maximum number of lines to put in a shell here
   document. ac_max_here_lines=12 ac_prev= for ac_option do # If the previous option
   needs an argument, assign it. if test -n "$ac_prev"; then eval
   "$ac_prev=\$ac_option" ac_prev= continue fi case "$ac_option" in -*=*)
   ac_optarg=`echo "$ac_option" | sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*=//'` ;; *) ac_optarg= ;;
   esac # Accept the important Cygnus configure options, so we can diagnose typos.
   case "$ac_option" in -bindir | --bindir | --bindi | --bind | --bin | --bi)
   ac_prev=bindir ;; -bindir=* | --bindir=* | --bindi=* | --bind=* | --bin=* |
   --bi=*) bindir="$ac_optarg" ;; -build | --build | --buil | --bui | --bu)
   ac_prev=build ;; -build=* | --build=* | --buil=* | --bui=* | --bu=*)
   build="$ac_optarg" ;; -cache-file | --cache-file | --cache-fil | --cache-fi \ |
   --cache-f | --cache- | --cache | --cach | --cac | --ca | --c) ac_prev=cache_file
   ;; -cache-file=* | --cache-file=* | --cache-fil=* | --cache-fi=* \ | --cache-f=*
   | --cache-=* | --cache=* | --cach=* | --cac=* | --ca=* | --c=*)
   cache_file="$ac_optarg" ;; -datadir | --datadir | --datadi | --datad | --data |
   --dat | --da) ac_prev=datadir ;; -datadir=* | --datadir=* | --datadi=* |
   --datad=* | --data=* | --dat=* \ | --da=*) datadir="$ac_optarg" ;; -disable-* |
   --disable-*) ac_feature=`echo $ac_option|sed -e 's/-*disable-//'` # Reject names
   that are not valid shell variable names. if test -n "`echo $ac_feature| sed
   's/[-a-zA-Z0-9_]//g'`"; then { echo "configure: error: $ac_feature: invalid
   feature name" 1>&2; exit 1; } fi ac_feature=`echo $ac_feature| sed 's/-/_/g'`
   eval "enable_${ac_feature}=no" ;; -enable-* | --enable-*) ac_feature=`echo
   $ac_option|sed -e 's/-*enable-//' -e 's/=.*//'` # Reject names that are not valid
   shell variable names. if test -n "`echo $ac_feature| sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]//g'`";
   then { echo "configure: error: $ac_feature: invalid feature name" 1>&2; exit 1; }
   fi ac_feature=`echo $ac_feature| sed 's/-/_/g'` case "$ac_option" in *=*) ;; *)
   ac_optarg=yes ;; esac eval "enable_${ac_feature}='$ac_optarg'" ;; -exec-prefix |
   --exec_prefix | --exec-prefix | --exec-prefi \ | --exec-pref | --exec-pre |
   --exec-pr | --exec-p | --exec- \ | --exec | --exe | --ex) ac_prev=exec_prefix ;;
   -exec-prefix=* | --exec_prefix=* | --exec-prefix=* | --exec-prefi=* \ |
   --exec-pref=* | --exec-pre=* | --exec-pr=* | --exec-p=* | --exec-=* \ | --exec=*
   | --exe=* | --ex=*) exec_prefix="$ac_optarg" ;; -gas | --gas | --ga | --g) #
   Obsolete; use --with-gas. with_gas=yes ;; -help | --help | --hel | --he) # Omit
   some internal or obsolete options to make the list less imposing. # This message
   is too long to be a string in the A/UX 3.1 sh. cat  confdefs.h # A filename unique to this package, relative to the
   directory that # configure is in, which we can look for to find out if srcdir is
   correct. ac_unique_file=w3m.el # Find the source files, if location was not
   specified. if test -z "$srcdir"; then ac_srcdir_defaulted=yes # Try the directory
   containing this script, then its parent. ac_prog=$0 ac_confdir=`echo $ac_prog|sed
   's%/[^/][^/]*$%%'` test "x$ac_confdir" = "x$ac_prog" && ac_confdir=.
   srcdir=$ac_confdir if test ! -r $srcdir/$ac_unique_file; then srcdir=.. fi else
   ac_srcdir_defaulted=no fi if test ! -r $srcdir/$ac_unique_file; then if test
   "$ac_srcdir_defaulted" = yes; then { echo "configure: error: can not find sources
   in $ac_confdir or .". 1>&2; exit 1; } else { echo "configure: error: can not find
   sources in $srcdir" 1>&2; exit 1; } fi fi srcdir=`echo "${srcdir}" | sed
   's%\([^/]\)/*$%\1%'` # Prefer explicitly selected file to automatically selected
   ones. if test -z "$CONFIG_SITE"; then if test "x$prefix" != xNONE; then
   CONFIG_SITE="$prefix/share/ $prefix/etc/" else
   $ac_default_prefix/etc/" fi fi for ac_site_file in $CONFIG_SITE; do if
   test -r "$ac_site_file"; then echo "loading site script $ac_site_file" .
   "$ac_site_file" fi done if test -r "$cache_file"; then echo "loading cache
   $cache_file" . $cache_file else echo "creating cache $cache_file" > $cache_file
   fi ac_ext=c # CFLAGS is not in ac_cpp because -g, -O, etc. are not valid cpp
   options. ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS' ac_compile='${CC-cc} -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS
   conftest.$ac_ext 1>&5' ac_link='${CC-cc} -o conftest${ac_exeext} $CFLAGS
   $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS 1>&5'
   cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cc_cross ac_exeext= ac_objext=o if (echo "testing\c";
   echo 1,2,3) | grep c >/dev/null; then # Stardent Vistra SVR4 grep lacks -e, says if (echo -n testing; echo 1,2,3) | sed s/-n/xn/ | grep xn
   >/dev/null; then ac_n= ac_c=' ' ac_t=' ' else ac_n=-n ac_c= ac_t= fi else ac_n=
   ac_c='\c' ac_t= fi echo $ac_n "checking whether ${MAKE-make} sets \${MAKE}""...
   $ac_c" 1>&6 echo "configure:540: checking whether ${MAKE-make} sets \${MAKE}" >&5
   set dummy ${MAKE-make}; ac_make=`echo "$2" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'` if eval "test
   \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_make_${ac_make}_set'+set}'`\" = set"; then echo $ac_n
   "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6 else cat > conftestmake &6 SET_MAKE= else echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6 SET_MAKE="MAKE=${MAKE-make}" fi
   ac_aux_dir= for ac_dir in $srcdir $srcdir/.. $srcdir/../..; do if test -f
   $ac_dir/install-sh; then ac_aux_dir=$ac_dir ac_install_sh="$ac_aux_dir/install-sh
   -c" break elif test -f $ac_dir/; then ac_aux_dir=$ac_dir
   ac_install_sh="$ac_aux_dir/ -c" break fi done if test -z "$ac_aux_dir";
   then { echo "configure: error: can not find install-sh or in $srcdir
   $srcdir/.. $srcdir/../.". 1>&2; exit 1; } fi
   ac_config_guess=$ac_aux_dir/config.guess ac_config_sub=$ac_aux_dir/config.sub
   ac_configure=$ac_aux_dir/configure # This should be Cygnus configure. # Find a
   good install program. We prefer a C program (faster), # so one script is as good
   as another. But avoid the broken or # incompatible versions: # SysV /etc/install,
   /usr/sbin/install # SunOS /usr/etc/install # IRIX /sbin/install # AIX
   /bin/install # AIX 4 /usr/bin/installbsd, which doesn't work without a -g flag #
   AFS /usr/afsws/bin/install, which mishandles nonexistent args # SVR4
   /usr/ucb/install, which tries to use the nonexistent group "staff" # ./install,
   which can be erroneously created by make from ./ echo $ac_n "checking
   for a BSD compatible install""... $ac_c" 1>&6 echo "configure:597: checking for a
   BSD compatible install" >&5 if test -z "$INSTALL"; then if eval "test \"`echo
   '$''{'ac_cv_path_install'+set}'`\" = set"; then echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
   else IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_IFS="$IFS"; IFS=":" for ac_dir in $PATH; do #
   Account for people who put trailing slashes in PATH elements. case "$ac_dir/" in
   /|./|.//|/etc/*|/usr/sbin/*|/usr/etc/*|/sbin/*|/usr/afsws/bin/*|/usr/ucb/*) ;; *)
   # OSF1 and SCO ODT 3.0 have their own names for install. # Don't use installbsd
   from OSF since it installs stuff as root # by default. for ac_prog in ginstall
   scoinst install; do if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_prog; then if test $ac_prog = install
   && grep dspmsg $ac_dir/$ac_prog >/dev/null 2>&1; then # AIX install. It has an
   incompatible calling convention. : else ac_cv_path_install="$ac_dir/$ac_prog -c"
   break 2 fi fi done ;; esac done IFS="$ac_save_IFS" fi if test
   "${ac_cv_path_install+set}" = set; then INSTALL="$ac_cv_path_install" else # As a
   last resort, use the slow shell script. We don't cache a # path for INSTALL
   within a source directory, because that will # break other packages using the
   cache if that directory is # removed, or if the path is relative.
   INSTALL="$ac_install_sh" fi fi echo "$ac_t""$INSTALL" 1>&6 # Use test -z because
   SunOS4 sh mishandles braces in ${var-val}. # It thinks the first close brace ends
   the variable substitution. test -z "$INSTALL_PROGRAM" &&
   INSTALL_DATA='${INSTALL} -m 644' test x${EMACS} = xt && EMACS= unset
   ac_cv_prog_EMACS; unset EMACS_cv_SYS_flavor; # Check whether --with-emacs or
   --without-emacs was given. if test "${with_emacs+set}" = set; then
   withval="$with_emacs" if test "${withval}" = yes -o -z "${withval}"; then for
   ac_prog in emacs xemacs mule do # Extract the first word of "$ac_prog", so it can
   be a program name with args. set dummy $ac_prog; ac_word=$2 echo $ac_n "checking
   for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6 echo "configure:663: checking for $ac_word" >&5 if
   eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_EMACS'+set}'`\" = set"; then echo $ac_n
   "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6 else if test -n "$EMACS"; then ac_cv_prog_EMACS="$EMACS" #
   Let the user override the test. else IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=":"
   ac_dummy="$PATH" for ac_dir in $ac_dummy; do test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. if
   test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then ac_cv_prog_EMACS="$ac_prog" break fi done
   IFS="$ac_save_ifs" fi fi EMACS="$ac_cv_prog_EMACS" if test -n "$EMACS"; then echo
   "$ac_t""$EMACS" 1>&6 else echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6 fi test -n "$EMACS" && break done
   test -n "$EMACS" || EMACS="emacs" else # Extract the first word of "${withval}",
   so it can be a program name with args. set dummy ${withval}; ac_word=$2 echo
   $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6 echo "configure:697: checking for
   $ac_word" >&5 if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_EMACS'+set}'`\" = set"; then
   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6 else if test -n "$EMACS"; then
   ac_cv_prog_EMACS="$EMACS" # Let the user override the test. else IFS="${IFS= }";
   ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=":" ac_dummy="$PATH" for ac_dir in $ac_dummy; do test -z
   "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then
   ac_cv_prog_EMACS="${withval}" break fi done IFS="$ac_save_ifs" test -z
   "$ac_cv_prog_EMACS" && ac_cv_prog_EMACS="emacs" fi fi EMACS="$ac_cv_prog_EMACS"
   if test -n "$EMACS"; then echo "$ac_t""$EMACS" 1>&6 else echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6 fi
   fi fi # Check whether --with-xemacs or --without-xemacs was given. if test
   "${with_xemacs+set}" = set; then withval="$with_xemacs" if test x$withval = xyes
   -o x$withval = x; then # Extract the first word of "xemacs", so it can be a
   program name with args. set dummy xemacs; ac_word=$2 echo $ac_n "checking for
   $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6 echo "configure:734: checking for $ac_word" >&5 if eval
   "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_EMACS'+set}'`\" = set"; then echo $ac_n "(cached)
   $ac_c" 1>&6 else if test -n "$EMACS"; then ac_cv_prog_EMACS="$EMACS" # Let the
   user override the test. else IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=":"
   ac_dummy="$PATH" for ac_dir in $ac_dummy; do test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. if
   test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then ac_cv_prog_EMACS="xemacs" break fi done
   IFS="$ac_save_ifs" test -z "$ac_cv_prog_EMACS" && ac_cv_prog_EMACS="xemacs" fi fi
   EMACS="$ac_cv_prog_EMACS" if test -n "$EMACS"; then echo "$ac_t""$EMACS" 1>&6
   else echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6 fi else # Extract the first word of "$withval", so it
   can be a program name with args. set dummy $withval; ac_word=$2 echo $ac_n
   "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6 echo "configure:765: checking for
   $ac_word" >&5 if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_EMACS'+set}'`\" = set"; then
   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6 else if test -n "$EMACS"; then
   ac_cv_prog_EMACS="$EMACS" # Let the user override the test. else IFS="${IFS= }";
   ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=":" ac_dummy="$PATH" for ac_dir in $ac_dummy; do test -z
   "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then
   ac_cv_prog_EMACS="$withval" break fi done IFS="$ac_save_ifs" test -z
   "$ac_cv_prog_EMACS" && ac_cv_prog_EMACS="xemacs" fi fi EMACS="$ac_cv_prog_EMACS"
   if test -n "$EMACS"; then echo "$ac_t""$EMACS" 1>&6 else echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6 fi
   fi fi test -z "${EMACS}" && for ac_prog in emacs xemacs mule do # Extract the
   first word of "$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args. set dummy
   $ac_prog; ac_word=$2 echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6 echo
   "configure:800: checking for $ac_word" >&5 if eval "test \"`echo
   '$''{'ac_cv_prog_EMACS'+set}'`\" = set"; then echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
   else if test -n "$EMACS"; then ac_cv_prog_EMACS="$EMACS" # Let the user override
   the test. else IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=":" ac_dummy="$PATH" for
   ac_dir in $ac_dummy; do test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. if test -f
   $ac_dir/$ac_word; then ac_cv_prog_EMACS="$ac_prog" break fi done
   IFS="$ac_save_ifs" fi fi EMACS="$ac_cv_prog_EMACS" if test -n "$EMACS"; then echo
   "$ac_t""$EMACS" 1>&6 else echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6 fi test -n "$EMACS" && break done
   test -n "$EMACS" || EMACS="emacs" echo $ac_n "checking what a flavor does
   ${EMACS} have""... $ac_c" 1>&6 echo "configure:833: checking what a flavor does
   ${EMACS} have" >&5 elisp="(cond ((featurep (quote xemacs)) \"XEmacs\")\ ((and
   (boundp (quote emacs-major-version))\ (>= emacs-major-version 21))\ \"FSF Emacs
   21\")\ ((boundp (quote MULE)) \"MULE\")\ (t \"FSF Emacs\"))" if test -z "noecho";
   then echo $ac_n "checking for flavor""... $ac_c" 1>&6 echo "configure:843:
   checking for flavor" >&5 fi if eval "test \"`echo
   '$''{'EMACS_cv_SYS_flavor'+set}'`\" = set"; then echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
   else OUTPUT=./conftest-$$ echo ${EMACS}' -batch -eval '\''(let ((x '"${elisp}"'))
   (write-region (if (stringp x) (princ x) (prin1-to-string x)) nil "'${OUTPUT}'"
   nil 5))'\' >& 5 2>&1 eval ${EMACS}' -batch -eval '\''(let ((x '"${elisp}"'))
   (write-region (if (stringp x) (princ x) (prin1-to-string x)) nil "'${OUTPUT}'"
   nil 5))'\' >& 5 2>&1 retval="`cat ${OUTPUT}`" echo "=> ${retval}" >& 5 2>&1 rm -f
   ${OUTPUT} EMACS_cv_SYS_flavor="${retval}" fi flavor="${EMACS_cv_SYS_flavor}" if
   test -z "noecho"; then echo "$ac_t""$flavor" 1>&6 fi case "${flavor}" in XEmacs)
   EMACS_FLAVOR=xemacs;; MULE) EMACS_FLAVOR=mule;; "FSF Emacs 21")
   EMACS_FLAVOR=emacs21;; *) EMACS_FLAVOR=emacs;; esac echo "$ac_t""${flavor}" 1>&6
   if test ${EMACS_FLAVOR} = emacs21; then tribe=emacs else tribe=${EMACS_FLAVOR} fi
   if test ${prefix} = NONE; then echo $ac_n "checking prefix for ${EMACS}""...
   $ac_c" 1>&6 echo "configure:883: checking prefix for ${EMACS}" >&5
   elisp="(expand-file-name \"..\" invocation-directory)" if test -z "noecho"; then
   echo $ac_n "checking for prefix""... $ac_c" 1>&6 echo "configure:888: checking
   for prefix" >&5 fi if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'EMACS_cv_SYS_prefix'+set}'`\" =
   set"; then echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6 else OUTPUT=./conftest-$$ echo
   ${EMACS}' -batch -eval '\''(let ((x '"${elisp}"')) (write-region (if (stringp x)
   (princ x) (prin1-to-string x)) nil "'${OUTPUT}'" nil 5))'\' >& 5 2>&1 eval
   ${EMACS}' -batch -eval '\''(let ((x '"${elisp}"')) (write-region (if (stringp x)
   (princ x) (prin1-to-string x)) nil "'${OUTPUT}'" nil 5))'\' >& 5 2>&1
   retval="`cat ${OUTPUT}`" echo "=> ${retval}" >& 5 2>&1 rm -f ${OUTPUT}
   EMACS_cv_SYS_prefix="${retval}" fi prefix="${EMACS_cv_SYS_prefix}" if test -z
   "noecho"; then echo "$ac_t""$prefix" 1>&6 fi prefix=${EMACS_cv_SYS_prefix} echo
   "$ac_t""${prefix}" 1>&6 fi # Check whether --with-lispdir or --without-lispdir
   was given. if test "${with_lispdir+set}" = set; then withval="$with_lispdir"
   lispdir="${withval}" fi echo $ac_n "checking where lisp files should go""...
   $ac_c" 1>&6 echo "configure:919: checking where lisp files should go" >&5 if test
   -z "${lispdir}"; then theprefix=${prefix} if test x${theprefix} = xNONE; then
   theprefix=${ac_default_prefix} fi lispdir="\$(datadir)/${tribe}/site-lisp/w3m"
   for thedir in share lib; do potential= if test -d
   ${theprefix}/${thedir}/${tribe}/site-lisp; then
   lispdir="\$(prefix)/${thedir}/${tribe}/site-lisp/w3m" break fi done fi if test
   ${EMACS_FLAVOR} = xemacs; then echo "$ac_t""${lispdir}/ (it will be ignored when
   \"make install-package\" is done)" 1>&6 else echo "$ac_t""${lispdir}/" 1>&6 fi if
   test ${EMACS_FLAVOR} = xemacs; then echo $ac_n "checking where the XEmacs package
   is""... $ac_c" 1>&6 echo "configure:943: checking where the XEmacs package is"
   >&5 # Check whether --with-packagedir or --without-packagedir was given. if test
   "${with_packagedir+set}" = set; then withval="$with_packagedir" if test
   "${withval}" = yes -o -z "${withval}"; then elisp="(let ((prefix \"${prefix}\")\
   package-dir)\ (if (boundp (quote early-packages))\ (let ((dirs (append (if
   early-package-load-path early-packages)\ (if late-package-load-path
   late-packages)\ (if last-package-load-path last-packages))))\ (while (and dirs
   (not package-dir))\ (if (file-directory-p (car dirs))\ (setq package-dir (car
   dirs)\ dirs (cdr dirs))))))\ (if package-dir\ (progn\ (if (string-match \"/\$\"
   package-dir)\ (setq package-dir (substring package-dir 0\ (match-beginning 0))))\
   (if (and prefix\ (progn\ (setq prefix (file-name-as-directory prefix))\ (zerop
   (string-match (regexp-quote prefix)\ package-dir))))\ (replace-match
   \"\$(prefix)/\" nil nil package-dir)\ package-dir))\ \"NONE\"))" if test -z
   "noecho"; then echo $ac_n "checking for PACKAGEDIR""... $ac_c" 1>&6 echo
   "configure:974: checking for PACKAGEDIR" >&5 fi if eval "test \"`echo
   '$''{'EMACS_cv_SYS_PACKAGEDIR'+set}'`\" = set"; then echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c"
   1>&6 else OUTPUT=./conftest-$$ echo ${EMACS}' -batch -eval '\''(let ((x
   '"${elisp}"')) (write-region (if (stringp x) (princ x) (prin1-to-string x)) nil
   "'${OUTPUT}'" nil 5))'\' >& 5 2>&1 eval ${EMACS}' -batch -eval '\''(let ((x
   '"${elisp}"')) (write-region (if (stringp x) (princ x) (prin1-to-string x)) nil
   "'${OUTPUT}'" nil 5))'\' >& 5 2>&1 retval="`cat ${OUTPUT}`" echo "=> ${retval}"
   >& 5 2>&1 rm -f ${OUTPUT} EMACS_cv_SYS_PACKAGEDIR="${retval}" fi
   PACKAGEDIR="${EMACS_cv_SYS_PACKAGEDIR}" if test -z "noecho"; then echo
   "$ac_t""$PACKAGEDIR" 1>&6 fi else PACKAGEDIR="${withval}" fi else elisp="(let
   ((prefix \"${prefix}\")\ package-dir)\ (if (boundp (quote early-packages))\ (let
   ((dirs (append (if early-package-load-path early-packages)\ (if
   late-package-load-path late-packages)\ (if last-package-load-path
   last-packages))))\ (while (and dirs (not package-dir))\ (if (file-directory-p
   (car dirs))\ (setq package-dir (car dirs)\ dirs (cdr dirs))))))\ (if package-dir\
   (progn\ (if (string-match \"/\$\" package-dir)\ (setq package-dir (substring
   package-dir 0\ (match-beginning 0))))\ (if (and prefix\ (progn\ (setq prefix
   (file-name-as-directory prefix))\ (zerop (string-match (regexp-quote prefix)\
   package-dir))))\ (replace-match \"\$(prefix)/\" nil nil package-dir)\
   package-dir))\ \"NONE\"))" if test -z "noecho"; then echo $ac_n "checking for
   PACKAGEDIR""... $ac_c" 1>&6 echo "configure:1025: checking for PACKAGEDIR" >&5 fi
   if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'EMACS_cv_SYS_PACKAGEDIR'+set}'`\" = set"; then echo
   $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6 else OUTPUT=./conftest-$$ echo ${EMACS}' -batch -eval
   '\''(let ((x '"${elisp}"')) (write-region (if (stringp x) (princ x)
   (prin1-to-string x)) nil "'${OUTPUT}'" nil 5))'\' >& 5 2>&1 eval ${EMACS}' -batch
   -eval '\''(let ((x '"${elisp}"')) (write-region (if (stringp x) (princ x)
   (prin1-to-string x)) nil "'${OUTPUT}'" nil 5))'\' >& 5 2>&1 retval="`cat
   ${OUTPUT}`" echo "=> ${retval}" >& 5 2>&1 rm -f ${OUTPUT}
   test -z "noecho"; then echo "$ac_t""$PACKAGEDIR" 1>&6 fi fi if test -z
   "${PACKAGEDIR}"; then echo "$ac_t""not found" 1>&6 else echo
   "$ac_t""${PACKAGEDIR}" 1>&6 fi else PACKAGEDIR=NONE fi unset
   EMACS_cv_SYS_icondir; if test ${EMACS_FLAVOR} = xemacs -o ${EMACS_FLAVOR} =
   emacs21; then # Check whether --with-icondir or --without-icondir was given. if
   test "${with_icondir+set}" = set; then withval="$with_icondir"
   ICONDIR="${withval}" fi echo $ac_n "checking where icon files should go""...
   $ac_c" 1>&6 echo "configure:1068: checking where icon files should go" >&5 if
   test -z "${ICONDIR}"; then elisp="(let ((prefix \"${prefix}\")\ (default
   (expand-file-name \"w3m/icons\" data-directory)))\ (if (and prefix\ (progn\ (setq
   prefix (file-name-as-directory prefix))\ (zerop (string-match (regexp-quote
   prefix) default))))\ (replace-match \"\$(prefix)/\" nil nil default)\ default))"
   if test -z "${prefix}"; then echo $ac_n "checking for icondir""... $ac_c" 1>&6
   echo "configure:1081: checking for icondir" >&5 fi if eval "test \"`echo
   '$''{'EMACS_cv_SYS_icondir'+set}'`\" = set"; then echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c"
   1>&6 else OUTPUT=./conftest-$$ echo ${EMACS}' -batch -eval '\''(let ((x
   '"${elisp}"')) (write-region (if (stringp x) (princ x) (prin1-to-string x)) nil
   "'${OUTPUT}'" nil 5))'\' >& 5 2>&1 eval ${EMACS}' -batch -eval '\''(let ((x
   '"${elisp}"')) (write-region (if (stringp x) (princ x) (prin1-to-string x)) nil
   "'${OUTPUT}'" nil 5))'\' >& 5 2>&1 retval="`cat ${OUTPUT}`" echo "=> ${retval}"
   >& 5 2>&1 rm -f ${OUTPUT} EMACS_cv_SYS_icondir="${retval}" fi
   icondir="${EMACS_cv_SYS_icondir}" if test -z "${prefix}"; then echo
   "$ac_t""$icondir" 1>&6 fi ICONDIR=${EMACS_cv_SYS_icondir} fi if test
   ${EMACS_FLAVOR} = xemacs; then echo "$ac_t""${ICONDIR}/ (it will be ignored when
   \"make install-package\" is done)" 1>&6 else echo "$ac_t""${ICONDIR}" 1>&6 fi
   else ICONDIR=NONE fi # Check whether --with-addpath or --without-addpath was
   given. if test "${with_addpath+set}" = set; then withval="$with_addpath" echo
   $ac_n "checking where to find the additional elisp libraries""... $ac_c" 1>&6
   echo "configure:1118: checking where to find the additional elisp libraries" >&5
   if test "x${withval}" != xyes -a "x${withval}" != x; then
   "$ac_t""${ADDITIONAL_LOAD_PATH}" 1>&6 else ADDITIONAL_LOAD_PATH=NONE fi trap '' 1
   2 15 cat > confcache &1` in *ac_space=\ *) # `set' does not quote correctly, so add
   quotes (double-quote substitution # turns \\\\ into \\, and sed turns \\ into \).
   sed -n \ -e "s/'/'\\\\''/g" \ -e
   "s/^\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*_cv_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\)=\\(.*\\)/\\1=\${\\1='\\2'}/p" ;; *) #
   `set' quotes correctly as required by POSIX, so do not add quotes. sed -n -e
   's/^\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*_cv_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=\(.*\)/\1=${\1=\2}/p' ;; esac >> confcache
   if cmp -s $cache_file confcache; then : else if test -w $cache_file; then echo
   "updating cache $cache_file" cat confcache > $cache_file else echo "not updating
   unwritable cache $cache_file" fi fi rm -f confcache trap 'rm -fr conftest*
   confdefs* core core.* *.core $ac_clean_files; exit 1' 1 2 15 test "x$prefix" =
   xNONE && prefix=$ac_default_prefix # Let make expand exec_prefix. test
   "x$exec_prefix" = xNONE && exec_prefix='${prefix}' # Any assignment to VPATH
   causes Sun make to only execute # the first set of double-colon rules, so remove
   it if not needed. # If there is a colon in the path, we need to keep it. if test
   "x$srcdir" = x.; then ac_vpsub='/^[ ]*VPATH[ ]*=[^:]*$/d' fi trap 'rm -f
   $CONFIG_STATUS conftest*; exit 1' 1 2 15 # Transform confdefs.h into DEFS. #
   Protect against shell expansion while executing Makefile rules. # Protect against
   Makefile macro expansion. cat > conftest.defs $BE75$(B

   \\)[ \t\r\f\n]* ]*> ["] " (prog2 (forward-line 5) (point) (goto-char (match-end
   0))) t) (progn (delete-region end (point)) (goto-char start) (when
   (re-search-forward "\\([ \t\r\f\n]rowspan=\"[0-9]+\"\\)[> \t\r\f\n]" end t)
   (delete-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))))) (defun
   w3m-weather-remove-washing-images (&rest args) "Remove images which stand for
   washing index". (let ((case-fold-search t)) (goto-char (point-min)) (while
   (re-search-forward " ]*>\\( [wash[-0-9]*.gif\"[^] ]*>
   \\)" nil t) (delete-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))) (defun
   w3m-weather-remove-futon-images (&rest args) "Remove images which stand for futon
   index". (let ((case-fold-search t)) (goto-char (point-min)) (while
   (re-search-forward " ]*>\\( [bed[-0-9]*.gif\"[^] ]*>
   \\)" nil t) (delete-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))) (defun
   w3m-weather-remove-week-weather-images (&rest args) "Remove images which stand
   for the weather forecast for the week". (let ((case-fold-search t)) (goto-char
   (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward " ]*>\\( [tk[0-9]*.gif\"[^] ]*>
   \\)" nil t) (delete-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))) (defun
   w3m-weather-insert-title (area &rest args) "Insert title". (goto-char
   (point-min)) (insert "") (goto-char (point-max)) (insert "")) (provide
   'w3m-weather) ;;; w3m-weather.el ends here.
   w3m_el-1.0/w3m-xmas.el0100444000175000017500000002010707275717420015014 0ustar
   tsuchiyatsuchiya;;; w3m-xmas.el --- The stuffs to use w3m.el on XEmacs. ;;
   Copyright (C) 2001 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi ;; Authors: Yuuichi Teranishi , ;; TSUCHIYA
   Masatoshi ;; Keywords: w3m, WWW, hypermedia ;; w3m-xmas.el is free software; you
   can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public
   License as published ;; by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
   License, ;; or (at your option) any later version. ;; w3m-xmas.el is distributed
   in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
   the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a
   copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with w3m.el; if not, write to the
   Free Software Foundation, ;; Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
   02111-1307 USA ;;; Commentary: ;; This file contains the stuffs to use w3m.el on
   XEmacs. For more ;; detail about w3m.el, see: ;; ;; ;;; Code: (require 'poe) (require 'poem)
   (provide 'w3m-xmas);; It is needed to avoid circular dependencies. (require 'w3m)
   ;;; Handle images: (defun w3m-create-image (url &optional no-cache) "Retrieve
   data from URL and create an image object. If optional argument NO-CACHE is
   non-nil, cache is not used". (condition-case err (let ((type (w3m-retrieve url
   'raw no-cache))) (when (w3m-image-type-available-p (setq type (w3m-image-type
   type))) (let ((data (w3m-with-work-buffer (buffer-string)))) (make-glyph
   (make-image-instance (vector type :data data) nil nil 'no-error))))) (error
   nil))) (defun w3m-insert-image (beg end image) "Display image on the current
   buffer. Buffer string between BEG and END are replaced with IMAGE". (let (extent
   glyphs) (while (setq extent (extent-at beg nil 'w3m-xmas-icon extent 'at)) (setq
   glyphs (cons (extent-end-glyph extent) glyphs))) (setq extent (make-extent beg
   end)) (set-extent-property extent 'invisible t) (set-extent-property extent
   'w3m-xmas-icon t) (set-extent-end-glyph extent image) (while glyphs (setq extent
   (make-extent end end)) (set-extent-property extent 'w3m-xmas-icon t)
   (set-extent-end-glyph extent (car glyphs)) (setq glyphs (cdr glyphs))))) (defun
   w3m-remove-image (beg end) "Remove an image which is inserted between BEG and
   END". (let (extent) (while (setq extent (extent-at beg nil 'w3m-xmas-icon extent
   'at)) (if (extent-end-glyph extent) (set-extent-end-glyph extent nil))
   (set-extent-property extent 'invisible nil)) (while (setq extent (extent-at end
   nil 'w3m-xmas-icon extent 'at)) (if (extent-end-glyph extent)
   (set-extent-end-glyph extent nil)) (set-extent-property extent 'invisible nil))))
   (defun w3m-image-type-available-p (image-type) "Return non-nil if an image with
   IMAGE-TYPE can be displayed inline". (and (device-on-window-system-p) (featurep
   image-type))) ;;; Toolbar: (defcustom w3m-use-toolbar (and (featurep 'toolbar) t)
   "Non-nil activates toolbar of w3m". :group 'w3m :type 'boolean) (defun
   w3m-xmas-make-toolbar-buttons (buttons) (dolist (button buttons) (let ((up
   (expand-file-name (concat button "-up.xpm") w3m-icon-directory)) (down
   (expand-file-name (concat button "-down.xpm") w3m-icon-directory)) (disabled
   (expand-file-name (concat button "-disabled.xpm") w3m-icon-directory)) (icon
   (intern (concat "w3m-toolbar-" button "-icon")))) (if (file-exists-p up) (set
   icon (toolbar-make-button-list up (and (file-exists-p down) down) (and
   (file-exists-p disabled) disabled))) (error "Icon file %s not found" up)))))
   (defun w3m-setup-toolbar () "Setup toolbar". (when w3m-use-toolbar
   (w3m-xmas-make-toolbar-buttons w3m-toolbar-buttons) (set-specifier
   default-toolbar (cons (current-buffer) w3m-toolbar)))) (defun w3m-update-toolbar
   () "Update toolbar". (when w3m-use-toolbar (set-specifier default-toolbar (cons
   (current-buffer) w3m-toolbar)))) ;;; Menu (defun w3m-setup-menu () (let
   ((w3m-menu '("W3M" ["Go to..". w3m-goto-url t] ["Reload This Page"
   w3m-reload-this-page t] ["Back to previous page" w3m-view-previous-page
   (w3m-history-previous-link-available-p)] ["Forward to Next Page"
   w3m-view-next-page (w3m-history-next-link-available-p)] ["Upward to Parent Page"
   w3m-view-parent-page (w3m-parent-page-available-p)] ["Download This URL"
   w3m-download-this-url t] ["Print Current URL" w3m-print-current-url t] ["View
   Bookmark" w3m-bookmark-view t] ["Copy Buffer" w3m-copy-buffer t] ))) ;; Menu
   codes are from f90.el. (when (and (featurep 'menubar) current-menubar (not (assoc
   (car w3m-menu) current-menubar))) ;;(set-buffer-menubar (copy-sequence
   current-menubar)) ;;(add-submenu nil w3m-menu)))) (set-buffer-menubar (cons
   w3m-menu current-menubar))))) ;;; Widget: (eval-when-compile (require 'wid-edit))
   (defun w3m-xmas-define-missing-widgets () "Define some missing widgets". (unless
   (get 'coding-system 'widget-type) ;; The following codes are imported from
   wid-edit.el of Emacs 20.7. (defvar widget-coding-system-prompt-value-history nil
   "History of input to `widget-coding-system-prompt-value'".) (defun
   widget-coding-system-prompt-value (widget prompt value unbound) ;; Read
   coding-system from minibuffer. (intern (completing-read (format "%s (default %s)
   " prompt value) (mapcar (lambda (sym) (list (symbol-name sym)))
   (coding-system-list))))) (defun widget-coding-system-action (widget &optional
   event) ;; Read a file name from the minibuffer. (let ((answer
   (widget-coding-system-prompt-value widget (widget-apply widget :menu-tag-get)
   (widget-value widget) t))) (widget-value-set widget answer) (widget-apply widget
   :notify widget event) (widget-setup)))) (define-widget 'coding-system 'symbol "A
   MULE coding-system". :format "%{%t%}: %v" :tag "Coding system" :prompt-history
   'widget-coding-system-prompt-value-history :prompt-value
   'widget-coding-system-prompt-value :action 'widget-coding-system-action) (unless
   (get 'other 'widget-type) ;; The following definition is imported from
   wid-edit.el of Emacs 20.7. (define-widget 'other 'sexp "Matches any value, but
   doesn't let the user edit the value. This is useful as last item in a `choice'
   widget. You should use this widget type with a default value, as in (other
   DEFAULT) or (other :tag \"NAME\" DEFAULT). If the user selects this alternative,
   that specifies DEFAULT as the value". :tag "Other" :format "%t%n" :value
   'other))) (eval-after-load "wid-edit" '(w3m-xmas-define-missing-widgets)) ;;;
   Coding systems: (unless (fboundp 'coding-system-category) (defalias
   'coding-system-category 'coding-system-type)) ;;; Header line (emulating Emacs
   21). (defvar w3m-header-line-map (make-sparse-keymap)) (define-key
   w3m-header-line-map 'button2 'w3m-goto-url) (defun w3m-setup-header-line ()
   "Setup header line (emulating Emacs 21)". (when (and w3m-use-header-line
   w3m-current-url (eq 'w3m-mode major-mode)) (goto-char (point-min)) (insert
   "Location: ") (set-extent-property (make-extent (point-min) (point)) 'face
   'w3m-header-line-location-title-face) (let ((start (point)) (help "button2
   prompts to input URL")) (insert w3m-current-url) (set-extent-properties
   (make-extent start (point)) (list 'face 'w3m-header-line-location-content-face
   'mouse-face 'highlight 'keymap w3m-header-line-map 'help-echo help 'balloon-help
   help)) (setq start (point)) (insert-char ?\ (max 0 (- (window-width)
   (current-column) 1))) (set-extent-property (make-extent start (point)) 'face
   'w3m-header-line-location-content-face) (unless (eolp) (insert "\n"))))) ;;;
   w3m-xmas.el ends here.
   w3m_el-1.0/w3m.el0100444000175000017500000030454307276106554014060 0ustar
   tsuchiyatsuchiya;;; w3m.el --- Interface program of w3m on Emacs ;; Copyright (C)
   2000,2001 TSUCHIYA Masatoshi ;; Authors: TSUCHIYA Masatoshi , ;; Shun-ichi GOTO ,
   ;; Satoru Takabayashi , ;; Hideyuki SHIRAI , ;; Keisuke Nishida , ;; Yuuichi
   Teranishi , ;; Akihiro Arisawa , ;; Katsumi Yamaoka ;; Keywords: w3m, WWW,
   hypermedia ;; w3m.el is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free
   Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any
   later version. ;; w3m.el is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
   ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY
   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for
   more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
   License ;; along with w3m.el; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, ;;
   Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ;;; Commentary: ;;
   w3m.el is the interface program of w3m on Emacs. For more detail ;; about w3m,
   see: ;; ;; ;;; How to install: ;;
   In the top level directory of the w3m distribution, run the program ;;
   `configure' and then type `make install'. See README file for more ;;
   information. ;;; Code: (eval-and-compile (cond ((featurep 'xemacs) (require
   'w3m-xmas)) ((and (boundp 'emacs-major-version) (>= emacs-major-version 21))
   (require 'w3m-e21)) ((boundp 'MULE) (require 'w3m-om)))) (require 'w3m-hist)
   (require 'thingatpt) (require 'timezone) ;; this package using a few CL macros
   (eval-when-compile (require 'cl)) ;; Override the macro `dolist' which may have
   been defined in egg.el. (eval-when-compile (unless (dolist (var nil t)) (load
   "cl-macs" nil t))) (put 'w3m-static-if 'lisp-indent-function 2) (eval-and-compile
   (defmacro w3m-static-if (cond then &rest else) (if (eval cond) then (` (progn (,@
   else))))) (defmacro w3m-static-cond (&rest clauses) (while (and clauses (not
   (eval (car (car clauses))))) (setq clauses (cdr clauses))) (if clauses (cons
   'progn (cdr (car clauses)))))) (w3m-static-cond ((fboundp 'find-coding-system))
   ((fboundp 'coding-system-p) (defsubst find-coding-system (obj) "Return OBJ if it
   is a coding-system". (if (coding-system-p obj) obj))) (t (require 'pces)))
   (unless (fboundp 'w3m-read-coding-system) (defalias 'w3m-read-coding-system
   'read-coding-system)) ;; Add-on programs: (eval-and-compile (autoload
   'w3m-bookmark-view "w3m-bookmark" nil t) (autoload 'w3m-bookmark-add-this-url
   "w3m-bookmark" "*Add link under cursor to bookmark". t) (autoload
   'w3m-bookmark-add-current-url "w3m-bookmark" "*Add link of current page to
   bookmark". t) (autoload 'w3m-search "w3m-search" "*Search QUERY using
   SEARCH-ENGINE". t) (autoload 'w3m-weather "w3m-weather" "*Display weather
   report". t) (autoload 'w3m-about-weather "w3m-weather") (autoload 'w3m-antenna
   "w3m-antenna" "*Display antenna report". t) (autoload 'w3m-about-antenna
   "w3m-antenna")) ;; Avoid byte-compile warnings. (eval-when-compile (autoload
   'rfc2368-parse-mailto-url "rfc2368") (autoload 'w3m-remove-image (if (featurep
   'xemacs) "w3m-xmas" "w3m-e21"))) (defconst emacs-w3m-version "1.0" "Version
   number of this package".) (defgroup w3m nil "w3m - the web browser of choice".
   :group 'hypermedia) (defgroup w3m-face nil "Faces for w3m". :group 'w3m :prefix
   "w3m-") (defcustom w3m-command "w3m" "*Name of the executable file of w3m".
   :group 'w3m :type 'string) (defcustom w3m-command-arguments '() "*Arguments for
   execution of w3m". :group 'w3m :type '(repeat string)) (defcustom w3m-fill-column
   -1 "*Fill column of w3m. Value is integer. Positive value is for fixed column
   rendering. Zero or negative value is for fitting w3m output with current frame
   width using expression (+ (frame-width) VALUE)". :group 'w3m :type 'integer)
   (defcustom w3m-mailto-url-function nil "*Mailto handling Function". :group 'w3m
   :type 'function) (defcustom w3m-coding-system 'euc-japan "*Coding system for
   w3m". :group 'w3m :type 'coding-system) (defcustom w3m-input-coding-system
   'iso-2022-jp "*Coding system for w3m". :group 'w3m :type 'coding-system)
   (defcustom w3m-output-coding-system 'euc-japan "*Coding system for w3m". :group
   'w3m :type 'coding-system) (defcustom w3m-key-binding nil "*This variable decides
   default key mapping used in w3m-mode buffers". :group 'w3m :type '(choice (const
   :tag "Use Info-like key mapping". info) (other :tag "Use Lynx-like key mapping".
   nil))) (defcustom w3m-use-cygdrive (eq system-type 'windows-nt) "*If non-nil, use
   /cygdrive/ rule when expand-file-name". :group 'w3m :type 'boolean) (defcustom
   w3m-profile-directory "~/.w3m" "*Directory of w3m profiles". :group 'w3m :type
   'directory) (defcustom w3m-default-save-directory "~/.w3m" "*Default directory
   for save file". :group 'w3m :type 'directory) (defcustom
   w3m-delete-duplicated-empty-lines t "*Compactize page by deleting duplicated
   empty lines". :group 'w3m :type 'boolean) (defcustom w3m-display-inline-image nil
   "*Display inline images". :group 'w3m :type 'boolean) (defcustom
   w3m-icon-directory (if (fboundp 'locate-data-directory) (locate-data-directory
   "w3m") (let ((icons (expand-file-name "w3m/icons/" data-directory))) (if
   (file-directory-p icons) icons))) "*Icon directory for w3m (XEmacs or Emacs 21)".
   :group 'w3m :type 'directory) ;; Generic functions: (defun w3m-url-to-file-name
   (url) "Return the file name which is pointed by URL". ;; Remove scheme part and
   net_loc part. NOTE: This function accepts ;; only urls whose net_loc part is
   empty or NULL string. (when (string-match "^\\(file:\\(//\\)?\\)/" url) (setq url
   (substring url (match-end 1)))) ;; Process abs_path part in Windows. (when
   (string-match "^/\\(\\([A-z]\\)[|:]?\\|cygdrive/\\([A-z]\\)\\)/" url) (setq url
   (concat (or (match-string 2 url) (match-string 3 url)) ":/" (substring url
   (match-end 0))))) url) (defun w3m-expand-file-name-as-url (file &optional
   directory) "Return URL which points the FILE". ;; if filename is cygwin format,
   ;; then remove cygdrive prefix before expand-file-name (if directory (setq file
   (w3m-url-to-file-name file))) ;; expand to file scheme url considering Win32
   environment (setq file (expand-file-name file directory)) (if (string-match
   "^\\(.\\):\\(.*\\)" file) (if w3m-use-cygdrive (concat "file:///cygdrive/"
   (match-string 1 file) (match-string 2 file)) (concat "file:///" (match-string 1
   file) "|" (match-string 2 file))) (concat "file://" file))) (defcustom
   w3m-home-page (or (getenv "HTTP_HOME") (getenv "WWW_HOME") "about:") "*Home page
   of w3m.el". :group 'w3m :type 'string) (defcustom w3m-arrived-file
   (expand-file-name ".arrived" w3m-profile-directory) "*File which has list of
   arrived URLs". :group 'w3m :type 'file) (defcustom w3m-arrived-file-coding-system
   'euc-japan "*Coding system for arrived file". :group 'w3m :type 'coding-system)
   (defcustom w3m-keep-arrived-urls 500 "*Arrived keep count of w3m". :group 'w3m
   :type 'integer) (defcustom w3m-keep-cache-size 300 "*Cache size of w3m". :group
   'w3m :type 'integer) (defface w3m-anchor-face '((((class color) (background
   light)) (:foreground "blue" :underline t)) (((class color) (background dark))
   (:foreground "cyan" :underline t)) (t (:underline t))) "*Face to fontify
   anchors". :group 'w3m-face) (defface w3m-arrived-anchor-face '((((class color)
   (background light)) (:foreground "navy" :underline t)) (((class color)
   (background dark)) (:foreground "LightSkyBlue" :underline t)) (t (:underline t)))
   "*Face to fontify anchors, if arrived". :group 'w3m-face) (defface w3m-image-face
   '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "ForestGreen")) (((class
   color) (background dark)) (:foreground "PaleGreen")) (t (:underline t))) "*Face
   to fontify image alternate strings". :group 'w3m-face) (defcustom w3m-mode-hook
   nil "*Hook run before w3m-mode called". :group 'w3m :type 'hook) (defcustom
   w3m-fontify-before-hook nil "*Hook run before w3m-fontify called". :group 'w3m
   :type 'hook) (defcustom w3m-fontify-after-hook nil "*Hook run after w3m-fontify
   called". :group 'w3m :type 'hook) (defcustom w3m-async-exec nil "*If non-nil, w3m
   is executed an asynchronously process". :group 'w3m :type 'boolean) (defcustom
   w3m-process-connection-type t "*Process connection type for w3m execution".
   :group 'w3m :type 'boolean) ;; FIXME: $BK\Ev$O(B mailcap
   $B$rE,@Z$KFI$_9~$s$G@_Dj$9$kI,MW$,$"$k(B (defcustom w3m-content-type-alist (if
   (eq system-type 'windows-nt) '(("text/plain" "\\.\\(txt\\|tex\\|el\\)" nil)
   ("text/html" "\\.s?html?$" w3m-w32-browser-with-fiber) ("image/jpeg" "\\.jpe?g$"
   ("fiber.exe" file)) ("image/png" "\\.png$" ("fiber.exe" file)) ("image/gif"
   "\\gif$" ("fiber.exe" file)) ("image/tiff" "\\tif?f$" ("fiber.exe" file))
   ("image/x-xwd" "\\.xwd$" ("fiber.exe" file)) ("image/x-xbm" "\\.xbm$"
   ("fiber.exe" file)) ("image/x-xpm" "\\.xpm$" ("fiber.exe" file)) ("image/x-bmp"
   "\\.bmp$" ("fiber.exe" file)) ("video/mpeg" "\\.mpe?g$" ("fiber.exe" file))
   ("video/quicktime" "\\.mov$" ("fiber.exe" file)) ("application/postscript"
   "\\.\\(ps\\|eps\\)$" ("fiber.exe" file)) ("application/pdf" "\\.pdf$"
   ("fiber.exe" file))) (cons (list "text/html" "\\.s?html?$" (if (and
   (condition-case nil (require 'browse-url) (error nil)) (fboundp
   'browse-url-netscape)) 'browse-url-netscape '("netscape" url))) '(("text/plain"
   "\\.\\(txt\\|tex\\|el\\)" nil) ("image/jpeg" "\\.jpe?g$" ("xv" file))
   ("image/png" "\\.png$" ("xv" file)) ("image/gif" "\\gif$" ("xv" file))
   ("image/tiff" "\\tif?f$" ("xv" file)) ("image/x-xwd" "\\.xwd$" ("xv" file))
   ("image/x-xbm" "\\.xbm$" ("xv" file)) ("image/x-xpm" "\\.xpm$" ("xv" file))
   ("image/x-bmp" "\\.bmp$" ("xv" file)) ("video/mpeg" "\\.mpe?g$" ("mpeg_play"
   file)) ("video/quicktime" "\\.mov$" ("mpeg_play" file)) ("application/postscript"
   "\\.\\(ps\\|eps\\)$" ("gv" file)) ("application/pdf" "\\.pdf$" ("acroread"
   file))))) "Alist of file suffixes vs. content type". :group 'w3m :type '(repeat
   (list (string :tag "Type") (string :tag "Regexp") (choice (const :tag "None" nil)
   (cons :tag "Externai viewer" (string :tag "Command") (repeat :tag "Arguments"
   (restricted-sexp :match-alternatives (stringp 'file 'url)))) (function :tag
   "Function"))))) (defcustom w3m-decoder-alist '((gzip "gunzip" nil) (bzip
   "bunzip2" nil) (deflate "inflate" nil)) "Associative list of DECODER". :group
   'w3m :type '(repeat (list (choice :tag "Encoding" (const gzip) (const bzip)
   (const deflate)) (string :tag "Command") (repeat :tag "Arguments" string))))
   (defcustom w3m-charset-coding-system-alist (let ((rest '((us-ascii . raw-text)
   (gb2312 . cn-gb-2312) (cn-gb . cn-gb-2312) (iso-2022-jp-2 . iso-2022-7bit-ss2)
   (iso-2022-jp-3 . iso-2022-7bit-ss2) (tis-620 . tis620) (windows-874 . tis-620)
   (cp874 . tis-620) (x-ctext . ctext) (unknown . undecided) (x-unknown . undecided)
   (euc-jp . euc-japan) (shift-jis . shift_jis) (shift_jis . shift_jis) (sjis .
   shift_jis) (x-euc-jp . euc-japan) (x-shift-jis . shift_jis) (x-shift_jis .
   shift_jis) (x-sjis . shift_jis))) (fn (if (fboundp 'find-coding-system) ;; It
   might be unbound at run-time. 'find-coding-system 'coding-system-p)) dest) (while
   rest (or (funcall fn (car (car rest))) (setq dest (cons (car rest) dest))) (setq
   rest (cdr rest))) dest) "Alist MIME CHARSET vs CODING-SYSTEM. MIME CHARSET and
   CODING-SYSTEM must be symbol". :group 'w3m :type '(repeat (cons symbol
   coding-system))) (defcustom w3m-horizontal-scroll-columns 10 "*Column size to
   scroll horizontally". :group 'w3m :type 'integer) (defcustom w3m-mnc nil "*When
   using w3m with M.N.C. patch, set non-nil value". :group 'w3m :type 'boolean)
   (defcustom w3m-linefeed-type (and (null w3m-mnc) (memq system-type '(windows-nt
   OS/2 emx)) 'crlf) "*Linefeed type of w3m program output. Value is 'crlf or nil.
   'crlf is mainly used for win32 or OS/2 environment if 'w3m-mnc' is nil". :group
   'w3m :type '(choice (const :tag "CRLF" crlf) (const :tag "native" nil)))
   (defcustom w3m-track-mouse t "Whether to track the mouse and message the url
   under the mouse. This feature does not work under Emacs or XEmacs versions prior
   to 21. See also the documentation for the variable `show-help-function' if you
   are using Emacs 21. You can also use the `balloon-help' feature under XEmacs by
   the command M-x balloon-help-mode with arg 1. If the window manager decorates the
   balloon-help frame, and that is not to your taste, you may strip it off with the
   following directives. For ol[v]wm use this in .Xdefaults: olvwm.NoDecor:
   balloon-help or olwm.MinimalDecor: balloon-help For fvwm version 1 use this in
   your .fvwmrc: NoTitle balloon-help or Style \"balloon-help\" NoTitle, NoHandles,
   BorderWidth 0 For twm use this in your .twmrc: NoTitle { \"balloon-help\" } See
   the file balloon-help.el for more information". :group 'w3m :type 'boolean)
   (defconst w3m-extended-characters-table '(("\xa0" . " ") ("\x80" . " ") ("\x90" .
   " "))) (eval-and-compile (defconst w3m-entity-alist ; html character entities and
   values (eval-when-compile (let ((basic-entity-alist '(("nbsp" . " ") ("gt" . ">")
   ("lt" . "") (forward-char) (,@ form)))) ;;; HTML character entity handling: (defun
   w3m-entity-db-setup () ;; initialise entity database (obarray) (setq
   w3m-entity-db (make-vector w3m-entity-db-size 0)) (dolist (elem w3m-entity-alist)
   (set (intern (car elem) w3m-entity-db) (cdr elem)))) (defsubst w3m-entity-value
   (name) ;; initialise if need (if (null w3m-entity-db) (w3m-entity-db-setup)) ;;
   return value of specified entity, or empty string for unknown entity. (or
   (symbol-value (intern-soft name w3m-entity-db)) (if (not (char-equal
   (string-to-char name) ?#)) (concat "&" name) ; unknown entity ;; case of
   immediate character (accept only 0x20 .. 0x7e) (let ((char (string-to-int
   (substring name 1)))) ;; make character's representation with learning (set
   (intern name w3m-entity-db) (if (or (< char 32) (< 127 char)) "~" ; un-supported
   character (char-to-string char))))))) (defun w3m-fontify-bold () "Fontify bold
   characters in this buffer which contains half-dumped data". (goto-char
   (point-min)) (while (search-forward "" nil t) (let ((start (match-beginning 0)))
   (delete-region start (match-end 0)) (when (search-forward "" nil t)
   (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)) (put-text-property start
   (match-beginning 0) 'face 'bold))))) (defun w3m-fontify-underline () "Fontify
   underline characters in this buffer which contains half-dumped data". (goto-char
   (point-min)) (while (search-forward "" nil t) (let ((start (match-beginning 0)))
   (delete-region start (match-end 0)) (when (search-forward "" nil t)
   (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)) (put-text-property start
   (match-beginning 0) 'face 'underline))))) (defsubst w3m-decode-anchor-string
   (str) ;; FIXME: This is a quite ad-hoc function to process encoded URL ;; string.
   More discussion about timing &-sequence decode is ;; required. See
   [emacs-w3m:00150] for detail. (let ((start 0) (buf)) (while (string-match "&" str
   start) (setq buf (cons "&" (cons (substring str start (match-beginning 0)) buf))
   start (match-end 0))) (apply (function concat) (nreverse (cons (substring str
   start) buf))))) (defun w3m-fontify-anchors () "Fontify anchor tags in this buffer
   which contains half-dumped data". (goto-char (point-min)) (let ((help
   (w3m-make-help-echo w3m-href-anchor)) (balloon (w3m-make-balloon-help
   w3m-href-anchor)) start end) (while (re-search-forward "" nil t) (delete-region
   (setq end (match-beginning 0)) (match-end 0)) (setq href (w3m-expand-url
   (w3m-decode-anchor-string href) w3m-current-url)) (add-text-properties start end
   (list 'face (if (w3m-arrived-p href) 'w3m-arrived-anchor-face 'w3m-anchor-face)
   'w3m-href-anchor href 'mouse-face 'highlight 'w3m-name-anchor name 'help-echo
   help 'balloon-help balloon)))) (name (when (re-search-forward "= (length w3m-cache-articles) w3m-keep-cache-size)
   (w3m-cache-remove-oldest)) ;; Insert the new article. (save-excursion (set-buffer
   w3m-cache-buffer) (let (buffer-read-only) (goto-char (point-max)) (unless (bolp)
   (insert "\n")) (let ((b (point))) (insert-buffer-substring buffer) ;; Tag the
   beginning of the article with the ident. (when (> (point-max) b)
   (put-text-property b (1+ b) 'w3m-cache ident) (setq w3m-cache-articles (cons
   ident w3m-cache-articles)) ident)))))) (defun w3m-cache-request-contents (url
   &optional buffer) "Insert URL's data to the BUFFER. If URL's data is found in the
   cache, return t. Otherwise return nil. When BUFFER is nil, all data will be
   inserted in the current buffer". (w3m-cache-setup) (let ((ident (intern url
   w3m-cache-hashtb))) (when (memq ident w3m-cache-articles) ;; It was in the cache.
   (let (beg end) (save-excursion (set-buffer w3m-cache-buffer) (if (setq beg
   (text-property-any (point-min) (point-max) 'w3m-cache ident)) ;; Find the end (i.
   e., the beginning of the next article). (setq end (next-single-property-change
   (1+ beg) 'w3m-cache (current-buffer) (point-max))) ;; It wasn't in the cache
   after all. (setq w3m-cache-articles (delq ident w3m-cache-articles)))) (and beg
   end (save-excursion (when buffer (set-buffer buffer)) (let (buffer-read-only)
   (insert-buffer-substring w3m-cache-buffer beg end)) t)))))) ;;; Handle process:
   (defun w3m-exec-process (&rest args) "Run w3m-command and return process exit
   status". (save-excursion (let ((coding-system-for-read 'binary)
   (coding-system-for-write w3m-coding-system) (default-process-coding-system (cons
   'binary w3m-coding-system)) (process-connection-type
   w3m-process-connection-type)) (setq args (append w3m-command-arguments args)) (if
   w3m-async-exec ;; start-process (let ((w3m-process-user) (w3m-process-passwd)
   (w3m-process-user-counter 2) (proc (apply 'start-process w3m-command
   (current-buffer) w3m-command args))) (set-process-filter proc 'w3m-exec-filter)
   (set-process-sentinel proc 'ignore) (process-kill-without-query proc)
   (unwind-protect (prog2 (while (eq (process-status proc) 'run)
   (accept-process-output nil 0 200)) (process-exit-status proc) (and
   w3m-current-url w3m-process-user (setq w3m-arrived-user-list (cons (cons
   w3m-current-url (list w3m-process-user w3m-process-passwd)) (delete (assoc
   w3m-current-url w3m-arrived-user-list) w3m-arrived-user-list))))) (delete-process
   proc)));; Clean up resources of process. ;; call-process (apply 'call-process
   w3m-command nil t nil args))))) (defun w3m-exec-get-user (url) (if (=
   w3m-process-user-counter 0) nil (catch 'get (dolist (elem w3m-arrived-user-list
   nil) (when (string-match (concat "^" (regexp-quote (car elem))) url) (setq
   w3m-process-user-counter (1- w3m-process-user-counter)) (throw 'get (cdr
   elem))))))) (defun w3m-read-file-name (&optional prompt dir default existing
   initial) (let* ((default (and default (file-name-nondirectory default))) (prompt
   (or prompt (if default (format "Save to (%s): " default) "Save to: "))) (initial
   (or initial default)) (dir (file-name-as-directory (or dir
   w3m-default-save-directory))) (default-directory dir) (file (read-file-name
   prompt dir default existing initial))) (if (not (file-directory-p file)) (setq
   w3m-default-save-directory (or (file-name-directory file)
   w3m-default-save-directory)) (setq w3m-default-save-directory file) (if default
   (setq file (expand-file-name default file)))) (expand-file-name file))) (defun
   w3m-exec-filter (process string) (if (buffer-name (process-buffer process))
   (with-current-buffer (process-buffer process) (let ((buffer-read-only nil)
   (case-fold-search nil)) (goto-char (process-mark process)) (insert string)
   (set-marker (process-mark process) (point)) (unless (string= "" string)
   (goto-char (point-min)) (cond ((and (looking-at "\\(\nWrong username or
   password\n\\)?Username: Password: ") (= (match-end 0) (point-max))) (setq
   w3m-process-passwd (or (nth 1 (w3m-exec-get-user w3m-current-url)) (read-passwd
   "Password: "))) (condition-case nil (progn (process-send-string process (concat
   w3m-process-passwd "\n")) (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))) (error nil)))
   ((and (looking-at "\\(\nWrong username or password\n\\)?Username: ") (=
   (match-end 0) (point-max))) (setq w3m-process-user (or (nth 0 (w3m-exec-get-user
   w3m-current-url)) (read-from-minibuffer "Username: "))) (condition-case nil
   (process-send-string process (concat w3m-process-user "\n")) (error nil)))))))))
   ;;; Handle character sets: (defun w3m-charset-to-coding-system (charset) "Return
   coding-system corresponding with CHARSET. CHARSET is a symbol whose name is MIME
   charset. This function is imported from mcharset.el". (if (stringp charset) (setq
   charset (intern (downcase charset)))) (let ((cs (assq charset
   w3m-charset-coding-system-alist))) (setq cs (if cs (cdr cs) charset)) (if
   (find-coding-system cs) cs))) ;;; Handle encoding of contents: (defsubst
   w3m-which-command (command) (catch 'found-command (let (bin) (dolist (dir
   exec-path) (when (or (file-executable-p (setq bin (expand-file-name command
   dir))) (file-executable-p (setq bin (expand-file-name (concat command ".exe")
   dir)))) (throw 'found-command bin)))))) (defun w3m-decode-encoded-buffer
   (encoding) (let ((x (and (stringp encoding) (assoc encoding
   w3m-encoding-alist)))) (or (not (and x (setq x (cdr (assq (cdr x)
   w3m-decoder-alist))))) (let ((coding-system-for-write 'binary)
   (coding-system-for-read 'binary) (default-process-coding-system (cons 'binary
   'binary))) (zerop (apply 'call-process-region (point-min) (point-max)
   (w3m-which-command (car x)) t '(t nil) nil (nth 1 x))))))) (defun
   w3m-decode-buffer (url &optional cs) (let ((type (w3m-content-type url)) (charset
   (w3m-content-charset url)) (encoding (w3m-content-encoding url))) (unless
   (w3m-decode-encoded-buffer encoding) (error "Can't decode encoded contents: %s"
   url)) (if (and (not charset) (string= type "text/html")) (setq charset (let
   ((case-fold-search t)) (goto-char (point-min)) (and (or (re-search-forward
   w3m-meta-content-type-charset-regexp nil t) (re-search-forward
   w3m-meta-charset-content-type-regexp nil t)) (match-string-no-properties 2)))))
   (decode-coding-region (point-min) (point-max) (cond (cs cs) (charset
   (w3m-charset-to-coding-system charset)) (t (let ((default (condition-case nil
   (coding-system-category w3m-coding-system) (error nil))) (candidate
   (detect-coding-region (point-min) (point-max)))) (unless (listp candidate) (setq
   candidate (list candidate))) (catch 'coding (dolist (coding candidate) (if (eq
   default (coding-system-category coding)) (throw 'coding coding))) (if (eq
   (coding-system-category 'binary) (coding-system-category (car candidate)))
   w3m-coding-system (car candidate))))))) (set-buffer-multibyte t))) ;;; Retrieve
   local data: (defun w3m-local-content-type (url) (catch 'type-detected (dolist
   (elem w3m-content-type-alist "unknown") (if (string-match (nth 1 elem) url)
   (throw 'type-detected (car elem)))))) (defun w3m-local-attributes (url &rest
   args) "Return a list of attributes of URL. Value is nil if retirieval of header
   is failed. Otherwise, list elements are: 0. Type of contents. 1. Charset of
   contents. 2. Size in bytes. 3. Encoding of contents. 4. Last modification time.
   5. Real URL. " (let* ((file (w3m-url-to-file-name url)) (attr (when
   (file-exists-p file) (file-attributes file)))) (list (w3m-local-content-type url)
   nil (nth 7 attr) nil (nth 5 attr) (w3m-expand-file-name-as-url (file-truename
   file))))) (defun w3m-local-retrieve (url &optional no-decode &rest args)
   "Retrieve content of local URL and insert it to the working buffer. This function
   will return content-type of URL as string when retrieval succeed. If NO-DECODE,
   set the multibyte flag of the working buffer to nil". (let ((type
   (w3m-local-content-type url)) (file)) (setq file (w3m-url-to-file-name url))
   (w3m-with-work-buffer (delete-region (point-min) (point-max)) (if (and
   (string-match "^text/" type) (not no-decode)) (progn (set-buffer-multibyte t)
   (insert-file-contents file)) (set-buffer-multibyte nil) (let
   ((coding-system-for-read 'binary) (file-coding-system-for-read 'binary)
   jka-compr-compression-info-list jam-zcat-filename-list format-alist)
   (insert-file-contents file)))) type)) ;;; Retrieve data via HTTP: (defun
   w3m-remove-redundant-spaces (str) "Remove spaces/tabs at the front of a string
   and at the end of a string" (save-match-data (substring str (if (string-match "^[
   \t\r\f\n]+" str) (match-end 0) 0) (and (string-match "[ \t\r\f\n]+$" str)
   (match-beginning 0))))) (defun w3m-w3m-get-header (url &optional no-cache)
   "Return the header string of the URL. If optional argument NO-CACHE is non-nil,
   cache is not used". (or (unless no-cache (w3m-cache-request-header url))
   (with-temp-buffer (let ((w3m-current-url url)) (w3m-message "Request sent,
   waiting for response..".) (when (zerop (prog1 (w3m-exec-process "-dump_head" url)
   (w3m-message "Request sent, waiting for response... done"))) (w3m-cache-header
   url (buffer-string))))))) (defun w3m-w3m-attributes (url &optional no-cache)
   "Return a list of attributes of URL. Value is nil if retirieval of header is
   failed. Otherwise, list elements are: 0. Type of contents. 1. Charset of
   contents. 2. Size in bytes. 3. Encoding of contents. 4. Last modification time.
   5. Real URL. If optional argument NO-CACHE is non-nil, cache is not used". (let
   ((header (w3m-w3m-get-header url no-cache))) (cond ((and header (string-match
   "HTTP/1\\.[0-9] 200 " header)) (let (alist type charset) (dolist (line
   (split-string header "\n")) (when (string-match "^\\([^:]+\\):[ \t]*" line) (push
   (cons (downcase (match-string 1 line)) (substring line (match-end 0))) alist)))
   (when (setq type (cdr (assoc "content-type" alist))) (if (string-match ";[
   \t]*charset=" type) (setq charset (w3m-remove-redundant-spaces (substring type
   (match-end 0))) type (w3m-remove-redundant-spaces (substring type 0
   (match-beginning 0)))) (setq type (w3m-remove-redundant-spaces type)) (when
   (string-match ";$" type) (setq type (substring type 0 (match-beginning 0))))))
   (list (or type (w3m-local-content-type url)) charset (let ((v (cdr (assoc
   "content-length" alist)))) (and v (setq v (string-to-number v)) (> v 0) v)) (cdr
   (assoc "content-encoding" alist)) (let ((v (cdr (assoc "last-modified" alist))))
   (and v (w3m-time-parse-string v))) (or (cdr (assoc "w3m-current-url" alist))
   url)))) ;; FIXME: adhoc implementation ;; HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error on
   Netscape-Enterprise/3.6 ;; HTTP/1.0 501 Method Not Implemented ((and header
   (string-match "HTTP/1\\.[0-9] 50[0-9]" header)) (list "text/html" nil nil nil nil
   url))))) (defun w3m-pretty-length (n) ;; This function imported from url.el.
   (cond ((< n 1024) (format "%d bytes" n)) ((< n (* 1024 1024)) (format "%dk" (/ n
   1024.0))) (t (format "%2.2fM" (/ n (* 1024 1024.0)))))) (defun w3m-crlf-to-lf ()
   (when (eq w3m-linefeed-type 'crlf) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (while
   (search-forward "\r\n" nil t) (delete-region (- (point) 2) (1- (point)))))))
   (defun w3m-w3m-dump-head-source (url) (and (let ((w3m-current-url url))
   (w3m-message "Reading..".) (prog1 (zerop (w3m-exec-process "-dump_extra" url))
   (w3m-message "Reading... done") (w3m-crlf-to-lf))) (goto-char (point-min)) (let
   ((case-fold-search t)) (re-search-forward "^w3m-current-url:" nil t))
   (search-forward "\n\n" nil t) (progn (w3m-cache-header url (buffer-substring
   (point-min) (point))) (delete-region (point-min) (point)) (w3m-cache-contents url
   (current-buffer)) (w3m-w3m-attributes url)))) (defun w3m-w3m-dump-source (url)
   (let ((headers (w3m-w3m-attributes url t))) (when headers (let ((type (car
   headers)) (length (nth 2 headers))) (when (let ((w3m-current-url url))
   (w3m-message "Reading..".) (prog1 (zerop (w3m-exec-process "-dump_source" url))
   (w3m-message "Reading... done"))) (w3m-crlf-to-lf) (cond ((and length (>
   (buffer-size) length)) (delete-region (point-min) (- (point-max) length)))
   ((string= "text/html" type) ;; Remove cookies. (goto-char (point-min)) (while
   (and (not (eobp)) (looking-at "Received cookie: ")) (forward-line 1))
   (skip-chars-forward " \t\r\f\n") (if (or (looking-at "")) ; for eGroups.
   (delete-region (point-min) (point))))) (w3m-cache-contents url (current-buffer))
   headers))))) (defun w3m-w3m-retrieve (url &optional no-decode no-cache cs)
   "Retrieve content of URL with w3m and insert it to the working buffer. This
   function will return content-type of URL as string when retrieval succeed. If
   NO-DECODE, set the multibyte flag of the working buffer to nil".
   (w3m-with-work-buffer (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
   (set-buffer-multibyte nil) (or (unless no-cache (when (w3m-cache-request-contents
   url) (let ((type (w3m-content-type url))) (when type (and (string-match "^text/"
   type) (unless no-decode (w3m-decode-buffer url cs))) type)))) (let ((type (car
   (if w3m-mnc (w3m-w3m-dump-head-source url) (w3m-w3m-dump-source url))))) (when
   type (and (string-match "^text/" type) (not no-decode) (w3m-decode-buffer url
   cs)) type))))) (defsubst w3m-url-local-p (url) "If URL points a file on the local
   system, return non-nil value. Otherwise return nil". (string-match
   "^\\(file:\\|/\\)" url)) (defun w3m-retrieve (url &optional no-decode no-cache
   cs) "Retrieve content of URL and insert it to the working buffer. This function
   will return content-type of URL as string when retrieval succeed. If NO-DECODE,
   set the multibyte flag of the working buffer to nil". (let ((v (cond
   ((string-match "^about:" url) (let (func) (if (and (string-match
   "^about://\\([^/]+\\)/" url) (setq func (intern-soft (concat "w3m-about-"
   (match-string 1 url)))) (fboundp func)) (funcall func url no-decode no-cache)
   (w3m-about url no-decode no-cache)))) ((w3m-url-local-p url) (w3m-local-retrieve
   url no-decode)) ((string-match "^cid:" url) (let ((func (cdr (assq major-mode
   w3m-cid-retrieve-function-alist)))) (when func (funcall func url no-decode
   no-cache)))) (t (w3m-w3m-retrieve url no-decode no-cache cs))))) v)) (defun
   w3m-download (url &optional filename no-cache) (unless filename (setq filename
   (w3m-read-file-name nil nil url))) (if (w3m-retrieve url t no-cache)
   (with-current-buffer (get-buffer w3m-work-buffer-name) (let
   ((buffer-file-coding-system 'binary) (file-coding-system 'binary)
   (coding-system-for-write 'binary) jka-compr-compression-info-list
   jam-zcat-filename-list format-alist) (if (or (not (file-exists-p filename))
   (y-or-n-p (format "File(%s) is already exists. Overwrite? " filename)))
   (write-region (point-min) (point-max) filename)))) (error "Unknown URL: %s"
   url))) ;;; Retrieve data: (defsubst w3m-decode-extended-characters () "Decode
   w3m-specific extended characters in this buffer". (dolist (elem
   w3m-extended-characters-table) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (search-forward
   (car elem) nil t) (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)) (insert (cdr
   elem))))) (defun w3m-rendering-region (start end) "Do rendering of contents in
   this buffer as HTML and return title". (save-restriction (narrow-to-region start
   end) (let ((buf (w3m-get-buffer-create " *w3m-rendering-region*"))
   (coding-system-for-write w3m-input-coding-system) (coding-system-for-read
   'binary) (default-process-coding-system (cons 'binary w3m-input-coding-system)))
   (with-current-buffer buf (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
   (set-buffer-multibyte nil)) (w3m-message "Rendering..".) (apply
   'call-process-region start end w3m-command t buf nil (mapcar (lambda (x) (if
   (stringp x) x (prin1-to-string (eval x)))) w3m-halfdump-command-arguments))
   (w3m-message "Rendering... done") (goto-char (point-min)) (insert
   (with-current-buffer buf (goto-char (point-min)) ;; FIXME: Adhoc support for w3m
   with patch in [w3m-dev 01876]. (and (looking-at "\n" nil t) (delete-region
   (point-min) (1+ (match-beginning 0)))) (w3m-decode-extended-characters)
   (decode-coding-region (point-min) (point-max) w3m-output-coding-system)
   (set-buffer-multibyte t) (buffer-string))) (goto-char (point-min)) (let (title)
   (dolist (regexp '("" "")) (goto-char (point-min)) (when (re-search-forward regexp
   nil t) (setq title (match-string 1)) (delete-region (match-beginning 0)
   (match-end 0)))) (if (and (null title) (stringp w3m-current-url) (< 0 (length
   (file-name-nondirectory w3m-current-url)))) (setq title (file-name-nondirectory
   w3m-current-url))) (setq w3m-current-title (or title "")))))) (defun w3m-exec
   (url &optional buffer no-cache cs) "Download URL with w3m to the BUFFER. If
   BUFFER is nil, all data is placed to the current buffer. When new content is
   retrieved and half-dumped data is placed in the BUFFER, this function returns t.
   Otherwise, returns nil". (save-excursion (if buffer (set-buffer buffer)) (let
   ((type (w3m-retrieve url nil no-cache cs))) (if type (cond ((string-match
   "^text/" type) (let (buffer-read-only) (setq w3m-current-url (w3m-real-url url))
   (delete-region (point-min) (point-max)) (insert-buffer w3m-work-buffer-name)
   (prog1 (if (string= "text/html" type) (progn (w3m-rendering-region (point-min)
   (point-max)) t) (setq w3m-current-title (file-name-nondirectory url)) nil)
   (w3m-history-push w3m-current-url (list ':title w3m-current-title))))) ((and
   (w3m-image-type-available-p (w3m-image-type type)) (string-match "^image/" type))
   (let (buffer-read-only) (setq w3m-current-url (w3m-real-url url)
   w3m-current-title (file-name-nondirectory url)) (delete-region (point-min)
   (point-max)) (insert w3m-current-title) (add-text-properties (point-min)
   (point-max) (list 'face 'w3m-image-face 'w3m-image url 'mouse-face 'highlight))
   (w3m-history-push w3m-current-url (list ':title w3m-current-title)) t)) (t
   (w3m-external-view url) nil)) (error "Unknown URL: %s" url))))) (defun
   w3m-search-name-anchor (name &optional quiet) (interactive "sName: ") (let ((pos
   (point-min))) (catch 'found (while (setq pos (next-single-property-change pos
   'w3m-name-anchor)) (when (equal name (get-text-property pos 'w3m-name-anchor))
   (goto-char pos) (throw 'found t)) (setq pos (next-single-property-change pos
   'w3m-name-anchor))) (unless quiet (message "Not found such name anchor".)) nil)))
   (defun w3m-parent-page-available-p () (if (null w3m-current-url) nil
   (save-match-data (string-match "[a-z]+://?[^/]+/". w3m-current-url)))) (defun
   w3m-view-parent-page () (interactive) (if (null w3m-current-url) (error
   "w3m-current-url is not set")) (let (parent-url) ;; Check whether http://foo/bar/
   or http://foo/bar (if (string-match "/$" w3m-current-url) (if (string-match
   "\\(.*\\)/[^/]+/$" w3m-current-url) ;; http://foo/bar/ -> http://foo/ (setq
   parent-url (concat (match-string 1 w3m-current-url) "/"))) (if (string-match
   "\\(.*\\)/.+$" w3m-current-url) ;; http://foo/bar -> http://foo/ (setq parent-url
   (concat (match-string 1 w3m-current-url) "/")))) ;; Ignore "http:/" (if (and
   parent-url (string-match "^[a-z]+:/+$" parent-url)) (setq parent-url nil)) (if
   parent-url (w3m-goto-url parent-url) (error "No parent page for: %s"
   w3m-current-url)))) (defun w3m-view-previous-page (&optional arg) (interactive
   "p") (let ((url (car (w3m-history-backward arg)))) (when url (w3m-goto-url url)
   ;; restore last position. (w3m-history-restore-position)))) (defun
   w3m-view-next-page (&optional arg) (interactive "p") (let ((url (car
   (w3m-history-forward arg)))) (when url (w3m-goto-url url) ;; restore last
   position (w3m-history-restore-position)))) (defun w3m-expand-url (url base)
   "Convert URL to absolute, and canonicalise it". (save-match-data (unless base
   (setq base "")) (when (string-match "^[^:/]+://[^/]*$" base) (setq base (concat
   base "/"))) (cond ;; URL is relative on BASE. ((string-match "^#" url) (concat
   base url)) ;; URL has absolute spec. ((string-match "^[^:/]+:" url) url)
   ((string-match "^/" url) (if (string-match "^\\([^:/]+://[^/]*\\)/" base) (concat
   (match-string 1 base) url) url)) (t (let ((server "") path) (if (string-match
   "^\\([^:]+://[^/]*\\)/" base) (setq server (match-string 1 base) base (substring
   base (match-end 1)))) (setq path (expand-file-name url (file-name-directory
   base))) ;; remove drive (for Win32 platform) (if (string-match "^.:" path) (setq
   path (substring path (match-end 0)))) (concat server path)))))) (defun
   w3m-view-this-url (&optional arg) "*View the URL of the link under point".
   (interactive "P") (let ((url (w3m-anchor)) (act (w3m-action))) (cond (url
   (w3m-goto-url url arg)) (act (eval act))))) (defun w3m-mouse-view-this-url
   (event) (interactive "e") (mouse-set-point event) (let ((url (w3m-anchor)) (img
   (w3m-image))) (cond (url (w3m-view-this-url)) (img (w3m-view-image)) (t (message
   "No URL at point".))))) (defun w3m-external-view (url) (let* ((type
   (w3m-content-type url)) (method (nth 2 (assoc type w3m-content-type-alist))))
   (cond ((not method) (if (w3m-url-local-p url) (error "No method to view `%s' is
   registered". (w3m-url-to-file-name url)) (w3m-download url))) ((functionp method)
   (funcall method url)) ((consp method) (let ((command (w3m-which-command (car
   method))) (arguments (cdr method)) (file (make-temp-name (expand-file-name
   "w3mel" w3m-profile-directory))) (proc)) (if command (unwind-protect
   (with-current-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *w3m-external-view*") (when (memq
   'file arguments) (w3m-download url file)) (setq proc (apply 'start-process
   "w3m-external-view" (current-buffer) command (mapcar (function eval) arguments)))
   (setq w3m-process-temp-file file) (set-process-sentinel proc (lambda (proc event)
   (and (string-match "^\\(finished\\|exited\\)" event) (buffer-name (process-buffer
   proc)) (save-excursion (set-buffer (process-buffer proc)) (if (file-exists-p
   w3m-process-temp-file) (delete-file w3m-process-temp-file))) (kill-buffer
   (process-buffer proc)))))) (if (file-exists-p file) (unless (and (processp proc)
   (memq (process-status proc) '(run stop))) (delete-file file)))) (w3m-download
   url))))))) (defun w3m-view-image () "*View the image under point". (interactive)
   (let ((url (w3m-image))) (if url (w3m-external-view url) (message "No file at
   point".)))) (defun w3m-save-image () "*Save the image under point to a file".
   (interactive) (let ((url (w3m-image))) (if url (w3m-download url) (message "No
   file at point".)))) (defun w3m-view-current-url-with-external-browser () "*View
   this URL". (interactive) (let ((url (w3m-anchor))) (or url (and (y-or-n-p (format
   "Browse  ? " w3m-current-url)) (setq url w3m-current-url))) (when url
   (message "Browse " url) (w3m-external-view url)))) (defun
   w3m-download-this-url () "*Download the URL of the link under point to a file".
   (interactive) (let ((url (w3m-anchor))) (if url (progn (w3m-download url)
   (w3m-refontify-anchor (current-buffer))) (message "No URL at point".)))) (defun
   w3m-print-current-url () "*Print the URL of current page and push it into
   kill-ring". (interactive) (kill-new w3m-current-url) (message "%s"
   w3m-current-url)) (defun w3m-print-this-url (&optional add-kill-ring) "*Print the
   URL of the link under point". (interactive (list t)) (let ((url (w3m-anchor)))
   (and add-kill-ring url (kill-new url)) (message "%s" (or url "Not found"))))
   (defun w3m-edit-current-url () "*Edit the local file pointed by the URL of
   current page" (interactive) (if (w3m-url-local-p w3m-current-url) (find-file
   (w3m-url-to-file-name w3m-current-url)) (error "The URL of current page is not
   local".))) (defun w3m-goto-next-anchor () ;; move to the end of the current
   anchor (when (w3m-anchor) (goto-char (next-single-property-change (point)
   'w3m-href-anchor))) ;; find the next anchor (or (w3m-anchor) (let ((pos
   (next-single-property-change (point) 'w3m-href-anchor))) (if pos (progn
   (goto-char pos) t) nil)))) (defun w3m-next-anchor (&optional arg) "*Move cursor
   to the next anchor". (interactive "p") (unless arg (setq arg 1)) (if (< arg 0)
   (w3m-previous-anchor (- arg)) (while (> arg 0) (unless (w3m-goto-next-anchor) ;;
   search from the beginning of the buffer (goto-char (point-min))
   (w3m-goto-next-anchor)) (setq arg (1- arg))) (w3m-print-this-url))) (defun
   w3m-goto-previous-anchor () ;; move to the beginning of the current anchor (when
   (w3m-anchor) (goto-char (previous-single-property-change (1+ (point))
   'w3m-href-anchor))) ;; find the previous anchor (let ((pos
   (previous-single-property-change (point) 'w3m-href-anchor))) (if pos (goto-char
   (if (w3m-anchor pos) pos (previous-single-property-change pos
   'w3m-href-anchor)))))) (defun w3m-previous-anchor (&optional arg) "Move cursor to
   the previous anchor". (interactive "p") (unless arg (setq arg 1)) (if (< arg 0)
   (w3m-next-anchor (- arg)) (while (> arg 0) (unless (w3m-goto-previous-anchor) ;;
   search from the end of the buffer (goto-char (point-max))
   (w3m-goto-previous-anchor)) (setq arg (1- arg))) (w3m-print-this-url))) (defun
   w3m-copy-buffer (buf &optional newname and-pop) "\ Create a twin copy of the
   current buffer. if NEWNAME is nil, it defaults to the current buffer's name. if
   AND-POP is non-nil, the new buffer is shown with `pop-to-buffer'". (interactive
   (list (current-buffer) (if current-prefix-arg (read-string "Name: ")) t)) (setq
   newname (or newname (buffer-name))) (if (string-match "\\'" newname)
   (setq newname (substring newname 0 (match-beginning 0)))) (with-current-buffer
   buf (let ((ptmin (point-min)) (ptmax (point-max)) (content (save-restriction
   (widen) (buffer-string))) (mode major-mode) (lvars (buffer-local-variables)) (new
   (generate-new-buffer (or newname (buffer-name)))) (pt (point)))
   (with-current-buffer new ;;(erase-buffer) (insert content) (narrow-to-region
   ptmin ptmax) (funcall mode) ;still needed?? -sm (dolist (v lvars) (cond ((not
   (consp v)) (makunbound v)) ((memq (car v) '(w3m-history w3m-history-flat))) (t
   (condition-case () ;in case var is read-only (set (make-local-variable (car v))
   (if (consp (cdr v)) (copy-sequence (cdr v)) (cdr v))) (error nil))))) ;; Make
   copies of `w3m-history' and `w3m-history-flat'. (w3m-history-copy buf) (goto-char
   pt) (when and-pop (pop-to-buffer new)) new)))) (defvar w3m-lynx-like-map nil
   "Lynx-like keymap used in w3m-mode buffers".) (unless w3m-lynx-like-map (let
   ((map (make-keymap))) (define-key map " " 'scroll-up) (define-key map "b"
   'scroll-down) (define-key map [backspace] 'scroll-down) (define-key map [delete]
   'scroll-down) (define-key map "h" 'backward-char) (define-key map "j" 'next-line)
   (define-key map "k" 'previous-line) (define-key map "l" 'forward-char)
   (define-key map "J" (lambda () (interactive) (scroll-up 1))) (define-key map "K"
   (lambda () (interactive) (scroll-up -1))) (define-key map "G" 'goto-line)
   (define-key map "\C-?" 'scroll-down) (define-key map "\t" 'w3m-next-anchor)
   (define-key map [(shift tab)] 'w3m-previous-anchor) (define-key map [(shift
   iso-lefttab)] 'w3m-previous-anchor) (define-key map [down] 'w3m-next-anchor)
   (define-key map "\M-\t" 'w3m-previous-anchor) (define-key map [up]
   'w3m-previous-anchor) (define-key map "\C-m" 'w3m-view-this-url) (define-key map
   [right] 'w3m-view-this-url) (if (featurep 'xemacs) (define-key map [(button2)]
   'w3m-mouse-view-this-url) (define-key map [mouse-2] 'w3m-mouse-view-this-url))
   (define-key map "\C-c\C-@" 'w3m-history-store-position) (define-key map
   [?\C-c?\C- ] 'w3m-history-store-position) (define-key map "\C-c\C-b"
   'w3m-history-restore-position) (define-key map [left] 'w3m-view-previous-page)
   (define-key map "B" 'w3m-view-previous-page) (define-key map "N"
   'w3m-view-next-page) (define-key map "^" 'w3m-view-parent-page) (define-key map
   "d" 'w3m-download-this-url) (define-key map "u" 'w3m-print-this-url) (define-key
   map "I" 'w3m-view-image) (define-key map "\M-I" 'w3m-save-image) (define-key map
   "c" 'w3m-print-current-url) (define-key map "M"
   'w3m-view-current-url-with-external-browser) (define-key map "g" 'w3m-goto-url)
   (define-key map "t" 'w3m-toggle-inline-images) (define-key map "U" 'w3m-goto-url)
   (define-key map "V" 'w3m-goto-url) (define-key map "v" 'w3m-bookmark-view)
   (define-key map "q" 'w3m-close-window) (define-key map "Q" 'w3m-quit) (define-key
   map "\M-n" 'w3m-copy-buffer) (define-key map "R" 'w3m-reload-this-page)
   (define-key map "C" 'w3m-redisplay-with-coding-system) (define-key map "?"
   'describe-mode) (define-key map "\M-a" 'w3m-bookmark-add-this-url) (define-key
   map "a" 'w3m-bookmark-add-current-url) (define-key map "A" 'w3m-antenna)
   (define-key map "W" 'w3m-weather) (define-key map "S" 'w3m-search) (define-key
   map ">" 'w3m-scroll-left) (define-key map "" 'w3m-scroll-left) (define-key map "")))) "text/html") (defun
   w3m-about-db-history (&rest args) (let ((width (- (if (< 0 w3m-fill-column)
   w3m-fill-column (+ (frame-width) (or w3m-fill-column -1))) 26)) (today
   (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d" (current-time))) url title time alist date) (when
   w3m-arrived-db (mapatoms (lambda (sym) (when (and sym (setq url (symbol-name
   sym)) (not (string-match w3m-about-history-ignored-regexp url))) (setq time
   (w3m-arrived-time url)) (push (cons url time) alist))) w3m-arrived-db) (setq
   alist (sort alist (lambda (a b) (w3m-time-newer-p (cdr a) (cdr b))))))
   (w3m-with-work-buffer (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
   (set-buffer-multibyte t) (insert "\n") (insert "

                             arrived URL history in DataBase

   \n") (if (null alist) (insert "

Nothing in DataBase.

   \n") (insert "

   \n") (insert "



   \n") (while alist (setq url (car (car alist))) (setq title (w3m-arrived-title
   url)) (when (or (null title) (string= "" title)) (setq title (if (S0rnNCA*CX|bIy3rr^`
   Td@l?eXBppF%`6W%;h`#]2q+f*81n$Bh|t"))) (luna-define-method shimbun-index-url
   ((shimbun shimbun-asahi)) (format "%s%s/update/list.html" (shimbun-url-internal
   shimbun) (shimbun-current-group-internal shimbun))) (luna-define-method
   shimbun-get-headers ((shimbun shimbun-asahi)) (when (search-forward "\n\n" nil t)
   (delete-region (point-min) (point)) (when (search-forward "\n\n" nil t)
   (forward-line -1) (delete-region (point) (point-max)) (goto-char (point-min))
   (let ((case-fold-search t) headers) (while (re-search-forward "[12] *" nil t)
   (let ((id (format "" (match-string 2) (match-string 3)
   (shimbun-current-group-internal shimbun))) (url (match-string 1))) (push
   (shimbun-make-header 0 (shimbun-mime-encode-string (mapconcat 'identity
   (split-string (buffer-substring (match-end 0) (progn (search-forward "
   " nil t) (point))) "\\(]+>\\|\r\\)") "")) (shimbun-from-address-internal
   shimbun) "" id "" 0 0 (format "%s%s/update/%s" (shimbun-url-internal shimbun)
   (shimbun-current-group-internal shimbun) url)) headers))) (setq headers (nreverse
   headers)) (let ((i 0)) (while (and (nth i headers) (re-search-forward
   "^(\\([0-9][0-9]\\)/\\([0-9][0-9]\\) \\([0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\\))" nil t)) (let
   ((month (string-to-number (match-string 1))) (date (decode-time (current-time))))
   (shimbun-header-set-date (nth i headers) (shimbun-make-date-string (if (and (eq
   12 month) (eq 1 (nth 4 date))) (1- (nth 5 date)) (nth 5 date)) month
   (string-to-number (match-string 2)) (match-string 3)))) (setq i (1+ i))))
   (nreverse headers))))) (provide 'sb-asahi) ;;; sb-asahi.el ends here
   0ustar tsuchiyatsuchiya;;; sb-bbdb-ml.el --- shimbun backend for bbdb-ml ;;
   Author: TSUCHIYA Masatoshi ;; Akihiro Arisawa ;; Yuuichi Teranishi ;; Keywords:
   news ;;; Copyright: ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it
   and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
   published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your
   option) ;; any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it
   will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU
   General Public License ;; along with this program; if not, you can either send
   email to this ;; program's maintainer or write to: The Free Software Foundation,
   ;; Inc.; 59 Temple Place, Suite 330; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Commentary:
   ;; Original code was nnshimbun.el written by ;; TSUCHIYA Masatoshi . ;;; Code:
   (require 'shimbun) (require 'sb-fml) (luna-define-class shimbun-bbdb-ml
   (shimbun-fml) ()) (defvar shimbun-bbdb-ml-url
   "") (defvar shimbun-bbdb-ml-groups
   '("bbdb-ml")) (defvar shimbun-bbdb-ml-coding-system 'iso-2022-jp) (provide
   'sb-bbdb-ml) ;;; sb-bbdb-ml.el ends here
   0ustar tsuchiyatsuchiya;;; sb-cnet.el --- shimbun backend for cnet ;; Author:
   TSUCHIYA Masatoshi ;; Akihiro Arisawa ;; Yuuichi Teranishi ;; Keywords: news ;;;
   Copyright: ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later
   version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY
   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for
   more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
   License ;; along with this program; if not, you can either send email to this ;;
   program's maintainer or write to: The Free Software Foundation, ;; Inc.; 59
   Temple Place, Suite 330; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;; Original
   code was nnshimbun.el written by ;; TSUCHIYA Masatoshi . ;;; Code: (require
   'shimbun) (luna-define-class shimbun-cnet (shimbun) ()) (defvar shimbun-cnet-url
   "") (defvar shimbun-cnet-groups '("comp")) (defvar
   shimbun-cnet-coding-system 'shift_jis) (defvar shimbun-cnet-from-address
   "") (defvar shimbun-cnet-content-start "\n\n") (defvar
   shimbun-cnet-content-end "\n\n") (defvar shimbun-cnet-x-face-alist '(("default" .
   "X-Face: 0p7.+XId>z%:!$ahe?x%+AEm37Abvn]n*GGh+>v=;[3`a{1l
   |n>]ZiLZ2LEo^2nr('C\\([^" "Default regexp for body
  start string".) (defvar shimbun-tcup-body-end-regexp "\\(" nil t) ; Jump to article
  list. (while (re-search-forward regexp nil t) (let* ((url (concat (shimbun-url-internal
  shimbun) (match-string 2))) (group (downcase (match-string 3))) (id (format ""
  (match-string 4) group)) (date (shimbun-make-date-string (string-to-number (match-string
  5)) (string-to-number (match-string 6)) (string-to-number (match-string 7)))) (header
  (shimbun-make-header 0 (shimbun-mime-encode-string (mapconcat 'identity (split-string
  (buffer-substring (match-end 0) (progn (search-forward "" nil t) (point))) "]+>")
  "")) (shimbun-from-address-internal shimbun) date id "" 0 0 url)) (x (assoc group
  group-header-alist))) (unless (member id ids) (setq ids (cons id ids)) (setcdr x (cons
  header (cdr x)))))))) group-header-alist)) (provide 'sb-wired) ;;; sb-wired.el ends here
  w3m_el-1.0/shimbun/sb-xemacs.el0100444000175000017500000000717407271777551016707 0ustar
  tsuchiyatsuchiya;;; sb-xemacs.el --- shimbun backend for ;; Author: TSUCHIYA
  Masatoshi ;; Akihiro Arisawa ;; Yuuichi Teranishi ;; Keywords: news ;;; Copyright: ;;
  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the
  terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation;
  either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; This program is
  distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
  even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See
  the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy
  of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program; if not, you can either
  send email to this ;; program's maintainer or write to: The Free Software Foundation, ;;
  Inc.; 59 Temple Place, Suite 330; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;;
  Original code was nnshimbun.el written by ;; TSUCHIYA Masatoshi . ;;; Code: (require
  'shimbun) (require 'sb-mhonarc) (luna-define-class shimbun-xemacs (shimbun-mhonarc) ())
  (defvar shimbun-xemacs-url "") (defvar
  shimbun-xemacs-groups '("xemacs-announce" "xemacs-beta-ja" "xemacs-beta"
  "xemacs-build-reports" "xemacs-cvs" "xemacs-mule" "xemacs-nt" "xemacs-patches"
  "xemacs-users-ja" "xemacs")) (defvar shimbun-xemacs-coding-system 'euc-jp) (defmacro
  shimbun-xemacs-concat-url (shimbun url) (` (concat (shimbun-url-internal shimbun)
  (shimbun-current-group-internal shimbun) "/" (, url)))) (luna-define-method
  shimbun-index-url ((shimbun shimbun-xemacs)) (shimbun-xemacs-concat-url shimbun nil))
  (luna-define-method shimbun-get-headers ((shimbun shimbun-xemacs)) (let
  ((case-fold-search t) (path (if (string-match "http://[^/]+\\(/.*\\)" (shimbun-index-url
  shimbun)) (match-string 1 (shimbun-index-url shimbun)) "/")) headers auxs aux) (catch
  'stop (if (shimbun-use-entire-index-internal shimbun) (while (re-search-forward (concat
  "[33]\\[Index\\]") nil t) (setq auxs (append auxs (list (match-string 1))))) (if
  (re-search-forward (concat "[34]\\[Index\\]") nil t) (setq auxs (append auxs (list
  (match-string 1)))))) (while auxs (shimbun-retrieve-url (shimbun-xemacs-concat-url
  shimbun (concat (setq aux (car auxs)) "/")) 'reload 'binary) (set-buffer-multibyte t)
  (decode-coding-region (point-min) (point-max) (shimbun-coding-system-internal shimbun))
  (let ((case-fold-search t) id url subject) (goto-char (point-max)) (while
  (re-search-backward "]*HREF=\"\\(msg\\([0-9]+\\).html\\)\">\\([^

Errormessages are in German, sorry ;-)